Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 85 The captain's left arm bet on the wrong era?

Three days later, a major event that accompanied the capture of Judiciary Island swept across the entire sea.

The Straw Hat Pirates have become a supernova-like existence, causing a sensation in the distant new world.

The bounty that skyrocketed to [-] million Baileys made Luffy the top rookie.

Many pirates were in an uproar.

"Captain red hair, the news bird is here, do we want a newspaper? Check out Luffy's reward order."

On a deserted island beach, a bonfire is burning.

Lackey looked up at the news bird flying in the distant sky, and became a little excited.

A week ago, they did know the news that Judiciary Island had been captured.

However, compared with the serious news published in the newspaper, the feeling of this small news is obviously different.

"Hehe, let's ask for a copy. We have been in the windless zone for a while, and the outside news has also been cut off. Just see how Lu Fei is making a fuss."

The redhead took a sip of the spirits and responded with a smile.

"Being able to capture Judiciary Island, which has not been captured for 800 years, even CP9 has been defeated. Luffy's growth has grown by leaps and bounds."

"Little ones, let's guess how much Luffy's current reward is. Whoever comes closer, I will reward them with this altar of fine wine."

"Let me guess a [-] million Pele first!"

As soon as the words fell, the red hair casually threw the treasured wine on the beach, instantly making the scene boil.

Lackey didn't care too much, and hurried to make a deal with Newsbird.

In the windless zone, except for the wind that is not required for navigation, there are also a large number of Neptunes.

Once deep inside, even the real-time telephone bug communication will be blocked.

On Nine Snakes Island, which is located in the windless belt, the only way to get information from the outside world is to use newsbirds.

"Ben Beckman, you are the brains on our ship, you should be able to overwhelm the captain, quickly guess how much Luffy's bounty is." Jesus Bugan said with a smile.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Ben Beckman.

Ben Beckman came back to his senses with a cigar in his mouth, looked at Lackey who had already completed the deal with Newsbird not far away, took a deep breath of the cigarette, and couldn't help but said.

"Captain, why do I feel that Lackey shouldn't be allowed to buy newspapers? Don't forget his crow's mouth, it's quite clever."

Crow's mouth?

The people present couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and Jesus Bu on the side couldn't help but said: "Ben Beckman, you mean that after the Whitebeard territory left, the captain mentioned that he was looking forward to the collision between Luffy and the new admiral of the navy. speak?"

"I remember that Lagi seemed to say blood flowers..."

"Yes, I also remember..." All the crew members present were also stunned.

Rao is the red-haired Shanks is no exception.

Thinking of the unintentional words that day, everyone subconsciously looked at Lackey.

When he saw Lakin's shy expression, his heart skipped a beat and sank quickly.

"Laki, why don't you bring the newspaper here quickly, your crow's mouth won't be really hit!" Jesus Bu hurriedly urged.

Compared with others, there is still his precious son on this ship.

How can he not worry.

With a bitter face on his face, Lagi spread out the somewhat hot newspaper and handed it over.

"I'm just talking, I never thought that Luffy and the others would be so unlucky."

"This newspaper does have information about Luffy's reward and the big news about breaking Judicial Island."

"However, for the rest, you should see for yourself!"

All eyes were instantly focused on the newspaper.

The front page that originally belonged to the Straw Hat Pirates is now shrunk directly to a corner.

In its place was a ruined wharf reduced to scorched earth.

Navy Supernova and Pirate Supernova collide!

The spark is not there, the blood is here!

Pirate Nova's blood splattered on the spot!

The Hundred Beasts Pirates Flying Six Cells attacked, and the new general, Taotie Luoyu, instantly killed him with one blow!

Pirate Supernova took advantage of the chaos and escaped!

Dozens of large characters in black and bold are very eye-catching on the front page.

Among the photos posted, there is also the tragic photo that Luo Yu reported to the Warring States to receive the reward.

Looking at the content above, there is also the miserable Luffy and others in the photo.

The originally festive bonfire party suddenly became dead silent.

Could it be that their captain's left arm is really betting on the wrong era?

On the other hand, it is tens of nautical miles away from the Chambord Islands.

A warship is rapidly advancing through the waves.

On the deck, Luo Yu was standing in front of the bow, drinking some wine and eating steamed buns, and beside him was a phone bug that was being connected.

"Luo Yu, are you crazy? It's been three days, and you still haven't escorted Fei Liubao back. You don't really plan to use even the disabled for the bonus, so you can attract Drought Jack!"

Garp's voice came from the phone bug.

"You kid is getting more and more crazy when you do things, but the old man likes it!"

"I have long disliked the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

Hearty laughter echoed on the deck.

The cheek muscles of the naval soldiers on the entire deck were twitching.

In this sea, the Four Emperors have always been synonymous with nightmares.

Not to mention ordinary people, even admirals can't avoid it.

Who would have thought that there would still be people who would go after the Four Emperors instead.

Rao, relying on the powerful vitality of the ancient animal species, the newly recovered Fei Liubao almost spit blood when he heard this conversation.

I thought that being a pirate would be a big deal and nod to the ground!

It never occurred to me that it would become a bait for others to fish.

What made him most unacceptable was that the measurement standard of the admiral in front of him was not the reward they were proud of.

Instead, it's a bonus!

For them, the 5.00% bonus is simply nailing them to the pillar of shame.

If he hadn't been handcuffed by Hailoushi, he would be tied up like a rice dumpling and hung on the mast, unable to move.

As Fei Liubao, he also hoped to die with dignity.

"Mr. Garp, isn't the performance of 5000 million yuan good?" Luo Yu said lightly after taking a mouthful of earth burning.

"Help me hide this matter from the Warring States Marshal. After the matter is completed, your xianbei will be better off."

"However, it's been three days. Doesn't the Navy Headquarters have any information about CP9?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll have to find another way."

Think of another way?

Garp froze for a moment, then said hurriedly.

"Little ghost, you won't be the same as last time, go to the underground black market tavern to buy information!"

"The last time you bought an information, you offended the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

"Now it's coming again, I'm worried that you will offend a Four Emperors by buying a piece of news, and you will also have a heart attack in the Warring States Period."

"Just wait a little longer. The intelligence network of the Navy Headquarters is not as bad as you think. We will soon be able to find out that cp9 is hidden in the Chambord Islands area."

"Hey, you kid, don't hang up, I'll give you a private contact information at worst!"

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