Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 15 The Fourth Admiral of the Navy, Taotie

Ended with farce.

The promotion of the fourth general of the navy swept across the entire sea through various channels like a hurricane.

In the g5 base, Virgo, as a vice admiral, obtained the appointment document notification from the headquarters immediately, looked at the above content, quickly walked into the secret room, and dialed the hidden phone bug.

"Vergo, did something special happen? Let you use this phone bug at a time like this."

In the phone bug, Doflamingo's unexpected voice came out.

Virgo, as his pawn in the Navy headquarters, climbed to the position of Vice Admiral step by step.

Before becoming Shichibukai, Doflamingo detected many extremely secret operations of the Navy Headquarters through Virgo.

"My lord, I just got the news that a newcomer trained by Karp was suddenly nominated in the Navy Headquarters as the Fourth Admiral of the Navy, known as the Taotie Luoyu."

"Fourth Admiral of the Navy? Taotie? What does this mean?" Doflamingo's expression froze, and the phone bug in his hand was slightly clenched.

The navy has always been able to produce double generals, which is already very good.

The current three generals are even known as the strongest in history.

Now there is a fourth general, which means that the strength of the Navy Headquarters will be strengthened like never before, right?

"Young master, I don't know what you mean by gluttony. I heard that it is a so-called ancient beast, but it is rumored that the fourth general, gluttonous Luoyu, loves money very much, and is a weird person who is obsessed with commuting. In terms of strength, he has also mastered three colors Domineering, and knocked out the chief instructor Zefa and Akainu Sakaski, and finally ascended to the position of the fourth general."

Virgo said all the news he had just received.

"Loving money, obsessed with commuting to and from get off work?" Doflamingo was taken aback for a moment, then said playfully.

"It seems that each of these admirals is a talent."

"Originally, I planned to help you search for a powerful devil fruit and let you sit on the position of the admiral of the navy headquarters. I didn't expect that people would get there first."

"If the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit in Kaido's hand hadn't been secretly taken by someone, I'm afraid our Don Quixote family would have been able to eat all things."

"Young master, I have let you down!" Virgo said in a deep voice.

As a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, Heizhu Weiergo is considered an outstanding existence among the lieutenant generals.

Otherwise, he would not be the base chief of the g5 base on the front line of the new world.

"Vergo, you don't have to blame yourself, the position of general is not so easy." Doflamingo laughed dryly.

"To secure this position, he not only needs to make military achievements, but also many people will stare at his head. If it is just a newcomer touted by the Navy headquarters, I am afraid that his life will be a little hanging."

"It seems that this piece of sea will be very lively in the future."

In the new world, in an unknown sea.

The huge whale-like pirate ship is breaking through the waves.

White Beard looked at the photo in his hand, showing surprise.

"Fourth Admiral of the Navy, Taotie Luoyu?" Marco raised his brows, also surprised.

"This guy looks really young, he seems to be about the same as Ace, and he can become an admiral at such a young age, breaking the iron rule of the three generals, I'm afraid he has some strength."

"Gu la la la, the little devil who can make the Warring States look at him is probably a bit important. I heard that Garp cultivated it himself. Don't forget that Ace also escaped from that guy." Whitebeard said with a big smile.

"It seems that the navy headquarters is really lucky. It has gathered enough four generals. Is this going to fight against the four emperors of the sea?"

"If that's the case, it's a little underestimating us old guys from the old days."

All the captains present quickly took the photo from Whitebeard's hands, also showing surprise.

"Father, can this guy really be a general? Ace made his name in the sea earlier than him." Diamond Joez said hastily.

"If there is a chance, let Ace meet him, maybe he can overwhelm him and raise the reputation of our Whitebeard Pirates."

"Joz, you're right."

"Ace has been away for a while, I don't know how it is now."

Wano country ghost island.

Four hill-like figures sat together.

The leader was Kaido, who had a gloomy face and smelled of alcohol.

Looking at the photo in his hand, he frowned and laughed disdainfully.

"Haha, is this Navy Headquarters jumping over the wall in a hurry? Just find a kid and plan to take the position of Admiral of the Navy. It seems that the strength of the Navy is getting worse and worse."

"If you want to find a place to commit suicide and let that brat touch me, I'm afraid you will be desperate!"

"Boss Kaido, you are right, a kid who is only as high as my thigh, I also doubt whether he can take a punch from me, I really hope to meet him on the sea, let him understand the cruelty of pirates. "Jack urn on the side echoed.

As the legendary ship lord, in Jack's eyes, as long as Kaido gives an order, he will definitely have a hard time.

Jhin and Quinn at the side showed a trace of silence.

Compared with Jack, who smelled of alcohol and had a brain full of muscles, they obviously thought more.

An admiral who was exceptionally promoted should still have some strength, right?

Of course, it is limited to the sake of a little strength, after all, the person in the photo is too young.

At the same time, there is an uninhabited deserted island in the windless belt.

As one of the newly promoted four emperors, the red-haired Shanks also got the news about the fourth general of the Navy headquarters immediately.

Looking at the photos and documents in his hands, Ben Beckman was the first to speak while smoking a cigar.

"The fourth general of the navy, Taotie Luoyu, didn't expect the naval hero Garp to hide this pawn."

"His age seems to be about the same as Ace's. At this age, he will be able to take the position of general, and I am afraid that he will have some strength."

"Shanks, we shouldn't be wrong with our bet, right?"

Shanks looked at the photo in his hand silently, and finally said: "Don't worry, now Luffy has begun to collapse into a corner of the Seven Wuhai, and it is not far from our plan."

"However, have you found the whereabouts of Whitebeard? I don't want that guy to have an accident. Luffy still needs time to grow up. Don't forget what that fruit represents."

"Captain, don't worry, we have received news from Whitebeard and the others just now, but is it really okay for us to send a new person to deliver the letter? Don't forget that Whitebeard has always been arrogant." Lackey added after taking a bite of the barbecue in his hand.

They are also the Four Emperor Pirates. During their rise, they also dealt with Whitebeard a lot. Of course, they know the way Whitebeard does things.

Facing the gazes from all around, the red-haired Shanks didn't take it seriously, grabbed the handle of the knife at his waist, and suddenly stood up.

"Then let's go there ourselves!"

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