I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 342 Has something to do with the daimyo too?

After Ziggard left, Xu Liang didn't stay in the back mountain for long. He took a general look at the elves, and then left here under Hupa's somewhat resentful eyes.

Back in the office, Xu Liang wrote the incomprehensible intelligence that Kigard said.

"This should be some kind of cipher code, no wonder Kigard can't understand it, even if I show it to me, I can't understand what it is."

Seeing the irregular and astronomical words written out, Xu Liang frowned and muttered to himself.

It even allowed him to find the familiarity of learning mathematics at that time. He knew each word separately, but he was at a loss when combined.

"Forget it, forget about it for now."

Shaking his head, putting these secret signals aside, Xu Liang took out the news he had inquired these days.

Although Kigard has been secretly observing the Xiangfu, Xu Liang has not done nothing.

In the past few days, he also collected some news about the Prime Minister's Mansion. Of course, he didn't go to the Prime Minister's mansion to collect it, but went outside every day to inquire about those people.

There may not be any important information, but it will allow Xu Liang to better understand what kind of person Xiangfu is.

It is also because of the understanding in the past few days that the prime minister's rebellion was ruled out when he had just talked with Kigard.

Otherwise, Xu Liang couldn't be sure that the actions of the Xiangfu were not rebellion.

"Although this information is helpful to the Xiangfu's understanding, there is no information about other aspects."

Xu Liang shook his head slightly, this Xiangfu is indeed a character.

Even people in the capital don't know much about him, and it's not just one person, but everyone.

Xu Liang admired this very much. The people at the door didn't understand, so it was obvious how much the Xiangfu would hide.

Of course, it may also be because of some means that these people dare not speak out.

But no matter what, the effect was achieved, and Xu Liang admired it inwardly.

"However, I haven't gained much in the past few days, but it has been completely exposed."

Xu Liang smiled wryly and shook his head, feeling helpless in his heart.

It is obviously impossible for the Xiangfu to investigate in the past few days if he does not know about it.

If he really didn't even know that others were inquiring about him, then this prime minister's office would be in vain.

Although it was discovered when the peripheral members of the Xiao organization sneaked into the Xiangfu's mansion, it can be guessed that they were sent by Xu Liang and others.

But it was different from this time when Xu Liang went to inquire about the situation by himself, because the members of the Akatsuki organization had indeed guessed about the Elf House, but that was only known in their hearts, and there was no absolute evidence.

It was different for Xu Liang to inquire on his own. During this time, he had been haunting the Elf House every day, and some people even knew that Xu Liang was the boss of the Elf House.

Of course, Xu Liang didn't care too much about these things, and the Prime Minister knew it when he knew it.

He was upset that it was completely exposed that the Elf House was investigating the Prime Minister's Mansion, but he did not get any useful information.

This made Xu Liang very uncomfortable. He exposed himself, but the harvest was pitiful.


Sighing, Xu Liang shook his head slightly: "We can only rely on Kigard. Go out and find any useful clues by yourself, it is simply harder than reaching the sky."

In my heart, I also mistakenly agreed with what Itachi said before, that is, this Xiangfu is really an old fox like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen had seen the plot, Xu Liang knew the basics and dealt with it like an open-book exam, but this Xiangfu is different.

Understanding and zero, in his heart, he doesn't know how many times more difficult than Sarutobi Hiruzen.


At the same time, in the luxurious mansion of the prime minister's mansion, in the study that Kigurd is already familiar with.

At this moment, Ziggard, who left the Elf House, has hidden in the corner of the study again.

His eyes were serious, and he was a little bored observing Xiangfu who was reading books beside the desk.

bang bang bang-

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Xiangfu also answered, "Come in."

Following Xiangfu's voice, the middle-aged butler pushed the door open and saw Xiangfu, who was reading a book with his head down, approaching cautiously.

He didn't speak immediately, but waited quietly aside.

Kigard, who was hidden, was not surprised by this scene, and it was not like he had seen this scene before.

Just like that, the Prime Minister finished reading the book in his hand after a while, and looked up at the middle-aged housekeeper: "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"My lord, the daimyo asked Jing..."

The middle-aged butler heard Xiangfu's words and said respectfully, but before he finished speaking, he noticed Xiangfu's eyes and stared over, and immediately didn't dare to continue talking, his eyes lowered his head in fear.

Kigard, who was not far away, also saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly became serious.

Although the middle-aged butler didn't finish speaking, he could clearly hear the word Jing, and the word daimyo was the same, so it wasn't hard to figure out what to say when added together.

Of course, it is impossible for the prime minister and the housekeeper to know what is going on in Kigard's mind.

Xiangfu, who had glared at the butler, stood up at this moment, looked around the study with vigilant eyes, and then came to the middle-aged butler and said angrily: "This is the first and last time, I don't want to be here To hear such straightforward words."

The middle-aged housekeeper bowed tremblingly: "Yes, Mr. Xiangfu."

Xiangfu nodded: "Okay, get up first, just let him rest assured, don't be noticed."

The middle-aged housekeeper nodded, and then exited the study, while Xiangfu also returned to the desk, and continued to read the books.

Everything returned to calm, as if what happened just now had happened.

However, Kigard, who was hiding in the corner, was not at peace, and wanted to curse if he could.

Isn't this Xiangfu too vigilant, this is his study, he dare not even say a word, is it necessary?

Suddenly Kigard lost confidence. With the Xiangfu's vigilance, can it really find out any useful information?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the chances were not high, and I wanted to go back and tell Xu Liang to give up.

"That's right, daimyo."

Suddenly Kigard thought of what the middle-aged housekeeper said just now: "It seems that this daimyo also knows the news. Since this prime minister is too vigilant, I'll see if the daimyo is the same."

After finishing speaking, Kigard glanced at the Xiangfu who was reading a book, and then called a cell to continue to stare.

But he turned around and left here, and followed the middle-aged butler who had just left.

Of course, the Prime Minister didn't notice Kigard's actions. He was reading a book and didn't know that he was being watched all the time, and he didn't know that Kigard, who was staring at him just now, had shifted his target at this moment.

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