
The thunderous collision sound echoed throughout the fortress.

The raised sea water fell like a torrential rain, waking up everyone who barely stood firm in the wind and waves.

Seeing the door of justice being blasted open with a human body, everyone was stunned.

They have seen all kinds of ways to open the door.

However, this method in front of me is the first time I have come across it!

Seeing the blow, Luo Yu was still standing where he was, not even moving half of his fingers.

Originally, many naval veterans who had followed Gion and Chapo, had no doubts about the strength of the new general.

A person who has never really made a fight until now.

Will it be weak?

In particular, watching a punch fly to the gate of justice, smashing a big hole in the fortress building, forcibly embedded in the ruins, the motionless general candidate tea dolphin.

Everyone present subconsciously looked at Luo Yu.

They are eager to know what will happen next.

It's just that, with this one glance, the oppressive feeling that penetrated the body instantly dissipated like a hurricane.

Luo Yu took out the breakfast meat buns he had prepared just now, threw one over to Karp, and then took a sip of his drink with a smile.

"Mr. Garp, is what you just said true? I remember it. Don't forget to apply for some performance for me. I'm going to be unable to make ends meet recently."

"Also, I thought of a big project just now. It should be linked to Mr. Zefa's Naval Academy. I have already thought of the name."

"It's directly called the general training plan. The general will personally lead the sparring training. You can take a job with a certificate in a hundred days, and you will definitely become the king... No, it's right to be the king."

"This project is large in scale and the fee is not high. As long as one person participates, I will be given a salary increase. If I have achieved results, I will be given some performance. If all members pass the assessment, it will be good to calculate the commission for the project."

"Mr. Garp, you said that the Warring States Period will not vote for this project!"

Garp's mind froze, and suddenly he realized that the Roujiamo in his hand was a bit hot!

What kind of big project is this?

How come there is a feeling of meeting the head of a pyramid scheme.

What time is this? Even the tea dolphin, a candidate for the general, was punched far away, not even knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Who dares to ask you to be a training partner.

"By the way, who of you wants to participate?"

Luo Yu took a bite of the Roujiamo and looked around the venue.

Luo Yu had no choice but to propose this big project to attract investment.

Being forced to work overtime just now, Luo Yu instantly entered overtime mode, and his anger level was directly filled up.

If, during working hours, the strength that Luo Yu can display is tentatively set at [-]%.

Then I was forced to work overtime just now, and entered the field of grievances against workers.

The power that Luo Yu exploded reached [-]%, directly doubling the power.

According to the system, as the overtime hours increase, the burst of strength will gradually increase.

As for the upper limit, it is the salary and performance accumulated in the Luo Yu system.

According to the system, 1 million Baileys will be consumed in 100 minute.

Luo Yu suddenly realized that he was a little poor. After working hard for a month to clock in and go to work, he couldn't bear to work overtime for 5 minutes.

For men, no matter what the reason, short time is the original sin!

The only thing that made Luo Yu feel lucky was that this time he was forced to work overtime and entered the field of grievances of beating workers, which was the first time for him to be free.

Otherwise, according to Luo Yu's current assets, he might be squeezed dry by the system if he raises his gun and mounts his horse!

However, thinking that being forced to work overtime would make his strength skyrocket, Luo Yu certainly wouldn't let it go easily.

The big project proposed just now is aimed at this point.

However, wherever Luo Yu looked, everyone was stunned and quickly avoided.

Even the tea dolphin, which used the power of the ancient Vajra ape, was blown away with a single punch, and turned into a tool of human flesh hitting the door. It was forcibly embedded in the fortress, and its life and death are still uncertain.

Who dares to use his own life to make a joke.

What's more, their urgency just now was to see how Luo Yu would treat the tea dolphin who insisted on making a move.

It never occurred to him that as soon as Luo Yu opened his mouth, he would directly pull up the big project.

"Mr. Garp, why are you here? I thought it was General Kizaru who arrived the fastest." Gion took the lead to step forward, breaking the dead silence in the arena.

"However, this time Lieutenant General Chafu was too capricious. If he hadn't insisted on challenging General Luo Yu, I'm afraid these farces that make outsiders laugh would not have happened."

"Haha, Gion, you're kidding me. This kid didn't walk to the position of general step by step. It's normal for people to despise suspicion." Garp laughed, and finally found a life-saving straw. Directly off topic.

"As for the tea dolphin guy, it's because of you that he's holding back his anger. Now that he's had a fight, there shouldn't be a problem."

"Ancient animal devil fruits are famous for their rough skin and thick flesh. His Vajra Ape has a defense power that exceeds that of ordinary people. That punch will not cause much injury."

"Don't forget, he's a candidate for a general, if he can't even handle this, how can he have any face?"

Hearty laughter echoed in the square.

Tina and the others felt relieved, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't want Luo Yu to be punished for this.

Inside the gate of justice, on the fortress building, the cheek muscles of the tea dolphin embedded in it were twitching.

There was a tingling feeling all over his body, and he was affected even by moving his fingers.

The punch just now directly broke three of his ribs.

If it weren't for the incredible recovery ability of the ancient species and the unique strong defense of the Vajra Ape, the tea dolphin believed that he would definitely be seriously injured by the punch just now.

Is it okay to say so lightly in Garp's mouth?

Recalling that he was knocked into the air twice from the beginning to the end, the means Luo Yu displayed exceeded his expectations time and time again.

Standing where he was, he didn't even raise his hand.

Such means and strength are not inferior to the other three generals at all, right?

At the same time, this strange way of fighting added to Luo Yu's sense of unfathomable incomprehensibility.


The tea dolphin endured the pain and landed on the platform square behind the gate, and the power of the devil fruit gradually dissipated.

Apart from being a bit embarrassed with a gray head and a gray face, there is not much embarrassment.

After taking a breath, the tea dolphin jumped up and down several times, returned to Karp again, and gave a military salute to Luo Yu.

"General Luo Yu, this battle I made extra plans but I was convinced. I was reckless just now. I hope General Luo Yu will not take offense."

"If you have to blame me, I'll admit it anyway."

"Mr. Garp, you have to say something nice to me, don't let General Luo Yu hate me."

"Haha, tea dolphin, you underestimate this kid's mind by saying that. He doesn't care about other things except his obsession with commuting." Garp laughed loudly, and took several shots in succession. The tea dolphin's shoulder said.

"However, since you have the heart, the old man can save some effort. I agreed to your challenge just now, and I will help you apply for overtime pay from the Warring States."

"There is another big project. You can go and see if the Warring States votes. If you can vote, this kid will probably treat you to eat meat buns."

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