I don't know how much I have paid for these elves. Even if he agrees, it is absolutely impossible for the daimyo to agree.

Not to mention that he has other goals, if he just forgets about it now, it will fall short.

Xu Liang, who was on the opposite side, also became a little angry when he heard the Xiangfu's words.

He also plans to slowly get back the trouble of the kidnapping of the elves in the future. After all, it was caused by the two biggest figures in the Kingdom of Fire, and he will not do it too high and aboveboard.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, the Xiangfu was so stubborn that he wouldn't give him a chance to act silently, so he directly brought it up to the public.

Xu Liang really wanted to say directly whether he thought he died too late, and couldn't help but want to die now.

"Since this is the case, then we can only see the real chapter under our hands. I want to see how capable you are in Xiangfu."

Xu Liang's eyes were angry, and he looked at Xiangfu with a cold face, and his cold voice came out.

Since Xu Liang is looking for death, then Xu Liang can only make it happen. At worst, it will be fine if he changes his name and Xiangfu in the end. The trouble will be a little more troublesome, but he can still do it.

And there must be people who want to be in these two positions, and maybe they can make a fortune because of it.

Hearing Xu Liang's words, the Prime Minister's eyes became a little wary, and then he threatened: "Can't the boss pretend that he didn't see it? It's just some elves, why do you want to fight against the entire Fire Kingdom?"

"The entire Kingdom of Fire?"

Xu Liang showed a mocking smile: "Are you sure you can represent the entire Fire Nation? And so what if it is the entire Fire Nation, if you dare to come to my Elf House to do sneaky things, I will also dare to make you look good."

Xiangfu gritted his teeth: "Are you sure you want to do this, and you won't give me any chance to discuss it?"

I feel like I have a headache, this Nima is soft and hard, even knowing that he and the name are behind this matter are still so hard, and they will not let go at all.

He doesn't know what to do, he fights and fights, but he can't give up if he gives up, Xu Liang can't be persuaded like that, no matter what, he doesn't have a headache.

Xu Liang shook his head when he heard Xiangfu's words: "What are you discussing, I must take these elves away, let alone you, even if the daimyo comes, I said so."

The Xiangfu fell silent, not knowing what to say for a moment, nor how to answer himself.

If this continues, he can only let his subordinates fight Xu Liang and Itachi, and then leave in embarrassment with a huge loss.

"The name is here!"

Just when the Xiangfu was silent and didn't know what to do, a voice came from behind the crowd.

Hearing this voice, everyone around Xiangfu, Xu Liang and Itachi couldn't help but look over.

Following everyone's gaze, an extremely luxurious carriage approached.

Around the carriage is a group of relatively strong ninjas with good breath.

Behind the carriage, there was a group of ordinary people who acted in unison and held long guns in their hands. They looked very neat.

Seeing the appearance of these people, everyone had different expressions on their faces.

After seeing it, the Xiangfu silently breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person relaxed a little. Now that the daimyo has come, he doesn't need to make any decisions after that, and he doesn't need to have a headache what to do.

And those people around the Prime Minister's Mansion felt a sense of security, God knows how scared they were just now, Xu Liang's aura just made them unbearable.

If this fights in the end, isn't it one move to deal with them?That's not fighting, it's completely crushing.

Seeing the daimyo bring people over now, I must feel a lot safer in my heart, after all, these people brought by the daimyo must be better than the people in my circle, right?

And if they fight, it must be that this group of people is going to fight faster than myself and others. Thinking of this, the hearts of these people brought by the Prime Minister's Mansion feel full of security.

Apart from Xiangfu and his subordinates, Xu Liang and Itachi also saw the daimyo's luxurious carriage approaching.

However, the two didn't change much. For the two of them, the name was nothing, that's all.

Besides, the strength of the people brought here is just that, not much different from the Prime Minister's Mansion, at most it's just a little bit more in number.

Not afraid of the daimyo's identity, nor the people they brought, how could Xu Liang and Itachi change, what should happen or what should happen, at most, just curious about what the daimyo looks like.


Just when everyone had their own thoughts in their hearts, Daming's luxurious carriage had already arrived beside Xiangfu's carriage.

The carriage stopped, and light footsteps came from the carriage, and then the carriage door opened, and a man in his thirties, with a face full of aristocratic, somewhat effeminate, and gorgeously dressed, came out.

Seeing this noble man appear, the Prime Minister who was on the carriage next to him quickly got out of his carriage, came to the luxurious carriage and bowed: "My lord."

And as the Prime Minister bowed, the surrounding subordinates knelt on the ground one by one: "My lord."

The daimyo nodded and waved to everyone, "Get up."

After speaking, she came to the Xiangfu and helped the bowing Xiangfu: "Hurry up, Xiangfu, why should we be like this?"

"Thank you, sir."

The Prime Minister stood up, looked at the daimyo in front of him and continued: "The daimyo has a noble status, I dare not do that."

The daimyo shook his head, and didn't pay attention to Xiangfu's words. He looked around and continued to kneel, waved his hands and said, "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, sir."

The people around also stood up at this time. Although the daimyo had told them to get up before, how could they dare to get up if the prime minister didn't get up.

At the same time, Xu Liang and Itachi, who were watching all this, became speechless.

Both of them felt a little embarrassed about these convoluted etiquettes.

Xu Liang couldn't help complaining in his heart, in this feudal society, he probably wasn't so polite when he saw his parents, but now he is pretending to be polite here.

Of course, the thoughts in the two hearts, the other's name is impossible to know.

At this moment, the daimyo looked at Xu Liang and Itachi with some anger in his eyes: "Are you two from the Elven House?"

Everyone saluted just now, but Xu Liang and Itachi didn't move at all. How could they not be angry in their hearts, it's just that it's not easy to explode.

Although he said it doesn't have to be like this, how could it be like this in his heart, this is an affirmation of his identity, it's good to be unhappy, how could he not care?

But just now Xu Liang and Itachi ignored him at all, which immediately made him feel like they looked down on his name.

Xu Liang ignored the anger in Daming's eyes, and nodded calmly: "Yes, what advice does Daming have?"

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