I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 146 Super shadows are out, you have a wrong information?

It's not that Naruto didn't learn it, nor that he taught it wrong, but Kyuubi.

The chakra of the nine tails makes it difficult for Naruto to condense the chakra.

Also because of Nine-Tails' Chakra, Naruto couldn't use the Spiral Pill, so it just disappeared after condensing.

After seeing this clearly, Jiraiya was stumped immediately. Although he found the reason, he couldn't solve it.


Suddenly, Jiraiya's eyes lit up: "Naruto, come here."

Naruto approached in bewilderment, and looked over curiously.

Jilai didn't answer anything, and continued to say: "Come on, use the spiral pill again."

Naruto nodded, stretched out his hand and used the spiral pill again.

But this time, when Naruto had just condensed Chakra, Jiraiya put his hand on Naruto's hand to help condense Chakra together.

And with the help of Jiraiya, the spiral pill finally appeared in Naruto's hands.

Seeing this, Jiraiya lowered his hands and nodded.

On Naruto's side, he looked happily at the spiral pill in his hand: "Can it be used?"

Then he looked at Jiraiya curiously: "Immortal Immortal, why is that?"

Jilai also opened his mouth to explain: "It is much more difficult for you to condense Chakra than ordinary people, so you need others to help condense it."

When Naruto heard this, Xiaolian burst into tears: "Ah? Then I still can't use it?"

"Why can't it be used?"

Naruto rolled his eyes: "I only have one person, do I have to call for help every time I use the Helix Pill?"

Jiraiya twitched the corner of his mouth twice, and knocked Naruto on the head: "You can use the shadow clone, and the shadow clone can also help gather chakra."

Naruto's eyes lit up immediately, and he directly summoned the shadow clone and began to try.

However, after trying several times, he still couldn't condense the spiral pills, and his little face suddenly became bitter again.

Jilai also shook his head, and looked at Naruto seriously: "Naruto, it is impossible to succeed in cultivation at one time, and it is impossible to become a fat man with one bite of rice."

Naruto's eyes became serious, he nodded and said, "I know, I know, I won't give up."

Ji Lai also nodded with satisfaction, and was also very pleased in his heart.

The single-headed dragon and Froggrass next to it saw this, looked at each other, and dozed off again.


At the same time, on the other side, in Yuren Village, in the familiar basement.

Obito appeared from the vortex, and looked towards Nagato, whose eyes were closed.

"Nagato, you failed. All the people you sent were captured."


An astonishing chakra spread out, Nagato on the chair slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Obito full of anger: "What did you say?"


Obito sighed and said: "Our intelligence has made a mistake. One of the elves there has entered the super shadow. The person you sent is not an opponent."


Nagato gritted his teeth and looked at Obito, wishing he could kill him right now.

"There is an error in your intelligence? Why is there an error!"

Even Chaoying appeared, but now there is only an information error?

The face under the Obito mask was also a little embarrassed, and at the same time, he was very angry in his heart.

After all, in his heart, the Xiao organization is his people, and he doesn't want the Xiao organization to lose a few people.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. What should be discussed now is whether to save people."

"Rescue? How to save, super shadow strength, do you rely on us?"

At this moment, Xiaonan appeared in the sky, his face was also very ugly, and his eyes were full of killing intent and said to Obito.

She also heard what she said just now, and she also knew what Obito meant by coming this time.

It must be that Nagato wants to go out to save people in person, but now Nagato basically saves a period of time if he makes a move.

Even just controlling Liu Dao Payne is a burden.

Go to fight Chaoying in person, maybe you will die directly after fighting.

Knowing this, how could she not be angry with Obito and not feel murderous.

"Alright Xiaonan."

Nagato stopped Xiaonan, and looked at Obito: "What do you want, how do you plan to save."


Before Obito answered, Konan in the sky shouted anxiously, and at the same time quickly fell down to the side of Nagato.

Nagato stretched out his hand to prevent Xiaonan from continuing, and continued to look at Obito.

"Although the opponent has super shadow-level combat power, there is only one."

Nagato nodded when he heard this, and said to Obito with some doubts in his eyes: "What? As Madara of the Ninja Shura Dao, aren't you the strength of Chaoying?"

Hearing this, Obito's eyes trembled.

Then he said coldly: "I can't make a move. If I make a move, the enemy will change. At that time, it will not be as simple as it is now."

"Ha ha--"

Nagato sneered, he didn't believe Obito's nonsense at all.

As for Obito, they don't care about these things, anyway, just continue blowing on their own.

Just like that, the scene was silent for a while, and Obito kept staring at Nagato.

"Okay, I'll think about it, now Mr. Madara, please leave."

After pondering for a while, Nagato nodded and murmured.


Xiaonan next to him, heard that Obito didn't wait to speak again, so he yelled anxiously.

However, Obito was obviously not interested in what the two of them said, and got Nagato's answer.

My goal this time has also been achieved, and I don't wait any longer. The vortex reappears and disappears into the dark underground space.

"Nagato, you can't make a move, your body..."

As Obito left, Xiaonan continued to speak with worried eyes.

But before he finished speaking, Nagato reached out to stop him again, and looked at Xiaonan seriously: "I know, but we have to go, this time it's not all about saving those people, it's more about our plan .”

Speaking of rescuing Itachi and the others, that was obviously not all. The most important thing was the appearance of an opponent with super shadow strength, which made him a little worried about his plan.

Although the elves also made him pay attention before, they directly sent four organizers.

But at that time, it was only possible to threaten them, but now it has already threatened them.

Even if Itachi and the others were not captured, with such an opponent, they should go there and solve it as soon as possible.


Xiao Nan next to him sighed silently when he heard this, and didn't know what to say for a while.

It is indeed the same as what Nagato said, the reason is not all Itachi and the others, and Itachi and the others are just incidental.

But even so, what should be worried, is still very worried in my heart.

"Okay, even though it is a super shadow level, there is still a gap between them. Under my eyes, even if it is a super shadow level, there is no need to be afraid."

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