Konoha: Reviving the Glory of Uchiha

Chapter 68 Hinata Asana’s decision

Under the protection of Younv Zhiwei, the three of Maitekai left the battlefield.

On the way, Aburame Zhiwei asked Kai about his father. Kai did not hide anything and directly told Aburame Zhiwei that his father had spent more than 20 years mastering the secret technique of Eight Gate Dunjia.

"Kai, was this secret technique of Eight Gate Dunjia created by your father?" Aburame Zhiwei asked.

"I don't know, my father just said it took him 20 years to master this technique." Kai replied.

"Teacher Zhiwei, are there no records of Eight Gate Dunjia in the village?" Yuan Uchiha asked.

Aburame Shi shook her head slightly: "I once had the honor to select a ninjutsu in the book of seals. There is no record of Eight Gate Dungeon in the book of seals, and it is even less likely to be found elsewhere.

So I can be sure that there is no secret technique of Bamen Dunjia in the village. I think this technique is most likely created by Kai's father. "

After listening to Aburame Shiwei's words, Uchiha Yuan fell into deep thought. He remembered that in the original book, when Uchiha Madara saw Kai opening the seven doors, he said why it was not blood-red steam.

This shows that Uchiha Madara knows and may even have seen the appearance of the Eight Gate Dunjia after opening the door to death.

If he only knew about it, then there is a high probability that Bai Zetsu saw Matt Dai open the door to death, and then told Madara Uchiha the relevant information.

If he had seen it, it would be absolutely impossible for the dying Madara to come out to watch Matt Dai open the door of death. The only explanation is that he had seen someone open the door of death before.

However, there was no way for Uchiha Yuan to verify these two possibilities. It was impossible for him to directly run up to Uchiha Madara and ask these things.

"Far, you take Kai and the others to the medical ninja first. I'm going to tell Shikaku and the others about the Eight Gate Dungeon." Shimi Aburame's words interrupted Uchiha Far's thoughts.

Yuan Uchiha heard this and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Uchiha Yuan agreed, Aburame Shiwei turned around and left.

In the Konoha camp, Hinata Asana and Yamanaka Kaguya, who had been anxiously waiting for Uchiha Yuan's return, immediately came up to them after seeing Uchiha Yuan.

"Yuan, are you okay?" Yamanaka Huiyue asked.

"I'm fine, Huiyue, please take Kai and the others to the medical ninja! I'm a little tired and want to take a rest."

"Leave it to me!"

After Yamanaka Kaguya, Kai and the others left, Uchiha looked at Hinata Asana from a distance and said, "I'm sorry Asana, I made you worry."

Hinata Asana shook her head and said: "You don't need to apologize to me, you are right, I am too weak to face danger with you at this time.

Far, next time a similar situation happens, I want to stand by your side, so I decided! "

"Decide what?"

"I want to accept Lord Orochimaru's conditions."

"Conditions? Did Orochimaru tell you anything?" Uchiha Yuan asked quickly.

"Didn't Lord Orochimaru teach me alone for two days before? At that time, Lord Orochimaru told me that your strength is improving very quickly, and I will soon be left behind by you.

And if I rely on my own efforts, it is impossible to escape from the control of the Hyuga clan, so Lord Orochimaru asked me to be his experimental subject and assistant.

Externally, Orochimaru-sama will say that I am his disciple and protect me in terms of identity. At the same time, Orochimaru-sama will also teach me more ninjutsu, taijutsu, and medical ninjutsu to make me stronger as soon as possible.

Orochimaru-sama can even let me sign a contract with his psychic beast right now.

The only thing I need to pay is to use the Byakugan to help him conduct some experiments. At the same time, I also need to contribute my own eyes and blood for research. "

"No! This is too dangerous!" Uchiha Yuan said without thinking.

"Yuan, I am not discussing with you, but informing you that I have made up my mind!"


"It's nothing good, I will catch up with you." After saying that, Hinata Asana turned and left.

Looking at Hinata Asana's decisive back, Uchiha Yuan was at a loss for a moment.

The conditions Orochimaru offered were completely beyond Uchiha Yuan's imagination. He couldn't understand why Orochimaru would offer such generous conditions to win over Hinata Asana.

Not to mention anything else, just his status as a disciple of Orochimaru could make the Hyuga clan dare not place any restrictions on Asana before Orochimaru defected.

At the same time, Orochimaru was also willing to give Asana a psychic contract from Ryuu's underground cave, which Uchiha Yuan never expected.

Putting aside the situation after Orochimaru's defection and the impact Orochimaru may have on Hinata Asana's thoughts, at this time, Uchiha Yuan even feels that Hinata Asana's acceptance of Orochimaru's proposal is the best choice.

For the next two days, Hyuga Asana never came to train with Yuan Uchiha and the others.

On the third day, which was Haruka Uchiha's birthday, Hinata Asana appeared again.

Today is Uchiha Yuan's 11th birthday. Yamanaka Kaguya is two months older than Uchiha Yuan. He already celebrated his 11th birthday shortly after arriving on the battlefield. Hinata Asana is three months younger than Uchiha Yuan. The birthday is not until three months later.

