Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 22 No Smoking Indoors

Domineering shortcut?

Ai En couldn't help but stagnate in his striding steps, and turned around with a face full of astonishment.

The nerves of all the people on the side were also instantly pried.

It would be fine if Luo Yu didn't speak.

After witnessing Luo Yu's perverted domineering look with his own eyes.

Now that Luo Yu suddenly said these words, an extremely absurd thought instantly popped up in their minds.

He won't really have a way, there is a shortcut to awaken domineering, let's take it!

"General Luo Yu, are you joking?"

Ai En clenched his fists tightly, showing a face full of urgency.

Everyone also stared at Luo Yu eagerly.

Luo Yu raised his glasses and said with a smile, "Do I seem to be joking?"

"However, I don't know if this method can work. If you are not careful, you will lose your life."

"I can only say, give you a chance to gamble."


Ai En froze for a moment, never expecting that Luo Yu would give this kind of down-to-earth concept instilled by Zefa, which is completely opposite.

However, when he thought of Luo Yu, who was about the same age as him, he was promoted to the position of general at a young age.

Isn't this the same bet?

Ordinary people keep their feet on the ground and get promoted step by step. I am afraid that they may not reach this height in their entire life!

Looking at Ai En who fell into silence, Luo Yu didn't rush.

He had already communicated with the system just now, and the training room could be integrated with his own cabin under the materialization.

At the same time, Luo Yu also found an explanation for the change of gravity, and used it to fool the past.

It will not let outsiders guess that there are secrets hidden in him.

As for why he helped Ain take a shortcut.

The most important thing is that, as a qualified social animal, Luo Yu of course hopes to have capable people under his command, even if the sky is pierced, he doesn't have to deal with it himself, just lie down and mix up the salary.

Is this uncomfortable?

The deck of the huge ship suddenly fell into dead silence.

Everyone stared at Ai En, eager to know what choice she would give.

Feeling the gazes from all around, Ai En's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by invisible big hands, facing Luo Yu who was still careless, finally a trace of determination flashed across Ai En's face.

Instead of being unable to take revenge for a lifetime!

Ain hopes that he can become stronger.

"General Luo Yu, I'm willing to take a gamble, please let me take a domineering shortcut, even if I die!" Ai En said in a deep voice through gritted teeth.

Everyone present was shocked, and they never thought that Ain would really agree.

Is there really a shortcut to domineering awakening?

"General Luo Yu, I also want to take a shortcut!" Kebi suddenly stood out from the crowd, and at the same time he did not hesitate to give Bellumebo a hand.

Before Bellumebo could react, he had already seen Luo Yu's eyes on him.

As a coward, Bellumebo didn't dare to gamble his life.

It's just that he was pulled out by Kebi and folded his back now.

If he chooses to retreat now, Bellumebo is not willing to lose this face.

Most importantly, he has always regarded Kebi as a competitor on the road to becoming stronger.

I don't even want to see Kebi abandon him and become stronger.

"General Luo Yu, I want to gamble too!"

Smoker and Tina could not help but clenched the cigarettes and cigars in their mouths, and looked at each other with livid faces.

The two of them are placed on this deck, and they are also at the senior level.

Now let a group of juniors compare.

This face, I'm afraid I really can't afford to lose it.

"General Luo Yu, Tina also wants to gamble!"

"I want to try it too!"

Smoker and Tina, the crowd walked out.

In the cabin, as well as in the corners, Crocodile and Spandam, who were in front of the little transparent ones, froze instantly.

If we talk about what Luo Yu said a moment ago, it just made them have an inexplicable and absurd guess.

There are so many people now, suddenly singing this big game of gambling, it undoubtedly touched their nerves.

If it's not for the position.

There is really a magic voice in their minds, bewitching them crazily, and they also take a gamble.

However, as soon as this idea sprouted in their minds, they suppressed it abruptly.

Spandam couldn't help it even more, and sneered and whispered to himself: "Hehe, this new general is still too stupid and naive. If there is really a shortcut to awaken domineering, my cp9 has already I have been promoted to cp0, do I still have to stay on Judicial Island?"

"Look at it, this stupid and naive fourth general will only embarrass himself in the end."

"Boss Crocodile, is it really difficult to awaken domineering?" mr1 couldn't help but look to the side.

Crocodile still nodded indifferently and said: "That guy is really good, but what he said is not wrong, just watch it, don't hold out too much hope, just watch it as a joke."

A small voice, of course, cannot escape the ears of others.

Tina and the others froze slightly, and were about to retort, but Luo Yu waved his hand to stop them.

"Okay, it's getting late, and I'm going to have a lunch break in a while. I don't want to waste time."

"Next, what you have to do is very simple. If you are willing to gamble, you can enter my cabin. In order to avoid unnecessary influence, I will limit the domineering color to a specific range, and gradually exert pressure on you. , to force your domineering awakening."

"Of course, if one of you doesn't have domineering spirit, then you will die if you die."

Boot with domineering impact?

The minds of those present suddenly exploded.

They finally understood why Luo Yu told them that their lives would be in danger as soon as he opened his mouth.

After seeing Luo Yu's perverted overlord-like arrogance.

If you want to resist the impact of the overlord's domineering head-on, I'm afraid you really have to gamble your life.

Ai En clenched his fists several times, and finally walked quickly to the cabin of the warship where Luo Yu was with a determined expression on his face.

Kebi on the side also quickly followed, and even Beru Mebo, whose legs were shaking into twists and bowels, also followed quickly with a mournful face.

Not to mention Tina and Smoker.

When making a decision just now, they have already taken the first step.

Now I can't hold back.

Through the open door, watching the five people gather in the cabin in an instant, Crocodile, Spandam and the others were also tense to the extreme, showing urgency on their faces.

They were eager to see the moment when Luo Yu failed.

"General Luo Yu, we are ready. Just now, your domineering domineering attack was just a glimpse. Now that I can experience it for myself, I also want to know how long I can last." Smoker said in a deep voice with a cigar in his mouth .

Tina on the side also quickly nodded and said in agreement: "Tina wants to try it too, please General Luo Yu, please don't show mercy, we are ready."

"Ready?" Luo Yu raised his gold-rimmed glasses, stood up, stopped ten meters away from the cabin, and said with a faint smile.

"Now that I'm ready, let me tell you a question first."

“No smoking indoors!”

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