Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 340 Don't Think About It, Just Add Money

Sengoku looked at Shanks in astonishment.

As one of the Four Emperors, Shanks has been monitored by the special forces of the Navy Headquarters and the CP0 of the World Government.

It's just that, over the past few decades, Sengoku, as the marshal, has never received a report about Shanks' daughter.

Did it burst out of the cracks in the rocks?

"You mean that girl? I seem to remember that Luffy once mentioned that you have a daughter who suddenly disappeared!"

Garp tore open the senbei he was carrying, and said suddenly.

"I remember her name seems to be Uta!"

"Wuta?" Zhan Guo's expression froze, and the information related to the name flashed in his mind for an instant. The next moment his face changed suddenly, and he said with a livid face: "Which Uta has recently become famous and is known as the world's singer?" ?"

"According to the information provided by the SSG and the world government, she is a Devil Fruit Singing Fruit capable person. According to past records, this singing fruit can use singing to make people unconsciously enter the singing world in the state of a soul."

"Moreover, according to reliable information, the destruction of Elegia 12 years ago was caused by unknown people awakening the sealed Totemjika."

"Now Wulaoxing suddenly asks you to borrow someone, and the fragments of the whole incident are connected together. Is the person who awakened Totemjika and destroyed the entire Elegia, your daughter Uta?"

Seeing that Warring States deduced the whole thing in an instant with just one name, Lagi and others were shocked.

They have kept this secret for 12 years.

"As expected of a wise admiral of the navy, I guessed it so quickly." The red-haired man showed a smile, let go of Grisffin, and took out the wine bottle.

"The person who destroyed Elegia that day was indeed Uta accidentally summoned, the legendary sealed demon Totemjika."

"Originally, I thought this matter would be rotten in my heart. We, the red-haired pirates, took the blame for this."

"However, I didn't expect Wulaoxing to plan on Uta in order to eliminate the variables."

"Twelve years ago, Uta accidentally summoned Totemjica. Due to the lack of physical strength at a young age, all of us joined forces and finally repelled it."

"Originally, I thought that music would change the least expected things, but recently I got information that Uta has a terrifying idea of ​​creating a new era in his mind."

"Now, her control over the fruit of singing and singing has been outstanding, and she has reached the point of fruit awakening. Her singing talent is as expected as I like."

Speaking of this, a gentle smile appeared on the red-haired face, as if thinking of something, and after a pause, it was replaced by a serious smile: "But it is for this reason, once Uta really decides to use The singing fruit ability creates a new era, summons Totemjica, and with her current strength and fruit ability awakening, once summoned, Totemjica will become unprecedentedly powerful."

"At that time, it may be very difficult to defeat Totemjica, it will become an invincible existence!"

"At the same time, 70.00% of the people in the world will be trapped in the singing world and will never be able to escape."

Sengoku and Garp stiffened.

The Navy Headquarters did pay attention to Uta, the world singer who suddenly appeared and had a huge influence.

However, major incidents occurred frequently during this period, and even the wise general of the Warring States Period felt overwhelmed.

It never occurred to me that the negligence during this period of time would cause things to evolve to this point.

If you really infer according to what the red hair said.

This is not just a big crisis that threatens the world.

Now it is still possible to become Wu Laoxing's powerful spear against Luo Yu, ah!

Looking at the shocked Sengoku and Garp, the red-haired man spoke again with a solemn expression: "We already had a headache when we faced Uta."

"Now Wulaoxing is still planning to intervene. To what extent this matter will develop, we can't predict."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, do you have a way to break through this dilemma?"

Sengoku's face was full of solemnity.

Facing the advantages and disadvantages of red hair points, it is also extremely difficult.

"He, can you do anything?"

Sengoku looked back at the crane who had just followed them and boarded the boat.

Facing this dead situation, Crane, as the general staff, is undoubtedly the best object of discussion.

"I can't do anything for the time being!" Crane shook his head solemnly, but turned his eyes slowly, looking at Luo Yu beside him.

"However, we have nothing to do, it doesn't mean Luo Yu doesn't have it!"

Zhan Guo, Hongfa and the others looked shocked, obviously ignoring this question.

However, in the face of Wuta and Wulaoxing's intrusion.

In their eyes, it was a deadlock that they couldn't solve even if they wanted to break their heads.

Could Luo Yu really have a solution?

"The world of Gege Fruit? This is somewhat similar to Infinity Tsukiyomi." Luo Yu smiled and took a sip of earth burning.

Of course, Luo Yu also knew very well about Uta's singing fruit.

Also know how to crack it.

It's just that Luo Yu also doesn't know how things will evolve now that the five old stars are intervening.

However, facing this unknown predicament, Luo Yu couldn't help but smile, shook his head and said.

"I don't have a specific way."

"However, since the conscious space is used as the leading method, it is actually very simple to break the curse."

"As long as it is unimaginably strong, that's enough!"

Hongfa, Zhan Guo and the others were suddenly stunned.

Facing Luo Yu's approach, it was obviously beyond their expectations.

It's just that no matter how they think about it, they can't grasp the true meaning of this sentence.

"Luo Yu, do you really have a solution? You should be very clear that Wulaoxing is likely to intervene in this matter. We can't figure out what you just said!" Zhan Guo suddenly became anxious.

If Luo Yu said this half a year ago, Sengoku would never have taken it to heart.

However, he has gone through so many things now, and also has the brilliant record of beheading the five old stars Yamamoto twice in succession.

This had to make Warring States feel like grasping at straws.

Even the red hair and the others on the side were no exception, they all stared at Luo Yu.

It's just that, with this glance, an unexpected answer fell into their ears, making them dumbfounded.

"No, you don't have to think about it, as long as you know how to add money."

"Give me enough bonuses, and I will help you solve this matter!"

Luo Yu smiled and took a sip of earth burning, glanced at the pocket watch in his hand, raised the wine gourd in his hand, turned around and walked away.

"After get off work at five o'clock, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

The small voice echoed on the deck and could not dissipate for a long time.

Seeing the slowly leaving back, red hair, Ben Beckman and other pirates stared dumbfounded.

However, at this juncture, I saw He and the others smiling!

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