Two days later in the morning, Xu Liang was sitting in the office of the Elf House when he suddenly saw Itachi walking in with a frown.

Seeing Itachi's appearance, Xu Liang was full of doubts: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Itachi nodded: "Yes, the peripheral members of the Akatsuki organization we sent two days ago were all injured."


Xu Liang frowned: "What's the situation?"

Those people were all people who went to inquire about the Xiangfu's information, but now they are all injured?

"They were discovered and attacked by ninjas who suddenly appeared. They were unable to resist and were all defeated. One by one, they fled back with injuries."

Itachi opened his mouth to explain, and his face became a little ugly.

Xu Liang didn't pay attention to Itachi's expression, and continued to ask: "The outlying members of the Akatsuki organization who came here are members of the Chunin squad, right? And they are especially good at hiding their bodies. How could they be discovered? And defeated?"

Itachi nodded again, but said nothing.

Xu Liang sighed: "It seems that this Xiangfu is really not simple, it is not comparable to Hashimoto Ichinomiya at all."

Speaking of this, Xu Liang thought of something, and looked at Itachi again: "By the way, do you have any information?"

Hearing Xu Liang's question, Itachi showed a wry smile, shook his head and said, "No, I heard from those who came back that the Xiang's mansion is heavily guarded, and I have been trying to figure out how to get in, and I was going to start sneaking in last night. It was discovered unexpectedly."

Speaking of this, Itachi's face became ugly again, and he felt a little ashamed. As a member of the Akatsuki organization, he was beaten out without even entering other people's homes.

Xu Liang didn't feel any embarrassment here, but he felt even more in his heart that this Xiangfu was not simple.

Frowning, Xu Liang nodded: "Okay, I see, let those injured Akatsuki members rest well."

Itachi nodded, and then continued to ask: "Then boss, do we still need to send people over to inquire about information?"

"no need."

Xu Liang shook his head: "Since even the special scouting team can't get in, it's useless to send people, unless the Jonin team or people with Kage-level strength go."

Itachi nodded again and said, "Boss, do you need me to go?"

"Need not."

Xu Liang shook his head again when he heard Itachi's words: "Leave it to me, although you can go, but it will cause a lot of trouble, it's unnecessary."

Itachi didn't say anything more when he heard this, and nodded in agreement.

Then the two chatted a few more words, and Itachi walked out of the office.

And as Itachi left, Xu Liang walked slowly to the window, stretched out his hand, and a hot spiritual power appeared in the palm of his hand.

The artistic conception has improved a lot in these two days, and it is more than twice as strong as before.

Whether it is the temperature of the flame or the stickiness of the attachment, they are much stronger than before.

Taking a look at the mental power in his hand, Xu Liang nodded in satisfaction, then looked out of the window.

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the road outside, Xu Liang murmured to himself: "Since even the peripheral ninjas of the Xiao organization can't lurk in, then we can only call it."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of Xu Liang's mouth, as if he was recalling something in his mind.

Then he shook his head, turned and left the office, and walked outside.


At the same time, on the other side of the capital, in a luxurious and huge mansion.

In a luxurious and restrained room in the mansion, in front of a seemingly rare table, an old man who looks kind but serious is sitting in front of the table.

The old man has gray hair and wears simple yet luxurious clothes.

Against the background of the sunlight from the window, at first glance, you will feel that this person is not simple.

bang bang bang-

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the old man who was sitting at the table watching something frowned slightly, then quickly relaxed and said, "Come in."

Ga machine -

The voice of the old man came out, and the sound of the door being opened came, followed by a burst of light footsteps approaching, and a middle-aged man with a serious face approached.

"What's the matter? I remember I said don't bother me if there is no important thing. If there is no suitable reason, you should know."

The old man cast a glance at the approaching middle-aged man, then continued to lower his head and speak silently.

But there was no tone, and the words spoken by a normal chat voice made the middle-aged man who approached tremble with fear.

The middle-aged man bowed and said at the same time, "Master Xiangfu, someone broke into the mansion last night."


The old man raised his head and calmly looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man trembled again, his waist bent even more, and the corner of his mouth continued: "But we were stopped by our people, but it is a pity that he escaped."

The old man did not speak, but silently looked at the middle-aged man.

Cold sweat broke out on the middle-aged man's forehead, and he maintained his bow without daring to move.

The old man watched silently for a while, took a sip of his own tea from the table, and said calmly, "Is the investigation clear?"

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief silently, and nodded: "I'm sure, it should be someone from the Elf House."


The old man put down his teacup, glanced coldly and said.

The middle-aged man trembled again when he heard this, and nodded again and again: "Indeed, it's already confirmed."

The old man nodded his head slightly, continued to look at the table, and replied, "Okay, let's go out, I understand."

"Good Lord Xiangfu."

Heaving a sigh of relief again, the middle-aged man backed away while keeping his bow, and quickly closed the door and left the room.

And as the middle-aged man left, a smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth: "Did you find me here? It's really interesting, let me see what the Elf House is capable of."

After speaking, he put away his smile and continued to lower his head to pick up the books on the table and read them.

And following the old man's movements, this extravagant and restrained room became quiet again.


The capital of the Land of Fire, the back mountain of the home of the elves.

Xu Liang, who had left the office before, appeared here at this moment.

Not far from Xu Liang, Hupa and Tianxi were playing with the elves in the back mountain.

After taking a look, Xu Liang stepped closer: "Hupa, stop playing, can you do me a favor?"


Hoopa who heard the voice turned his head and approached after seeing Xu Liang: "Xiao Liang, what's the matter? Hoopa is curious."

"Help me summon Ziggard."

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