
Seeing Nagato here, Chakra emerged again, shouting.

Following Nagato's voice, a strong chakra condensed from the mouth of the heretic golem.

Then Chakra flew out in the form of a dragon and approached Kuailong.

"This is?"

Xiao Nan, who was a little above the heretic golem, saw the chakra dragon, his eyes dodged a trace of surprise.

For this skill, she is very familiar with it in her heart. Hanzo, the demigod of the ninja world, and those ninjas of the rain ninja village died in this trick.

On Xu Liang's side, seeing this move, he frowned: "Kuailong, use the destructive light with all your strength to break that chakra dragon."

This dragon can't simply avoid it. Remember that this chakra dragon seems to be controllable. As long as it keeps sending chakra, then this chakra dragon will not disintegrate.

Unless it is broken by external force, this chakra dragon can keep attacking no matter how it evades.

Kuailong nodded when he heard Xu Liang's voice, and suddenly a terrifying energy gathered in his mouth.

Seeing this, Nagato also frowned, broke out Chakra again, and accelerated the speed of using Chakra.

How could he not know the attack Kuailong was going to launch at this time.

Liudao Payne was basically abolished by this trick.

So he couldn't let Kuailong use this trick, otherwise the powerful force would not be so easy to resist.

Following Nagato's movements, the chakra dragon flying in the sky accelerated a lot, and appeared in front of Lai Kuailong in the blink of an eye.

And as Chakra Dragon approached, Kuai Long was still gathering energy at this time.

Next to Xu Liang, Sirona, who was protected by Biting Lu Shark, shouted worriedly when she saw this: "Xu Liang, let Kuailong leave quickly, it's too late!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around immediately became worried, and looked at Xu Liang.

On Xu Liang's side, he frowned and didn't issue an order to evade.

"Xu Liang, hurry up!"

Seeing Xu Liang who didn't speak, Sirona shouted again worriedly.

But Xu Liang still didn't speak, he clenched his fists and watched nervously.

People like Sirona and Tsunade don't know about the Chakra Dragon, but Xu Liang does.

If he gave up attacking to dodge this time, he would have no chance to attack after that.

After that, the Chakra dragon will stick to the fast dragon tightly, and there will be no chance of condensing energy to emit destructive light.

At this moment, Chakra Dragon had appeared on Kuailong's face, but Kuailong was still gathering energy.

The people below were a little afraid to look at this place.


In the next second, a huge sound sounded from the air, and at the same time a huge wind blew over.

Feeling this change, everyone raised their heads and looked over.

I saw that when Chaklaron was about to attack Kuailong before, the energy of Kuailong was condensed and the destructive light was spit out.

The destructive light collided with the chakra dragon, and the huge energy fluctuation caused the clouds in the sky to be scattered.

The air is affected by the rapid flow, and the hurricane rises out of thin air.

All the people hanging were a little unsteady, with their arms covering their eyes, and they stood stubbornly.

Tsunade and Jiraiya, the Kage-levels, should be like this, and the ninjas in the back who ignored it, many of them were directly blown away by the huge wind, and their bodies flew back and forth.

People are like this, and the trees on the ground are even more so.

A large number of trees were uprooted, floating into the air, and flew away into the distance.

Even if it was some dirt, it was sucked into the sky at this moment and spread out to the surroundings.


At this moment, everyone heard a voice behind them. Looking back, they saw cracks appearing in the elf house, and some wooden boards even flew out directly.

Seeing this, Xu Liang, who used his mental strength to stabilize his figure, turned ugly.

If this shit fights, will the house I live in be lost?

But even though it was uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do. He continued to look towards the sky.

This series of environmental changes has no effect on the two sides that are fighting.

The attacks from both sides continued to collide.


Not long after, there was another loud noise, and the attacks from both sides in the sky turned into energy and dissipated at the same time.

The blowing wind also disappeared, and dense trees and soil fell from the sky.

However, everyone on the field didn't pay attention to these scenes, and they all looked at Kuailong and the heretic golem with shocking eyes.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he saw a ghost.

"This... this, is this the power that people can use?"

"Not only humans, but even elves can use this power?"

"No, you can use this kind of power. They are no longer humans, but gods!"

It's not just those ninjas who shouted in disbelief.

Even Tsunade and the Akatsuki organization watched with wide-eyed eyes.

Before seeing this battle, they all felt that they were already at the Kage-level, and they could be regarded as the top masters in the ninja world.

But after reading it, everyone felt a little unacceptable in their hearts. Is there such a big gap between the film class and these people?

Of course, the most uncomfortable one belongs to Jiraiya, the whole person has some doubts about life.

They were all thinking, is that in the sky really his student?

Isn't this too much stronger than yourself? It's a little too much.


Xu Liang and Nagato, who are the masters of the incident, would not pay attention to what everyone was thinking.

After the attacks from both sides were neutralized, Xu Liang floated up, came to the side of Kuailong and looked at Nagato: "At this point, what are we going to do?"

Nagato fell silent. At this moment, he already knew that he couldn't take Xu Liang down.

The Chaklaron just now was already considered the most powerful attack, but it still failed to take down Xu Liang, which already showed that there was no chance.

But although I know it, I still don't want to give up in my heart.

If it is really impossible to win, then his and Yahiko's goal will become a joke.

"Nagato, forget it?"

Looking at the silent Nagato, Xiaonan approached, landed on the head of the golem of the heretics and said.

In the battle just now, Nagato has already consumed almost all of it, and if he continues to fight like this, he will fight with life energy later on.

Hearing Xiaonan's persuasion, Nagato shook his head, not knowing how to make a decision in his heart.

He would definitely not be able to take down Kuailong, but he couldn't do it if he gave up their goal.

Looking at Nagato's expression, Xu Liang didn't bother him either.

Just like that, then passed slowly, Nagato gritted his teeth, and looked at Xu Liang with firm eyes: "Go on, I can't give up, but before that, I hope you promise me a request, if I die in the end , and please let Xiao Nan go, this matter has nothing to do with her."

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