Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 115 Life and death bonus grades

Hundreds of people followed Jack's pace and rushed out.

Gathering into a huge movement, it makes people feel like the earth is shaking.

Urati on the side saw this, and the smile on his face became more intense.

Not long ago, she received an order, as long as she completed this mission.

She was able to leave the dangerous Beast Pirates and return to CP0 to report on her duties.

Thinking of this, Urati jumped quickly, caught up with Jack, and said with a smile.

"Master Jack, don't be so impulsive, that kid is always a newcomer."

"At the pier to the south, there are dozens of pirate groups and thousands of pirates gathered. For that young general, the psychological pressure to take the initiative to send them to the door is already not small."

"If Mr. Jack comes out like this again, I'm afraid he will be scared away if he is not careful. It will be a little difficult to find him again then!"

"Scared him away?" Jack stared round, and could not help but snort coldly.

"Hmph, even if he is scared out of his wits, he will definitely not be able to run in front of me."

"If you mess with our Beast Pirates, no matter who he is, he will die."

"Little ones, hurry up and keep up, don't let him run away!"

Seeing Jack and the others who became extremely excited again, Urati smiled even more charmingly.

It can be said that based on this high morale alone, Urati can be sure that more than half of his plan has been completed.

The wharves on the west and south are only more than ten miles apart.

Under the leadership of Jack, it only took a few minutes to see the outline of the pier from a distance.

Looking at the blurry naval ship on the dock in the distance, Urati took the lead and couldn't help but smile.

"Master Jack, it's easy to take the credit for the general..."

The words scattered with the wind, and the last sound stopped suddenly in Urati's mouth.

When they crossed the hill and saw the pier clearly, everyone was stunned.

Wasn't it agreed at the beginning that dozens of pirate groups and thousands of pirates formed a powerful human sea tactic to besiege the admiral?

No matter how far you look, the pier that you saw yesterday has been razed to the ground.

Thousands of pirates are scattered all around.

In the center of the ruins, a figure stood out from the crowd.

The weird scene made all the pirates who were full of enthusiasm and regarded credit as easy to get, suddenly confused.

There is a feeling of a basin of cold water being poured head-on.

Especially looking at the two phone bugs tightly held in Luo Yu's hands, he suddenly felt a little bad.

Could it be that the one who notified them with the phone bug just now was not the pirate who worked hard for them, but the new admiral?

Are they really taking the initiative to deliver it to your door?

Look, thousands of pirates are lying around, not knowing whether they are alive or dead.

Even the smile on Urati's face became stiff.

"It's coming so soon? It seems that you Beast Pirates really want to kill me." Luo Yu looked around, and finally looked at the burly Jack who was like a hill, showing a gratified smile.

"Finally, a valuable character came, not the worthless Fei Liubao."

"However, can you wait any longer? I haven't asked about your bonus yet!"


All the pirates couldn't help being stunned for a moment, obviously confused about these words for a moment.

However, that sentence Fei Liubao is worthless.

It's too crazy!

However, before they opened their mouths to refute, many people have noticed that moored on the pier and on the mast of the warship, Sol, who is also a member of the Flying Six, is hanging.

That kind of entanglement like a mummy, missing an arm and a leg, made them feel irrefutable.

"What an arrogant newcomer. There have been rumors in the sea that the new admiral has a morbid obsession with bonus performance. I didn't expect these rumors to be true. Not only did he take the initiative to lure us out, but he also treated Mr. Jack as a bonus. It's just courting death."

Urati shouted coldly.

Of course, Luo Yu was very clear about Luo Yu's behavior, his expression turned cold, and he said angrily again.

"However, you underestimate him too much. As one of the three disasters, Mr. Jack, the big pirate with a reward of one billion is not something you can handle."

"There are rumors all over the sea that the new fourth general of the navy has a lot of tricks, and his fighting style is very strange. The little girl wants to see how you can break through Lord Jack's defense."

"Let's obediently become the dead soul under Master Jack's feet!"

After Erchang's words fell, the pirate who was originally in a daze was finally shaken.

They really don't know why thousands of pirates were defeated.

However, they clearly know that at this level, the final result is still above the duel between the strong.

If the admiral in front of him can't even break through Jack's defense.

There is no victory to speak of.

"Little ghost, during this period of time, you not only killed the pirates under our Hundred Beasts Pirates, but also killed my subordinate Sipps Hyde, and Sol the Flying Six, chosen by Boss Kaido."

Jack stood out from the crowd, pulled out the double knives at his waist, and said angrily with a cold face.

"If you do this, if you let Boss Kaido know, you will be very angry, and I will be scolded at that time, so you should go back with me obediently, and bear Boss Kaido's anger!"

"Go back with you?" Luo Yu took a sip of his drink, glanced at the phone bug that was still busy in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

"It's okay to go back with you."

"However, can you let me talk about the bonus first?"

"I'm worried about the grading of life and death bonuses!"

Bonus grades?

Jack's expression froze, his head was indeed stuffed with muscles.

However, I still instantly understood what this meant.

Ain, Smoker and the others standing in the distance showed bitterness on their faces.

As members of the navy, they once thought about what it would be like when they met the Four Emperor Pirates on the sea in the future.

It never occurred to me that it's not about you dying, but about the bonus!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who wants to believe that all this is true.

However, when I thought about it, the other party was offering a reward of one billion, Drought Jack, who was known as one of the three strongest powers of the Beasts Pirates.

Can Luo Yu really win it smoothly?

"Little devil, if you dare to underestimate me, let me see how you can break through my strongest defense!"

Jack roared angrily, clenched the blade in his hands, and rushed towards Luo Yu with strides like shooting stars.

Seeing the huge monster attacking head-on, Luo Yu sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, let's capture him alive first, let's decide whether he will live or die depending on the level of bonus, otherwise the Marshal of the Warring States Period will not admit it afterwards, which is a waste of expression!"

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