Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 108 Weibull He Can't Walk

In the huge conference hall, the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

Many naval generals present showed murderous eyes.

If it weren't for the opponent's CP0 status, I'm afraid many people would have already violently attacked.

After all, most of them were trained by Zefa, a mentor.

Warring States on the side also had an extremely gloomy expression, looking at the gloating Spandine, he roared angrily.

"Spandyne, shut up, our Navy Headquarters will take care of this matter, it has nothing to do with your CP0, get the old man out of Marlin Vandor immediately, otherwise don't blame the old man for being rude, even the face of the five old stars No more!"

The roaring sound echoed in the meeting hall, and even the closed windows trembled.

The faces of the naval generals present couldn't help but change. It was the first time they saw that the always calm and calm Warring States, who liked to take care of the overall situation, would show such anger.

This undoubtedly made their hearts a little better.

At least, in this matter of facing righteousness, Warring States, as the marshal, is still on their side.

"Hehe, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you are as courageous as ever. Regarding this, I believe the five adults will be very happy when they know about it." Spandain said again with a confident smile without any fear.

"However, the five adults are still worried that your Navy Headquarters has dragged on this matter for too long, allowing Zefa to take advantage of the loopholes, taking away most of the strength of the Navy Headquarters, and causing turmoil in this sea. I believe You are very clear about Zefa's influence, right?"

"So, when we came here just now, we used the name of your navy headquarters to summon Zefa to the headquarters."

"Counting it now, it's almost time. Let's go out and solve it together?"

"Bastard!" Zhan Guo roared, and the domineering arrogance dormant in his body exploded.

Under the huge domineering impact, the surrounding window glass was shattered.

The face of Spandain who was close at hand changed slightly, and he quickly retreated to take precautions.

In the naval headquarters, Sengoku does seem to give people a kind-hearted feeling.

However, only those who really understand history know that the Warring States of the Buddha does not represent a good class.

Otherwise, he would not stand out and sit on the position of admiral of the navy.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, something is wrong. Chief Instructor Zefa was besieged by CP0 people, and there was a conflict. You should go and have a look!"

A sailor rushed in quickly.

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed. Sure enough, after CP0's behind-the-scenes operations, the whole thing became not easy in an instant.

"Warring States, get out of here!"

A deep roar came from the pier.

Zhan Guo's complexion couldn't help but changed, and he didn't care about making trouble for Spandain, so he turned around and rushed out.

"Garp, you come with me. No matter what happens today, you must stop Zefa. Even if you knock him out, you can't let him take people away, otherwise the development of the matter will be out of control!"

"Hmm!" Garp rarely had a hippie smile on his face, and his face darkened. He glanced at Spandyne, turned around and followed.

The other admirals also rushed out after looking at CP0 with murderous eyes.

They clearly know that as long as Zefa has not betrayed the Navy headquarters, what happens today can only be regarded as a disturbance among the Navy.

Once Zefa escaped from the Navy Headquarters, the Five Old Stars would have an excuse to stretch out their butcher knives and force their Navy Headquarters to take action.

Marlin Vanduo, at the mouth of the sea.

Thousands of naval soldiers gathered here, and there were hundreds of CP spies staring at them all around, looking at Zefa and Xiu Zuo who had just landed on the coast, showing a look of gloating.

"Teacher Zefa, has our plan been leaked? Otherwise, the Marshal of the Warring States Period probably wouldn't use such indecent means to ambush us?"

Among the crowd, Binz could not help but speak.

As a survivor of Weibull's butcher knife, he is also a beloved disciple saved by Zefa desperately.

When Zefa proposed to make a decision with the world government, Binz was the first to express his position.

It can be said that in this matter, Binz has long been determined to risk his life.

It's just that he never imagined that before the plan was launched, he would be taken a step back at this juncture.

"No, I have been working with the Warring States for decades, and he doesn't bother to do such indecent methods." Zefa's face was gloomy.

At this moment, he had already changed from his former amiable look. Not only was his hair dyed purple, but he had a hedgehog head, and he was also wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

This kind of change has simply evolved from being honest to being arrogant and unruly.

It's just another person.

With falcon-like eyes, he scanned the field and said in a deep voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's those sleazy guys from CP0 who tricked us here under the guise of Warring States."


The expressions of Xiu Zuo and Binz changed slightly.

They clearly knew that if what happened just now, it was still limited to the conflicts between their navy headquarters.

So now the intervention of CP0 has obviously changed the nature of the whole matter.

If it is not handled well, it will not only be chased by the Navy Headquarters, but also assassinated by the world government, which is similar to the end of CP9.

"Zefa, this matter is indeed set up by CP0, not that I am targeting you, old man."

Warring States jumped onto the pier, followed by Garp and a group of admirals rushing to the dock.

As for Spandain and other CP0, they did not avoid suspicion at all, and quickly followed behind.

The gloomy look on Zefa's face eased a little, but looking at the two of Spandain, he said a little more coldly.

"Zhan Guo, I know this matter has nothing to do with you, since you still think of me as your old buddy, I'll ask you a question."

"Do you choose to let Weibull go, or let me go!"

The faces of all the naval generals present suddenly changed.

They have been thinking about this issue.

However, facing the final result, they all kept dragging their words and did not dare to accept the final answer.

After all, the five old stars are the voice behind the world government, and Weibull's decision to become the king's Shichibukai is already a firm fact.

Their Navy Headquarters is nothing more than an executor.

Even the Warring States' objection could not make Wulaoxing change his mind.

Now that Zefa's sudden outburst of words has undoubtedly tightened their nerves.

Only Spandain and other CP agents on the side showed a playful look on their faces.

This is obviously the only task they have to do on this trip.

Force Zefa to leave the Navy headquarters, weaken the strength of the headquarters, and let the five old stars better control.

As long as this purpose is achieved, their task will be completed.

However, just as this idea sprouted in their minds, an unexpected voice came from afar.

"Teacher Zefa, Weibull can't leave!"

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