Seeing the changes in Sasuke, even Naruto, who had lost control, was stunned for a moment.

However, he quickly reacted and continued to rush towards Sasuke.

"Strength, mighty power."

Feeling his own strength, Sasuke's eyes flashed with surprise, looking at Naruto who was approaching, his eyes were full of killing intent: "Kill you, kill you."

Since then, the two who were just normal have become no longer normal.


The two sides quickly approached each other and attacked each other at the same time.

Different from before, the strength of the two of them at this moment has greatly increased, and every move is full of strength.

Attacks and collisions made loud noises.

Even the water under the feet of the two of them began to roll, turning into waves and splashing towards the surroundings.


After collisions again and again, the strength of the two was evenly matched, and the situation was stalemate.

But if you pay attention carefully, the strength of both of them is rapidly weakening.

Backing away again, the distance was widened, and both of them gasped.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the opposite side at the same time, frowning.

Then at the same time, chakra condensed on the palm, a black lightning that looked so weird and evil, and an orange chakra ball that looked weird and weird.


"Where to drag!"

At the same time, he roared angrily, and quickly approached the other party, his eyes fixed on him, his eyes were very firm.


"Where to drag!"


The lightning and the chakra ball collided, and it seemed that even the space trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the water under his feet seemed to sense danger, and rolled rapidly and violently.

Fleeing out towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the three or four meters of water around their feet dropped to a depth of one or two meters.

The collision between the two sides didn't last long, and soon they both flew backwards and hit the water.

The mutated body also recovered at this moment.

The two climbed up from the water tremblingly, looked at each other unwillingly, then closed their eyes at the same time and passed out.


At this moment, Jilai also rushed over and appeared beside Naruto.

He sighed and shook his head, "Why are you working so hard? Don't you even want your own life?"

Picking up Naruto on the water, Jiraiya looked at Sasuke opposite him.

Slowly approaching, just as he was about to pick up Sasuke, a sudden wind sound appeared.

Immediately, he frowned and stepped back quickly.

And as he retreated, a long sword stabbed at the place where Zilai also stayed just now.

"Oshemaru, do you still dare to come out?"

Looking towards the cliff, seeing Orochimaru above the cliff, Jiraiya said with anger in his eyes.

Orochimaru withdrew Cao Chujian, and said helplessly in his eyes: "I don't want to show up either, but you are going to take my people away, so you can't do it if you don't show up."

Jiraiya heard this, and his eyes became even angrier: "Oshemaru, tricked Konoha Ninja to defect, and now you actually say that he is yours? Do you think you can really take him away?"


Orochimaru smiled: "Jiraiya, I want to take him away, you can't stop me."

Zilai also frowned: "You can try."

Orochimaru shook his head: "It's still so reckless."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru jumped out of the cliff and landed beside Sasuke.

Ignoring Jiraiya, he opened his mouth wide and sucked Sasuke in.

Seeing Jiraiya here, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly rushed towards Dashemaru.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Orochimaru said with a smile, opened his mouth after speaking, and spit out snakes towards Jiraiya.

Jilai also saw this one stop, the hair on his head grew rapidly, wrapping himself and Naruto.

After resisting the attack of Orochimaru and putting away his hair, there was no sign of Orochimaru in front of his eyes.

"Damn it, let him run away again."

Jilai also gritted his teeth, and murmured helplessly.

But there is no way. If Orochimaru really wants to escape, he really has nothing to do.

After all, Orochimaru was too invincible to escape, so the substitute technique not only looked disgusting visually, but the effect was equally disgusting.

Shaking his head, Zilai also sighed: "Forget it, it seems that the task cannot be completed, let's go back."

After speaking, he jumped up with Naruto in his arms, and jumped up the cliff towards Xun.


The next day, Xu Liang opened his eyes from the bed, woke up Hupa and Tianxi who were sleeping next to him, and got up from the bed.

I don't know if it's because he got used to being outside during this time, Hupa and Tianxi are a little dependent on him at night.

What made it happen was that Sirona, who wanted to sleep with Tianxi yesterday, was a little jealous, and she looked at Xu Liang with resentment in her eyes.

After waking up, taking a shower, and eating breakfast, just when Xu Liang was about to continue practicing, Tsunade came to his door.

The house of elves, Xu Liang looked at Tsunade: "If you have anything to do, just say it."

Tsunade didn't speak, but looked at Didara and Scorpion next to him.

Xu Liang also understood immediately: "Come with me."

After speaking, he got up and took Tsunade to the next room.

"Okay, there's no one here, just say what you want to say."

Tsunade still had some hesitation in his eyes, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Liang, I wonder if we can form an elf team? To patrol and manage Konoha."


Xu Liang frowned: "What do you mean?"

Tsunade explained: "The last time Orochimaru attacked Konoha, although it didn't cause too much damage to Konoha, but it still sacrificed a lot of ninjas, especially those who are not very powerful."

"The number of Konohas is insufficient now. I want to recruit a group of ordinary people and let them lead elves to complete tasks that don't require too much strength, such as patrolling."

Hearing this, Xu Liang also understood, frowned and said, "It's okay to say this, but you must subdue it yourself, otherwise the elves won't obey orders."

"Is there no other way?"

Tsunade also frowned and said, if those people were allowed to subdue the elves, how could they come to do this kind of thing again.

Xu Liang also understood Tsunade's meaning, touched his chin and said, "It's really not as troublesome as you think. Ordinary people may indeed look down on those trivial and cumbersome tasks if they subdue the elves."

"But there is one thing you read wrong, that is, among ordinary people, there are very few people who are qualified to cultivate elves."

"You can come up with a policy that allows those who have no conditions to subdue the elves. You can provide them with the energy cubes in the early stage. If you want to introduce this policy, then you can set conditions. As long as it is not too much, many people should be willing. .”

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