The last time Yamanaka Kaguya celebrated his birthday, Haruka Uchiha and Hinata Asana gave him some ninja tools, while Aburame Shimi gave Yamanaka Kaguya a C-level water escape ninjutsu.

This time it was Uchiha Haruka's birthday, and Yamanaka Kaguya transferred this C-level water escape technique to Uchiha Haruka.

Hinata Asana gave Haruka Uchiha a C-level wind release ninjutsu, Wind Release: Wind Kiri.

According to the agreement, Aburame Shimi prepared a B-level wind release ninjutsu, Suiran Gale, for Uchiha Yuan.

This ninjutsu was carefully selected by Aburame Shimi. During this mission to destroy water sources and supply lines, he noticed that Uchiha Yuan was very good at fighting with blades similar to those of the Iron Country samurai.

The Wind Release·Cuilan Liefeng Neng is a ninjutsu that uses one's own ninja tools to attack. It can rotate the ninja tools to cut.

Learning this technique will undoubtedly make Uchiha Ryo's close combat methods more versatile.

After delivering the gifts, Aburame Zhiwei left in a hurry.

The battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja came to an end yesterday, with both sides suffering heavy casualties.

If the supply line to the Mist Ninja had not been cut off, there was a problem with the water source, and four of the seven Ninja Swordsmen would have died, the Mist Ninja would never have given up.

Fortunately, after this battle, the Mist Ninja was no longer able to organize a large-scale battle in a short period of time.

But this does not mean that the war in the Bear Country is over. Although there are no large-scale battles, small-scale frictions are certainly inevitable.

Fortunately, four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen died. Without the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Konoha was not as passive as before in the small-scale conflict.

But in fact, neither the Kiri Ninja nor Konoha were winning in this big melee.

It's just that the Mist Ninja's losses were greater in comparison. After all, four of the seven Ninja Swordsmen were kicked to death by Matt Dai.

By this time, news about Matt Dai's deeds had spread to the village.

In the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage was smoking a cigarette while reading the information about the Eight Gate Dunjia.

"Hiichi, is it true that four of the seven ninja swordsmen were killed by one ninja?" Danzo asked without knocking on the door.

"Danzo, this is the Hokage's office, can you pay attention?" Koharu frowned and said with dissatisfaction when he went to bed.

"Koharu, Danzo was just a little surprised when he heard this information! Aren't the two of us the same before? It's understandable." Mito Kadoen smiled and smoothed things over.

"No matter how excited you are, you still have to pay attention to etiquette! Danzo, don't blame me for speaking harshly..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun gave Danzo a meal, but Danzo completely ignored her words, staring at the information in the hands of the third Hokage.

After a while, the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, who remained silent all the time, said, "You guys should take a look too! It's an incredible secret technique."

After speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked the ANBU to hand over the information to the three of them.

After the three of them read the information sent back by Orochimaru, Mito Kaden and Koharu were all surprised, while a trace of greed flashed in Danzo's eyes.

"Matedai ​​used secret techniques to kill four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen at the cost of his life. His name should be engraved on the commemorative monument." Koharu said when he went to bed.

"I agree, and I think Matt Dai's ninja level should be improved. The status of genin is no longer suitable for him." Mito Kadoyan said.

"These have been considered. I plan to directly promote Matt Dai to the rank of Jonin. His pension will also be paid according to the level of Jonin, and his name will be engraved on the commemorative monument." The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"Hiruzhan, what should we do with Matt Dai's secret technique?" Danzo asked.

"Danzo, according to Orochimaru's description, the Eight Gate Armor that Matt wore was created by himself. It is regarded as Matt's family ninjutsu." The Third Hokage replied.

"But Matt Dai is dead, and Met Kai is on the battlefield in the Bear Country. If something happens to Met Kai, then this secret technique will be lost."

After listening to Danzo's words, Mito Kadoyan followed up and said: "Yes! Hiruzen, this secret technique is likely to be lost due to Metaka's death. We have an obligation to help Metaka pass on this secret technique. "

"Hiruzhan, I also think it's a pity that this secret technique has been lost like this. We can save this technique on the seal scroll. If something happens to Metkai, this secret technique can be passed down." Go to bed. Xiaochun also said.

After a long silence, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "I will ask Orochimaru to ask Metkai if he is willing to give this secret technique to the village.

If Kai is willing, the village will compensate Kai accordingly.

If he doesn't want to, you can't force him. If I know what you did secretly, don't blame me for being merciless. "

After listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Danzo said nothing more.

In Danzo's view, a genin named Metkai would definitely agree to hand over the Eight Gate Dunjia after seeing the people sent by the village.

Once the Eight Gate Dunjia was recorded on the seal scroll, he had plenty of opportunities to watch it.

If the threshold for practicing this secret technique is not high, there will be many more ninjas who can easily kill the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

As for the lives of these ninjas, Danzo doesn't care, because every ninja in the root is ready to sacrifice for Konoha at any time.

(ps: Today is just this chapter. This chapter is 3000 words long. The first stage of the plot is over in this chapter, and then the second stage of the plot will enter. The three battles will end in this stage, and the protagonist will also... This stage opens a kaleidoscope.)

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