Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 19 9:3am is Morning Tea Time

Everyone's nerves were tense to the extreme, and they subconsciously looked at Luo Yu.

He was eager to know how Luo Yu would deal with such a shameless threat from Spandam.

It's just that the people present obviously thought too much.

Luo Yu still stood in place.

The overbearing domineering impact rolled back and forth with a rolling posture, did not stop at all, and directly hit Spandam's body.


The guardrail of the warship was shattered, and Spandam seemed to be hit head-on by a sea king. He rolled his eyes and foamed, and smashed heavily on the warship that was parked nearby and hung the flag of Judiciary Island.


The huge impact caused the deck of the ship to shatter.

The four figures tore apart the hull of the ship in a destructive manner.

Embedded directly in the hull, all four of them rolled their eyes and foamed, and completely lost their response.

Accompanied by the sea water splashing in the sky, it poured down.

It was only then that the people who were present as if they had seen a ghost finally came to their senses!

Looking at the Judiciary Island warship that was directly smashed to pieces.

Is this really domineering?

Crocodile was confused.

He is a great pirate who has roamed the seas.

When he was young and ignorant, he also challenged the existence of Whitebeard.

Crocodile is very clear about the coercion of the domineering color.

It's just that the domineering look and domineering oppression that came from the white beard in the past was carved into the bone.

Compared with what happened just now.

The domineering look of the white beard seems to have a feeling of drizzle!

Facing the combination of the three cp9s, Crocodile is confident of taking them down.

But like Luo Yu's stare and direct suppression, that understatement-like gesture is too shocking.

What kind of monster is the fourth general of the navy, Taotie Luoyu?

"I'm sorry, you all heard just now, what kind of officer announced to the outside world that those three guys have the so-called Lu Qi appearance, and insisted on letting me beat them. I didn't expect them to be so good, and I didn't stop them for a while With strength, they were blown away."

Luo Yu dissipated the domineering spirit that was protruding from his body, and reluctantly took a sip of strong wine, and said.

"This shit, won't my 50 performance be deducted?"

Ai En's cheek muscles were twitching, and in the end it was exactly as she had guessed.

Things are not too big, the most afraid of deducting performance!

However, recalling Luo Yu's look just now, he directly swept away the CP9 who dared to intercept the escort mission halfway, and did not take the cp[-] in their eyes at all.

This feeling is too sour.

"Admiral Luoyu, escorting the king's Qiwuhai Crocodile is the highest secret mission of our navy headquarters. No one without the order of the Warring States Marshal must not approach the escorting warship." Ai En came back to his senses and made a rule. A proper military salute, said in a deep voice.

"Once you approach at will, you will be regarded as an enemy, and the person in charge of the escort can take action unconditionally."

"General Luo Yu, your 50 performance will not be deducted!"

A deep voice, mixed with an undeniable taste.

Kebi and Beru Meber froze in place.

During this period of time, Ai En's behavior towards Luo Yu's behavior was incompatible.

Now even cp9 was blown away by a disagreement.

I thought that Ain would blow up directly, but I didn't expect to show a feeling of convincing at all.

However, when he thought of the contempt from Spandam just now, and the four figures inlaid on the broken warship in front of him.

In this scene, riding a horse is really cool!

"Is this the strength of the new general? Am I, Tina, not dazzled?" Tina's pretty face was full of shock.

Smoker, who was on the side, was biting the cigar in half by him.

If we say that just a moment ago, he was still dissatisfied with Luo Yu's admission to the general.

Then everything that happened just now completely defeated his idea.

At least, Smoker has always believed that he has the same extremely rare natural devil fruit as the three generals, so he should be the person closest to becoming a general.

Just thinking back to the moment just now, Luo Yu wiped out the cp9 group just by relying on his domineering impact.

With such means, I am afraid that even the ability of the devil fruit that he has exhausted his strength to drive is hard to match!

The most important thing is, is this really the domineering look he knows?

Isn't the rumored overlord's arrogance only able to cause a certain amount of mental shock?

How did it get into Luo Yu's hands? It changed completely.

"Please... Excuse me..." On the deck, Nei Luo, the only remaining CP9 rookie, had already turned pale. Feeling Luo Yu's gaze, his legs trembled into twists, and he almost couldn't stand still.

"What's the matter, did you forget that you are also a member of cp9, and you have the appearance of Lu Qi?" Luo Yu said lightly, taking a sip of his drink.

With a plop, Nero fell to the ground and said hastily, waving his hands.

"No, no, I don't have Lu Qi's appearance. I just want to ask General Luo Yu for help. If anyone can save CP, that warship is about to sink. How about our Judicial Island? It belongs to the same world as the Navy Headquarters. Under the command of the government, I hope General Luo Yu will be lenient."

In the old days, as a super rookie in CP, Nero really hoped that others could call him Lu Qi.

However, at this moment, it has undoubtedly become a nightmare!

"Save people?" Luo Yu raised his glasses, looked at the warship that was already flooded not far away, and nodded.

"You're right. Judiciary Island and the Navy Headquarters are the same family. Of course people need to be saved."

"However, [-]:[-] is afternoon tea time, and [-]:[-] is morning tea time. It's about saving lives. Let's make plans after I finish my morning tea!"

Luo Yu dropped these words, turned around and returned to his warship.

There is a big gap between that clean and neat posture and the sentence of saving people just now.

Especially the sentence about a family, isn't it more important than a morning tea?

Tina and Smoker stood still.

They have heard that the new general Taotie Luoyu is a weirdo who is extremely obsessed with time.

However, I didn't expect it to be so strange.

When they were in the navy, when did they have the habit of drinking morning tea at [-]:[-] and afternoon tea at [-]:[-]?

The most important thing is what the hell is morning tea and afternoon tea?

However, looking at Luo Yu who turned and left, as a general, he could see death without saving him, but Tina and Smoker couldn't.

After the two looked at each other helplessly, they quickly turned around and ordered others to start rescue immediately.

As for Crocodile who was imprisoned in the cabin, after looking at Luo Yu with fear, he fell into silence with a livid face.

If he hadn't seen Luo Yu's true strength, Crocodile would have no desire to escape from prison.

However, after seeing Luo Yu's strength with his own eyes, he feels powerless, but at the same time, he is eager to escape from prison.

This kind of feeling made Crocodile almost suspect that he wanted to get what he couldn't get, and he was blatantly cheap!

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