Just average?

On the deck, Lafitte's smile suddenly froze.

Badgers and the others were also in a daze.

When Blackbeard proposed to use the identity of the king's Qiwuhai to follow the admiral Taotie Luoyu to Jincheng University Prison to investigate the situation inside, they waited with hope.

Waiting for the return of Blackbeard can bring a lot of good news.

In particular, Lafitte, known as the devil's sheriff.

For a long time, he has regarded his resourcefulness as being able to overwhelm the admiral of the warring states.

In his eyes, go to the sixth floor of the city to find a powerful companion in the future.

That's a good move to make the best move.

However, after waiting for so long now, Black Beard opened his mouth and told them that it was nothing.

If even the vicious people imprisoned on the sixth floor of Jinjin City are ordinary existences.

Then they are here, people who are not even qualified to enter the sixth floor.

Is it even worse than average.

"Hehe, Captain, you really know how to joke, but this joke is not funny. It is also the best plan you agree to go to the sixth floor of the promotion city to select powerful members. Those are all vicious pirates on the sea. What's more Or, it was also a terrifying existence in the old era, how can these be ordinary?"

Lafitte came back to his senses for a while, forced a smile, and spoke again.

Badgers and the others next to him didn't speak, but they also showed a look of urgency.

They knew clearly that if this was normal, then next, don't say they had no face to stay on board.

I'm afraid even where to find members is also a problem.

Black Beard's face was full of bitterness, recalling what happened yesterday, he smiled helplessly and said: "No, it's not really normal."

"It's just that, in front of Taotie Luoyu, the fourth general of the navy, they are too ordinary."

"Yesterday, the admiral rushed to get off work on time. He directly suppressed the sixth floor of Jinjin City with his domineering look. Counting the time, those prisoners are probably still in a coma."

"So, you say, even if we really gather enough people on the sixth floor in the future, I'm afraid it's still too ordinary to face the fourth general of the navy!"

The people present were suddenly confused.

At this moment, they finally understood why their great captain was hiding in a corner as a little transparent on the naval warship just now.

If it is not transparent, I am afraid it will really be bombarded as transparent.

In a hurry to get off work, even the sixth floor of the city was suppressed.

If you hadn't heard about this kind of thing with your own ears, who would believe that all this is true.

"Blackbeard, I hope that next time we meet, you can try your best to mention your bonus. We have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Luo Yu jumped onto the shore, raised the wine gourd in his hand, and walked towards the Navy Headquarters building with a smile.

Blackbeard's face turned livid.

It never occurred to him that he would be on Luo Yu's bonus book so quickly.

Facing Luo Yu, who said that the bonus was always open, Black Beard really doubted that the new admiral's gaze was a string of Baileys.

Could it be that he saw through my thoughts?

Blackbeard remembered Luo Yu's kind eyes.

It felt like he was staring at Sage holding the dark fruit back then.

It's just frightening.

At the same time, in the meeting hall of the Navy Headquarters.

Dozens of naval generals have already assembled here.

In addition to the familiar faces on weekdays, many branch heads of major branches were also transferred.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, tell me that our Navy Headquarters is going to face the two Four Emperors at the same time. This is too risky!"

Among the crowd, Lieutenant General Kimmel, the head of the G2 branch, was the first to be unable to hold back.

In the navy, the admiral is known as the strongest combat force, followed by the alternate admiral, responsible for monitoring the movements of the Four Emperors.

After that, it was the base chiefs of the major branches.

It can be said that to be able to become the base chiefs of the major branches in the dangerous new world, each of them is the best of the lieutenant generals, and the strength they possess is also unique in the sea, otherwise they will not be able to guard one side.

The overall strength is several points stronger than that of the lieutenant general in this department.

However, what Jimir never expected was that the Navy Headquarters would suddenly issue an emergency call-up order, asking them to give up guarding the branch and rush to the Navy Headquarters to gather together.

For a moment, the head of the branch base present also stared at Zhan Guo eagerly.

"Gimmel, I understand your concerns, but our Navy Headquarters has no choice. Fire Fist Ace must be executed publicly. Whitebeard's declaration of war is inevitable. Drought Jack can't be let go. I think let him go. With Kaido's temperament, he will definitely take advantage of the fire." Warring States responded in a deep voice.

When he convened and opened this meeting, he thought about all possible things that might happen.

I also know how difficult it is to deal with two four emperors at once.

It is not an exaggeration to set the Navy Headquarters on fire.

Faced with this answer, the expressions of all the branch ministers present couldn't help but froze, and they couldn't open their mouths.

As admirals of the navy, they clearly know that Kaido, among the four emperors, has no integrity or lower limit.

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much, Jimir. I think since the Warring States has made such a decision, they should have a rough countermeasure." He said in a timely manner.

"Don't forget, Marshal of the Warring States Period is known as a wise general."

After these words fell, the depression in the field was instantly broken.

The eyes of many people lit up instantly.

After all, the title of wise general of the Warring States Navy is a lofty evaluation obtained from battle after battle.

Sensing the sights from all around, Zhan Guo pondered for a while, but did not continue to show off. Now facing the two four emperors, the first thing to do is obviously to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Don't worry, confronting two Four Emperors at the same time, for our navy headquarters, the biggest shortcoming is the lack of combat power."

"This time, in addition to using the King's Qiwuhai Recruitment Order to let those guys contribute a little bit of strength, I also plan to find some special combat power in the sea, hoping that they can make up for the shortcomings of our navy headquarters. "

"Looking for special combat power in the sea?" Jimil and the others couldn't help being taken aback, and even He was a little surprised.

They had no idea that the Warring States Council would come up with such a crazy proposal.

The side never spoke. As a rare female lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters, Dole, the head of the G14 branch, was the first to lose her temper.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, is it really possible to find this special combat power, or is it said that the Marshal of the Warring States Period already has a goal in mind."

The people present stared at Zhan Guo for an instant.

In their eyes, it might be possible to find some ordinary combat power.

But is it possible to find some power that can fight against the Four Emperors?

However, before Zhan Guo could open his mouth, there was a fluttering voice outside the gate.

"I seem to have a goal!"

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