Madara doing this is tantamount to cutting his own life

Heijue looked at Madara strangely

This guy, for a pawn...

The little girl opened her small cherry mouth into an O shape, looking at the wooden clone in front of her in surprise

"Another dad..."


Yinyin Village, which is closer to the mountain cemetery

on the street

Wearing a black robe with age spots and leaning on a cane, the originally transplanted Sangouyu Sharingans have also been covered with illusions into ordinary black eyes

The little girl is also wearing the same black robe as Madara, with a pair of big sapphire eyes turning around

It's the first time for her to come to this kind of place

Naturally, it feels very novel

The streets of Yinyin Village are not considered bustling, but the sound of hawking on the streets is continuous

Although these small shops look very simple, there are also many people shopping together, which seems very lively

"Little friend, do you want to buy a hairpin? It's very beautiful."

A middle-aged woman held two hairpins in the style of bows and smiled at the little girl

The little girl's gaze was immediately attracted, and her two big eyes looked at the hairpin with the bow tie as if they could burst out of light.

"so beautiful…"

Both bows are light blue, and the material is like a translucent wide ribbon with silver patterns dotted on it

Blue and silver are the colors that little girls like

The middle-aged woman smiled even more when she saw this, and looked at the age-spotted man in a black robe.

"You are the grandpa of this child, why don't you buy one, the child will look good wearing it"

Senile spots heard the words and looked at Ling Zi, whose eyes were full of light, there was a faint smile on his face that was still paralyzed

Then Madara took out a few copper coins from his sleeve to pay the bill.

The girl took the blue bow with joy in her eyes, and looked at the middle-aged woman seriously

"Auntie, you're wrong, it's not grandpa, it's my father"

The middle-aged woman suddenly felt a little embarrassed, she looked at Madao with an apologetic face

"I was the one who was rude just now"

Madara looked at Xiao Lingzi indifferently, he didn't care much about what other people said

But Ling Zi cares, let her care

Xiao Lingzi nodded seriously

"Auntie, you can't bark like that next time"

The middle-aged woman only felt three black lines popping out of her head

"No, no, you two will come again next time."


Xiao Lingzi took off the hood on his head and stuck a blue bow on one side of the twin ponytails

She looks very cute, and judging from her temperament and face, she looks like a noble lady

"Dad, is it nice?"

Senile plaques touched the girl's cerebellum, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the voice was soft

"Well, not bad"

Xiao Lingzi's delicate face suddenly showed a look of satisfaction


mountain cemetery

inside the spotted cave

"I think Obito-san has long hair, but if you cut it short... well... long hair looks good anyway."

At this time the girl looks like four or five years old

Wearing a light blue kimono that matches her long blue and white hair, she has fair skin and delicate features like a doll

"Really, but I feel that long hair hurts my eyes"

Obito with long disheveled hair fumbled for his chin, squinting at himself in the mirror

As a Uchiha, in fact, Obito's appearance is still good, but he didn't find the right hairstyle

Long hair makes the face smaller, and Obito has long hair that gives people a sense of mystery

Obito pinched his disfigured half face, showing a slightly sad expression

"But isn't this face ugly, Ling..."

Xiao Lingzi took a step closer, stood on tiptoe, and pinched Obito's face with his hands

Then he said seriously

"No, it's just a little wrinkled."

Obito heard the words but remained silent

Now, in his eyes, he looks like a freak

It's so ugly...

Seeing this, Xiao Lingzi directly held Obito's face

The girl said seriously

"Brother Obitu, I'll help you to ask Dad about this matter, Dad will definitely solve it"

Obito blushed a little from the girl's move

He said in a daze

"Thank you, Ling"


"Brother Obito, you smell so bad, it's all sweat."

The little girl pinched her nose and said with disgust on her face

Obito, who was doing two-finger push-ups, got up, scratched his head in embarrassment and forced a smile

"I haven't paid attention to these, haha..."

At this time, Obito's face is already intact

For the girl's commission, Madara gave a simple and brutal plastic surgery method without even thinking about it.

Cut face!


Use a knife to cut off a layer of flesh from the disfigured half of the face, and then use the repair function of white blood cells to grow back

When Obito heard about it, he wanted to refuse

But when he saw himself in the mirror, he still chose to do this "simple and crude little operation"

Fortunately, there was a girl who comforted and encouraged me during the operation, otherwise he would have passed out in bed

"Well, bro, you should go take a shower"

The girl pointed to the bathtub she usually used for bathing

Obito looks in the direction the girl is pointing

His face turned red immediately

"Ling... this is not good..."

After all, men and women can't kiss each other, so how can I let myself use the bathtub that Ling used?

And, if Madara knew...

Thinking of this, Obito's right eyelid twitched uncontrollably

"Why is this not good, Brother Taitu, you are almost smelly to death"

serious girl

"This...absolutely not, I can't use Ling's bathtub"

Obito's tone was firm, but there was still a blush on his face


"After gaining power, come back to me, my expectation is eight years, um... I hope you will come earlier than expected."

Senile plaques sitting on a stone seat, looking at the girl in front of him indifferently

The girl is now in tears

The choking sound echoed continuously in the cave

Always doting on her, such a good father to her

Suddenly became so indifferent today, and said to her, "You are useless now"

She didn't want to leave her father, and she didn't want to leave Brother Obitu, but they all became weird today

Why are you so indifferent to yourself all of a sudden?

Thinking so, the girl looked at Obito who was standing aside again.

Obito's originally indifferent eyes flashed a moment of unbearable, but it was only a moment, and it was replaced by indifference

"Ling, look at me"

Madara's voice calmed down a little, no longer indifferent

A trace of expectation flashed in the girl's eyes when she heard the words

Has father changed his mind?

She hurriedly turned her head to look at Madara.

And in the next second, she looked at Madara's scarlet three-god jade

She only felt that her head was dizzy, and her eyelids became very sleepy.

The girl knelt directly on the ground, just when she was about to lie down completely

Obito appeared in front of her in an instant, and gently hugged her

The girl looked at Obito in a daze, and said weakly:

"Hey, Brother Obito, what happened, Dad and you, why..."

Under strong emotional stimulation, the girl's eyes also changed

Two dark red gemstones appeared in her sapphire-like irises

Obito's eyes have also become complicated



"this is mine……"

Ling Zi was half kneeling on the ground at this moment, his face was full of confusion, he looked like a child who was at a loss

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