The domineering black armed color covered the arms of the five people.

This layer of domineering looks indeed very weak, but it can be seen at a glance that they are indeed beginners in domineering.

If it is said that Tina has selfish intentions alone, she might lie for Luo Yu.

Now five people are all testifying.

I'm afraid this is no longer a lie, right?

In a few minutes, let five people awaken domineering.

This kind of thing is also unheard of by them.

"Hehe, don't want to believe it. I also saw this incident with my own eyes. The strength of that brat is not comparable to that of you general candidates." Crocodile said with a big smile.

Hearing these rare good words, Tina and the others couldn't help but change slightly.

As long as you are not a fool, of course you can hear the provocation in your speech.

"Crocodile, shut up!" Tina shouted anxiously.

"Lieutenant Admiral Tea Dolphin, please don't be offended. Crocodile's words are purely for the purpose of sowing discord and causing disputes in our navy."

"General Luo Yu, I don't have any other ideas."

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Tina certainly has a clear understanding of Luo Yu's behavior.

If you have to say what Luo Yu's life goals are, I'm afraid it's the legendary nine to five, and weekends and weekends!

This kind of high-level salted fish operation, if you have to insist that you have any ambitions, I am afraid it is really hard to pull.

"Tina, don't worry, why would I have any objections, I fell into the trap of the pirates." The tea dolphin said with a dry smile, with its hands behind its back.

"However, since General Luo Yu personally helped to awaken your domineering spirit, then the person responsible for escorting the king's Qiwuhai should be General Luo Yu, right?"

"It's just that the sun is already at noon, why haven't you set off yet? Are you waiting for the results of the world's nobles?"

"If this is the case, I advise you to remind this new admiral. Instead of waiting anxiously here for punishment, it is better to complete the escort mission as soon as possible. I hope this will pay off the merits, so that maybe he can be given a lighter punishment!"

The adjutant who followed closely behind the tea dolphin couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

My immediate boss lost so much face.

It is rare to win a victory, and of course they will inevitably support it.

Tina and the others couldn't help but froze slightly, looking at the other courtyard with closed doors not far away.

I can't tell them, I'm so anxious and tormented!

Today is a weekend, sleep until you wake up naturally!

Seeing the change in Tina's expression, Gion Liumei couldn't help but frowned and said: "Tina, on the way back, I also heard some stories about the new general. They all have special quirks."

"I heard that I am very obsessed with the working hours. It seems that I also require a nine-to-five, Saturday and Sunday weekends."

"According to this statement, today seems to be a rest day. You won't tell me that the new general hasn't woken up yet!"

Haven't woken up yet?

The tea dolphin's expression became stiff again, he really wondered if he ate too much garlic last night, why every time he had a good mouth, he could flash his tongue.

Ordinary people beat up the nobles of the world, and they should live like years, as if they were suffering and worrying!

Who can still sleep peacefully, and even forget about the escort mission.

Tina and the others couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Having a boss like this really made them grow a few more gray hairs.

The attack on the Tianlong people has already caused a lot of noise.

After one night, they scratched their scalps and couldn't think of a solution.

I'm afraid that only Luo Yu can sleep peacefully.

The only thing I pray for now is that when Luo Yu wakes up, he can think of a solution.

It's sizzling!

The closed courtyard gate was opened in response.

Luo Yu took a mouthful of roujiamo in his mouth, gulped down the bun, looked at the unusually bustling square, was obviously a little surprised, and said vaguely.

"I'm sorry, it's twelve o'clock now, you should all have breakfast, right? I only prepared my own portion, you don't mind!"

"Today is a day off. If I have nothing else to do, I plan to go shopping first."

After leaving those words behind, Luo Yu turned around and walked towards the street with the Roujiamo in his mouth.

What colleagues, what tasks, what Tianlong people were attacked.

It is obviously thrown out of the sky.

Gion and Chafu were stunned in place for a while.

Heard is one thing.

Seeing it with your own eyes is one thing!

[-] to [-] weekends!

This is something they have never heard of in the Navy headquarters.

I didn't even think that when I met again, it had already been realized.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, you completed the general's first weekend check-in task, slept until you woke up naturally on the rest day, and got a silver treasure chest."

The ethereal reminder sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

Luo Yu frowned, showing a little surprise.

Sure enough, it was the most correct thing to follow Capul to come to the Navy Headquarters as a bastard.

The higher the position, the higher the treatment and rewards you get.

It seems that to be a salted fish, you still have to be a high-level salted fish.

When salted fish get up, at least after drying the front and back, there will be unexpected surprises.

Originally, when he got into the position of general, Luo Yu was thinking that he would have to clock in at work for a full month before he could earn a salary of 500 million Baileys, which could be exchanged for five silver treasure chests. Emperor.

I never expected that so many surprises would emerge in just one week of checking in.

According to this rhythm, Luo Yu believes that it will take only one year instead of three years, and his strength will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Looking at the silver treasure chest placed in the consciousness space.

Of course, Luo Yu didn't have the habit of leaving the treasure chest overnight.

He just beat up Tianlong Ren yesterday, and Luo Yu still doesn't know what will happen next, of course it is a point to improve his strength by one point.

"System, open the silver treasure chest for me immediately!"

"Ding Dong, host, please wait a moment..."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, successfully opened the silver treasure chest, and obtained the talent of the fairy clan!"

A warm current quickly poured into Luo Yu's mind.

Everything about the talent of the immortal clan is engraved into the soul like a brand.

At this moment, Luo Yu suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It seems that not only the power circulating in the body, but also the power circulating in the world has become a little clear.

It seems that just one thought can draw the free power around.

Most importantly, seeing the detailed explanation of the talent of the fairy clan, Luo Yu was even more surprised.

Sure enough, the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!

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