I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 210 The Area of ​​the Elf House

"But it's a pity that no one has subdued the elves here after such a long time."

In the past six months, Xu Liang also recommended guests to come here to subdue the elves, but unfortunately, after so long, these elves still have not been subdued.

And Xu Liang himself has never received the reward for subduing these elves.


With a sigh, Xu Liang shook his head: "Forget it, forget it."

After all, there is no way to think about it. If the elf is not willing, it is useless for him to think about it.

"Anyway, it's okay to raise these elves now, even if it is ten times more, it can be raised, so that's it."

In the past few years, the popularity of elves is one aspect, and the level improvement is another aspect.

These are all points, and it is because of this that Xu Liang dared to say that he can raise it ten times more.

"Let's not talk about it, let's go to the store and have a look."

Saying that, Xu Liang didn't pay any more attention to these elves, turned around and walked towards the storefront.

Over the past few years, the storefront has changed a lot.

First of all, it is separated from the place where Xu Liang lives, and they are no longer together.

The store has also expanded a lot, with several areas inside.

For example, the area around the elf contains energy cubes of various weights, elf balls and potions.

Then there is an energy production area, where outsiders and self-planted berries are collected, and energy cubes are produced all the time.

In the past few years, Xu Liang has also fulfilled the three-generation conditions promised to popularize elves.

That is, after the popularity of elves, it will bring some income to ninjas.

And this income is the fruit of the tree.

Xu Liang will exchange the fruit seeds and give them to these ninjas.

After the tree fruit matures, Xu Liang will take it back.

The fruit ripens very quickly, basically once a week.

Although this doesn't seem like much, even if Xu Liang endured, he would give ten trees each.

Not to mention those Jnin, those Jnin, relying on these berries for a week, the money they earn is no less than a B-level task.

In addition to the area around the elves and the energy block production area, the elf house also has a treatment area and a skill learning area.

Needless to say, the treatment area is full of healing machines that provide elf treatment.

And the last skill learning area is also easy to understand. It is where the elves learn skills, and there are skill learning machines and skill CDs that Xu Liang specially exchanged.


"Boss Xu, are you here? Good afternoon, have you eaten yet?"

"Boss Xu, I haven't seen anyone recently, and I've become a very busy person."

"Good afternoon, Boss Xu, what skills should my elf learn?"

Along the way, Xu Liang soon came to the storefront of the Elf House at the foot of the mountain, walked in, and the customers inside greeted Xu Liang after seeing him.

Xu Liang also replied with a smile, and then left with an embarrassed smile.

Continue to walk in, all the way to the direction of the front desk, only to see Xiao Nan sitting there with a smile on the corner of his mouth, watching the pedestrians coming and going in front of him.

From time to time, when I see someone saying hello, I will happily reply.

"Xiao Nan, how is it? Are there many people today?"

Approaching the past, Xu Liang asked.

Xiao Nan nodded: "It's okay, it's almost the same as yesterday."

Xu Liang nodded, and then asked in confusion: "By the way, where are the other people? Why didn't they see it?"

Since the renovation here, the few people in the store are obviously too busy, so Xu Liang also recruited a few staff members.

"They have gone to the skill learning area. The competition you hold is getting closer and closer, and there are more people in that area."

Hearing this, Xu Liang also understood, nodded and said, "I'll go over there and have a look."

After speaking, he turned and left here, and walked towards the skill learning area.

Along the way, passers-by greeted Xu Liang politely.

Xu Liang also answered with a smile, but doubts flashed in his eyes immediately after.

Many of the people who greeted him on the road were from other Ninja villages.

After all, the village is different, and the appearance and appearance can still be easily recognized.

"There is still a week before the game, and these people came so early."

Xu Liang muttered to himself, continued to walk towards the skill learning area without stopping with doubts.


"No, I said brother, don't be silly, okay? Everyone has to learn skills too."

"That's right, aren't you wasting everyone's time like this?"

"Hurry up, please. If Boss Xu hadn't said that there should be no fights in the Elf's House, I would have beaten you long ago."

As soon as he approached the skill learning area, Xu Liang heard these angry voices.

Frowning, Xu Liang hurried over with some worry.

Although he stipulated that no fights could occur in the Elf House, if he found out, he would be directly blocked by the Elf House.

But I was still worried in my heart. After all, if it really got to the top, I wouldn't care about it.

And if there was a real fight, with the current strength of the elves, this elf house would probably be demolished directly.

Running quickly, Xu Liang also saw the situation clearly.

In front of the skill learning device, a man in very gorgeous clothes rubbed his chin and looked at the front in thought.

Among the people in the queue behind, several people looked at them with angry eyes, and their expressions wished they could eat that man.

Xu Liang turned his head and looked beside the skill learning device, and saw a few girls with helpless expressions approaching.

"Xiaoya, what's going on?"

Hearing Xu Liang's voice, those girls all turned their heads to look over.

"Boss, are you here?"

Xu Liang waved his hand: "What's the situation?"

The girl named Xiaoya explained to Xu Liang when she heard this.

Listening to Xiaoya's explanation, Xu Liang also understood.

The man at the front, because he was not sure what skills to learn, hesitated when he arrived, and didn't know what skills to learn for a while.

And because of this, the people behind became a little angry.

Xu Liang also expressed his understanding of these people, after all, they were also in a hurry.

There is not much time before the competition, and now I need to practice to learn the skills and go back.

After the elves have learned skills, it doesn't mean that they can be used proficiently, and it takes time to practice.

"Boss, what should I do now?"

After explaining, Xiaoya looked at the expression of the man at the front who was still thinking, and asked Xu Liang with some doubts.

Regarding this situation, she didn't know how to solve it. After all, she was just a part-time worker and couldn't make decisions on many things.

Hearing Xiaoya's words, Xu Liang stepped towards the skill learning device.

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