I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 132 The effect of the hold technique

But when Xu Liang came to the hole in the wall, a giant tree rushed out quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Danzo's angry voice came out: "Wood escape, tree root explosion!"

Feeling the threat posed by the giant tree, Xu Liang's pupils shrank, and he quickly used teleportation to leave here.


And as Xu Liang left, there was an explosion in the place where he stayed just now, and the entire underground space trembled.

The dust was flying, floating in the air, filling the entire space.

However, it didn't last long, and it fell quickly, and the sight was restored.

But when he saw the place where he just stopped, Xu Liang's eyes were very surprised.

I saw a huge pothole appeared in that place at this time, even the surrounding area was the same, and the cracks spread to the entire underground space.

And this is not a simple explosion. The soil on the ground disappeared before everyone's eyes, as if there was no such soil, instead of flying to other places with the explosion.

This movement not only surprised Xu Liang, but even Kuailong and Xanadu who were watching from the side were also very surprised.

With a swipe, he appeared in front of Xu Liang, and looked in Danzo's direction vigilantly.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I didn't expect that humans can learn this teleportation."

Following the sound of footsteps, Danzo walked out of the cave full of regret.

Seeing Danzo appearing, Kuailong and Xanadu became more vigilant, and looked over with cold eyes.

On Xu Liang's side, looking at Danzo who came out, he looked at the arm full of Sharingan.

Seeing the arm with one eye closed, Xu Liang frowned slightly.

For the attack just now, Xu Liang still had an impression in his heart, it was a ninjutsu that killed the opponent with one move.

Of course, it's just ordinary people who die together. For example, Danzo has ten resurrection coins, and this ninjutsu can be used directly ten times.

Thinking of this, Xu Liang frowned again, and said silently in his heart: "No, we must find a way to get rid of Danzang's Sharingan's arm, otherwise ten lives will be too troublesome, and Sharingan is also a good treasure, just It would be a pity to be wasted by Danzo like this.”

Thinking of this, Xu Liang said to Kuailong and Shanaiduo: "Kailong, Shanaiduo, let's go together, but pay attention to his arm..."

Kuailong and Xanadu nodded when they heard Xu Liang's words, and at the same time they were very surprised.

I can't see how Danzo's disgusting arm is so powerful.

call out--

After Xu Liang finished speaking with the two elves, he was wrapped up in mental strength and rushed towards Danzang first.

Danzo on the opposite side also noticed Xu Liang's movements, and quickly formed a seal with both hands: "Wind Escape Vacuum Jade!"

Seeing the wind blowing towards him like bullets, Xu Liang's mental strength exploded, and he stretched out his arms, and caught those attacks in the next second.

Immediately after waving his arms, he saw those Vacuum Jade who were attacking Xu Liang before, turned their heads and flew towards Danzang in the next second.

And with the blessing of mental power, the flying speed has been greatly improved.

"how is this possible?"

Danzo watched in surprise, unable to believe it.

His own attack, at this moment, actually attacked him, and it was a bit more powerful than when he used it.

But although he was surprised, Danzo's body quickly dodged.


The moment Danzo dodged, Xanadu appeared behind him, his arm surged with mental power, and he quickly launched it.

This attack, Danzo, who had no time to dodge, crossed his hands and prepared to resist.

But what puzzled him was that this attack did not cause any damage.


Feeling this, Danzo couldn't help laughing: "It seems that the elves are not as powerful as they thought."

Xu Liang, who continued to approach this side, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Really?"


After Xu Liang finished speaking, Kuailong's figure appeared behind Danzo, raised his sharp claws, and attacked the arm that was still crossed.

Danzo was startled, and mobilized his Chakra to prepare to use Izanaki again.


But with this transfer, Danzo's eyes became terrified, and he shouted loudly.

When mobilizing Chakra, for some reason, there was no response.

It's as if my body doesn't have chakra anymore.

And it's not just that, I wanted to back and dodge later, but found that my body couldn't move.

He could only watch Kuailong attacking him.


In the next second, Kuailong's claws slashed across Danzo's arm.


There was a scream, and blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, Danzo's two arms fell to the ground, his expression full of pain.

call out--

And at this moment, Xu Liang appeared in front of Danzo, quickly dug out Danzo's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and then kicked him out.

It hit the wall again with a bang.

"Xiaoliang, here you are."

Xanadu at the back manipulated the arm full of Sharingan with mental power and came to Xu Liang.

Looking at this arm, Xu Liang shook his head: "Xanaiduo, you take it first, and this one, you also keep it together."

I still feel a little disgusted and uncomfortable in my heart, and I really can't accept it.

I was curious in my heart, what kind of thoughts did Danzo think to do this.


Xanadu rolled his eyes, took back that arm again, and at the same time took the one from Xu Liang's hand.

Of course, Xanadu also felt a little disgusted, and he didn't continue to approach when he was two meters away.

Xu Liang wiped the hand that had just locked the Sharingan, and walked slowly towards Danzo.

Looking at Danzo who was struggling on the ground and trying to get up, Xu Liang let him float with a mental force:

"How about Danzo-sama, are you still confident now?"


Danzo, who was controlled to float in mid-air, coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, did not answer Xu Liang's question, but asked curiously: "I couldn't move just now, was it because of which elf's attack?"

Said, looked at Xanadu.

Xu Liang also looked back, nodded and said to Danzo: "That's right, that move is called the hold technique, which can control the enemy's movements for a short period of time, even Chakra can't be used."

"Ha ha--"

Danzo laughed at himself, because he thought that the trick had no effect on him.

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked towards Xu Liang: "Kill me, but please don't destroy Konoha."

Hearing this, Xu Liang's eyes changed. He would never have thought that Danzo's last sentence was this.

And the pleading emotion in his eyes was so clear.

But soon came back to his senses, looked at Danzo and sighed.

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