Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 473 Do You Still Need a Wife?

Accompanied by Chiyo's approval.

For Fengyingyan to be pierced with a big hole, Ma Ji was indeed a little upset.

However, when thinking of Gaara's safety and the burden on Luo Yu and the others, he could only give a wry smile and turn around to clean up the mess.

"Cough cough!"

A violent cough suddenly sounded from the hospital bed.

Everyone's attention was instantly attracted.

Seeing that under the farce just now, Sakura was still able to complete the operation of dividing and removing the virus, even the mother-in-law Chiyo, who was also a medical ninja, was also shocked.

After all, she had fought against Tsunade many times in the ninja world wars in the past.

Every time in the battle of poisoning and detoxification, the two are also equal.

I thought that when we met again, Tsunade just sent a disciple who would encounter Waterloo in Kankuro's detoxification work.

It was completely unexpected that in such a noisy environment just now, the young Sakura would be able to perform so stably and super-level.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Grandma Chiyo wouldn't have believed it was true.

"Haruno Sakura, Kankuro will be fine!" Temari hurried forward.

After Kosakura wiped the sweat from his forehead, seeing Kankuro whose face was still pale but all the pain on his face had dissipated, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry Temari, poison, I've pulled it out, but There is no way to get rid of this kind of poison with the technique of cell extraction alone."

"However, don't worry, I have already guessed what the poison is. I am [-]% sure that I can research the antidote and completely remove the poison. Now send Kankuro back to the ward to rest and keep an eye on him. If there is any change in the situation, please let me know as soon as possible."

[-]% sure?

Grandma Chiyo was stunned for a moment, looked at Sakura who didn't look like she was joking, and immediately laughed loudly and said: "Haha, I never thought that after being hidden for so long, it's rare to come out for the last time, only to find out what is blue from blue and better than blue. "

"It seems that compared with Tsunade, I really lost. I lost because I didn't accept a mantle apprentice."

"However, little girl, don't be too happy, you are still far behind Tsunade."

"At least, she stayed on the battlefield. You are still a flower in the greenhouse, but the road is still growing."

"For the rest of the time, you will stay in Ninja Village first. If Anbu finds traces of the Akatsuki organization, we will set off immediately."

After leaving these words, Chiyo turned around and left first.

Seeing this, Temari secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the people around him to send Kankuro back to the ward.

After finishing other things, Temari turned around and called Luo Yu and the others to go to the place where they stayed to rest.

It's just that the moment Temari and Maki passed by.

The words that fell in her ears caused Temari's expression to change slightly.

This remark was only understood by the high-level officials in Sand Ninja Village who had the secret code.

The people around did not hear it.

But Temari knew exactly what those words meant.

According to Maki, their father, Rasa Kazekage, the fourth generation of Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village, had been assassinated by Orochimaru two years ago.

Gaara, who is the fifth Kazekage right now, was defeated and taken away by the people of the Akatsuki organization under the watchful eyes of everyone.

For Sand Ninja Village, this was an even worse blow.

If this time, even Gaara is killed.

For Sand Ninja Village, it was not only a great shame, but also a serious blow.

In a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to find a candidate who can support the banner of Sand Ninja Village and become the sixth generation of Kazekage.

Once that time comes, Sand Ninja Village, which has the strongest combat power, will be lost.

I am afraid that it will become an existence that other ninja villages are eyeing.

Maybe because of this, the ninja world war of the past will be repeated.

It can be said that with the current strength of Sand Ninja Village, not to mention Maki, even Temari, they all know that this result is unbearable for their village.

For a moment, Temari undoubtedly felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

However, as the eldest sister among the three sisters, Gaara's disappearance is uncertain, and Kankuro is lying on the hospital bed and has not yet woken up.

She is probably the only one who can reverse the situation.

Many thoughts flashed through Temari's mind about the statement that Maki said that he would save Gaara at all costs.

After arriving at the residence where they stayed, Kakashi, Kai and others led their respective teams to hand over the task.

Temari managed to recover from his thoughts.

However, in the huge room, only Luo Yu and her were left for a while.

Feeling the dead silence of the room, and Luo Yu still doing his own thing, drinking a small wine.

Temari, who was usually aloof, suddenly became a little unnatural.

At least, when facing the boy in front of him, Temari felt an indescribable restraint all over his body.

Especially after Luo Yu made a move after witnessing it with his own eyes.

In Temari's eyes, Luo Yu's gestures gave people a feeling that was hard to fathom.

However, thinking of Maji's last words, Temari knew that no matter how difficult Luo Yu was to fathom, she had to shoulder some things.

"Speak directly if you have something to say, don't hesitate, I'm not a monster who chooses and eats people." Luo Yu had already seen that Temari's face was full of preoccupations, and after taking a sip of sake, he took the lead in breaking the deadlock in the field.

Hearing this, Teju couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Luo Yu would also have a side of self-joking.

However, the originally slightly depressing atmosphere eased a little under this kind of joke, Temari's restraint dissipated, and finally he gritted his teeth and spoke directly.

"Thousand-armed feathers, do you lack a wife?"

"As long as you rescue Gaara, I can conclude a political marriage with Konoha Ninja Village in the name of Sand Ninja Village and marry you directly."

"At that time, whether you are in Konoha Ninja Village or Sand Ninja Village, you will have a pivotal position. In the future, I will fully support you to become the sixth generation of Hokage."

"As long as Gaara can come back safely, even if I am allowed to settle in Konoha Ninja Village permanently, there is no problem at all."


The sake in Luo Yu's mouth almost spurted out.

Looking at Temari who was kneeling on the ground, with a sense of giving up in his words, Luo Yu felt helpless.

I thought that Temari stayed alone to discuss some business, so that Luo Yu could take the opportunity to earn some extra money.

It never occurred to her that this mouth would sell herself if she became ruthless.

However, when Luo Yu was even more helpless, did the words "lack of a wife" be engraved on his forehead.

Otherwise, why would there be so many evil fates that would come to your door when you came to the world of Hokage.

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