Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 156 Is the new general asked to keep his own place?

At the same time, in Dressrosa King City.

Doflamingo was wearing a flamingo coat, sitting on the throne, looking at the fax from the phone bug in his hand, showing a ferocious smile.

"Young master, is that arrogant person here?"

Diamante, who was wearing a red cloak, was the first to laugh ferociously.

As the most senior cadres of the Don Quixote family, they clearly know how big the chess game Doflamingo is playing this time.

Letting the new admiral of the navy come in person now is only the first step among many plans.

"Hehe, it is indeed here, Violet, have you seen him?" Doflamingo smiled and crushed the fax in his hand, and looked at Violet who was standing by the window not far away.

As a person with the ability to stare fruit, Violet can observe things within a radius of four thousand kilometers.

At the same time, it can see through objects and look directly at people's hearts.

It is precisely because of this almost abnormal monitoring ability that Doflamingo made an exception to allow the remnants of the Riku Dynasty to survive.

"Young master, I have seen the huge warship of the navy headquarters, and there is indeed an admiral on it." Violet said hastily.

But as she checked, her pupils shrank slightly, and she felt a little more shocked.

However, this shock was quickly hidden by Violet.

As an ability user who can see through people's hearts, it is not a problem for Violet to hide her thoughts.

"Violet, did you see something?" Doflamingo suddenly said.

Violet's expression froze slightly, obviously not expecting Doflamingo to ask such a question at such a juncture.

However, Violet quickly recovered and said, "Young master, the distance is too far, I can't see through, I can't see anything else."

"However, Virgo seemed to send back two encrypted numbers just now, and I saw that the decryption was successful. These two words surprised me."

"It's the word An Fen!"

"Vergo finally sent back a message?" Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed ferociously again.

"I thought that the navy would see Virgo's identity, and there would be no news about such a big event. What happened, I didn't expect that at this critical moment, he would still show up."

Having said that, Doflamingo stood up, walked slowly towards the gate, looked at the sun outside, and smiled more cruelly.

"Be safe? Is Virgo telling me that the new admiral of the navy is required to be safe and disciplined?"

"It seems that the Navy Headquarters has gone too far in declaring war with the two Four Emperors at the same time. Otherwise, the admiral of the navy would not be so wronged, and he flew over to make amends in just two or three days."

"However, that's good too. It's time for him to understand what will happen if he offends me, Doflamingo."

"Let's go, little ones, go and see the pug-like appearance of this arrogant man, and inform my distinguished guest, let him come out to calm the scene when necessary."

Leaving these words behind, Doflamingo took the lead and left through the air.

He couldn't wait to know how far things would go next.

Seeing this, Torrebol and the others didn't care too much, and followed quickly.

Only after Violet's expression changed, did she grit her teeth and chase after her.

Three hours later, at the pier of Dressrosa Kingdom.

Members of the Don Quixote family have already gathered here.

Whether it's the highest-ranking cadres or ordinary cadres, even the lowest-level members are gathered here by Doflamingo.

After becoming the king's Shichibukai, Doflamingo not only became the king of Dressrosa by virtue of his own skills.

At the same time, he also got a relationship with Beast Kaido.

He usually engages in scientific research and deals in the black market, and has even won the title of king of the black market.

In the eyes of Doflamingo, the identity of Shichibukai, the king, has long been unable to limit himself.

In this piece of sea, apart from the four sea emperors, he is the strongest existence.

However, with Luo Yu's sudden birth, and the successive losses, Doflamingo couldn't hold back his face at all.

Even the morale of the family has been weakened a lot.

Now that the Navy Headquarters needs him.

This is the best opportunity to avenge their shame, and Doflamingo doesn't want those subordinates to miss this feast.

"Cyrus, what's going on here? Why did Doflamingo gather so many people here? There seems to be someone hidden by Doflamingo on purpose. What are they going to do? .”

Behind the wilderness reef in the distance, Rebecca, who was wearing an extremely naked gold fighter outfit and had pink hair, couldn't help but speak.

Only the one-legged Cyrus, who had been reduced to a toy man, said with a serious face.

"Just now I found out that the Navy Headquarters declared war on the two Four Emperors at the same time, and recruited the Seven Martial Seas under the King to help in the battle."

"Doflamingo took advantage of this opportunity to show off to the new admiral, so he gathered these men and let them watch the show."

"Cyrus, are you talking about the new admiral who severely injured Pica and repelled Doflamingo in the Navy headquarters?" Rebecca said hurriedly with a slightly changed face.

"Cyrus, you said earlier that this admiral likes to play cards against common sense, and he doesn't even care about Doflamingo. He is the best person for us to ask for help."

"Now that he is carrying the mission of the Navy Headquarters, if he takes the initiative to send it to his door, I'm afraid he will inevitably be humiliated."

"Also, Doflamingo is hiding someone over there. I'm afraid what he did would not be as simple as a simple humiliation?"

"Can we just watch with our eyes?"

As a subjugated princess, Rebecca has indeed lost her memory of Cyrus.

But still bear in mind the determination to revenge and restore the country.

It's just that facing the behemoth Don Quixote family led by Doflamingo, it is obviously powerless.

She thought that the birth of Luo Yu and the successive defeats of the Don Quixote family would give her hope.

It never occurred to me that things would evolve to this point.

Cyrus' face was heavy, he clutched the toy gun in his hand, and finally sighed faintly.

"I don't know what to do. The only thing I can pray for is that there will be opportunities in the future."

"However, we must not let this admiral die in the hands of Doflamingo. As long as he is still alive, we will still have a chance of winning."

"Young master, the warship is coming." Torrebol suddenly said.

Gathered on the pier, tens of thousands of Don Quixote family's men cheered.

As the king's Qiwuhai, he can invite the dignified admiral of the navy to invite him in person.

Looking at the sea, I am afraid this is the only one.

If that's not something to cheer about, what is?

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