The two observed carefully for a while, but found nothing.

No matter how you look at it, the daimyo doesn't have any strength in his body, he's just an ordinary person, and even his physical fitness is far inferior to those ordinary people.

"Boss, did that power just come from his body?"

Itachi is a little skeptical about life, no matter how you look at it, the daimyo doesn't look like he has strength at the moment.

I'm afraid that just looking for an ordinary person in good health can hang his name, right?

They all wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes before, and the power was not emanating from the daimyo's body at all, but because they had misread it.

Otherwise, he really couldn't guess why the daimyo had such a powerful force.

Xu Liang also frowned, he was also a little confused at the moment.

When he was just observing, he even used his mental power to check the daimyo's body, but no matter how he looked at it, daimyo was still an ordinary person with a relatively weak body.

There is nothing wrong with it, it can be said that it is too ordinary to be more ordinary.

If he hadn't been sure that the power was emanating from the daimyo's body, he might have the same idea as Itachi at this moment.

"No, there must be something I haven't noticed."

Shaking his head, Xu Liang murmured recently that although everything seemed normal, there must be something he hadn't discovered.

Itachi was a little puzzled when he heard this: "But I didn't pay attention to it. Except for Daimyo's begging for mercy, the boss didn't agree to launch an attack, and then the power broke out, and nothing else happened."

Where is there anything I haven't noticed? After all, it's just these things, how can I not notice it.

There were no strange changes in the middle, and the only strange thing was that the power suddenly burst out.


Hearing Itachi's words, Xu Liang's eyes shone with light: "By the way, the attack, that burst of power only appeared when I attacked the daimyo, and my attack could have dealt with daimyo, but at this moment daimyo has nothing to do with it." No."

"No matter how you look at it, that force is related to my attack, and it was also caused by my attack."

I remember that when I just made a move, when the attack fell on the daimyo, that powerful force attacked me.

It wasn't the Itachi next to him, nor the dead man Itachi grabbed at that time, but it happened to be him.

If it wasn't caused by his attack, he wouldn't believe it himself.

Itachi also nodded when he heard this, and he was sure that was the case after hearing what Xu Liang said.

But then there was some doubts: "Why did such a power appear when attacking the daimyo? Where did he hide this power?"

These two points are still incomprehensible, and a bit unreasonable.

It stands to reason that with such a powerful daimyo, he should know it, right?But looking back at Daimyo's appearance at that time, he obviously didn't know that he had such power.

After all, if he knew, he wouldn't beg Xu Liang and Itachi for mercy, and wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Another point, since it has been determined that the power is emanating from the daimyo's body, why can't it be detected at all?

From the inspection, it is completely impossible to see any power in the body.

Xu Liang shook his head. He didn't know about Itachi's problem, and he really wanted to know why.

"If you want to know, you can only wake him up first."


After finishing speaking, Xu Liang raised his palm and slapped the daimyo on the ground.

If it wasn't for the fear of triggering that power again, Xu Liang would have wanted to stab him awake with a knife right now.

Although he didn't say it on his lips, he still had some resentment against his name in his heart.

After all, no matter what, I was injured because of him, and I almost died here.

With a heavy slap, a red handprint suddenly appeared on the daimyo's face.


Immediately afterwards, Daimyo, who had closed his eyes just now, covered his face and sat up.

Then he saw the two pairs of eyes looking straight at him in front of him, and he froze for a moment.

Then the eyes quickly became terrified, and the body quickly knelt down: "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me, I promise I won't trouble you at all, if I trouble you, let me die badly, I swear."

The reaction of the daimyo made both Xu Liang and Itachi stunned.

In the hearts of the two of them, Daimyo must be very proud when he wakes up, after all, he has launched such a powerful attack.

The tone and attitude will also return to when I just came here, it is very arrogant.

But I didn't expect that I was still so scared. After seeing the two of them clearly, I knelt down and begged for mercy.

After being stunned for a while, Xu Liang quickly came back to his senses, and he didn't bother about the big name's attitude. He asked, "Do you know what happened to the power just now? If you make it clear, I can consider letting you go." .”


Daming's face was full of confusion, and he didn't know what Xu Liang was talking about for a while: "What power?"

"You do not know?"

Xu Liang frowned, and continued to ask.

The daimyo shook his head: "I don't know, didn't I get knocked out by you? What kind of power do you have?"

Hearing the daimyo's words, Xu Liang and Itachi looked at each other with strange expressions in their eyes.

Just now it was obviously the power emanating from his own body, but at the moment he himself didn't know it, and it really didn't look like a lie.

Otherwise, when Xu Liang said that he might be let go, he would definitely tell Xu Liang.

Itachi frowned, squinted his eyes and continued to ask the daimyo: "Do you know? We've all seen it. Think about it clearly. If you lie to us, we won't make it easier for you."

The daimyo showed a bitter expression: "I really don't know what you are talking about, if I know, I will tell you."

He was a little speechless in his heart, he didn't know, he didn't know what Xu Liang and Itachi were talking about.

Xu Liang also frowned: "Look around, this is caused by the attack you just radiated, do you have anything to say?"

The daimyo was stunned again, and turned his head to look around.

After taking a look, the whole person became surprised, and wanted to ask what was going on in his heart.

Wasn't it fine just now? He remembered that he was still on the grass, and there were trees around him.

Why did it turn into a pit after waking up, and the pit was so big and deep.

Looking up, it looks almost five or six meters deep, and there are many areas, all of which are as big as a room.

After seeing it clearly, fear appeared in Daming's eyes again. Could it be that these two people are going to bury themselves alive?

Do you think it's too easy to just kill yourself?So let the choice be buried alive?

Thinking of this place, the big name panicked, and was about to kowtow and beg again, but at this moment, he reacted, and looked at the two of them with some surprise: "You mean I caused it?"

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