Hearing Qing's words, Uchiha glanced at the ordinary people in the Bear Country who were trembling with fear.

To be honest, Uchiha Yuan didn't have any naive thoughts that I would not kill Boren, but Boren would die because of me. Now he is not capable of thinking about these things.

The reason why Uchiha Yuan looked at those ordinary people was because he heard some thoughts from Qing that he wanted to negotiate.

If Qing Dynasty really wanted to defeat them, they wouldn't have to deal with all of this, and just trap the three of them with water dragon bullets and magic mirror ice crystals just like before.

Uchiha Yuan was able to escape, but Hinata Asana and Yamanaka Kaguya couldn't.

The final result must be that Uchiha Yuan kills Qing's companions, and the lives of Hinata Asana and Yamanaka Kaguya may be in danger.

But it was clear that Qing didn't want to do this. Qing looked at Uchiha Yuan, obviously waiting for him to express his position.

"In that case, let's talk!" Uchiha Yuan finally chose to get off the road.

"Okay." Qing nodded and said.

"What is your request?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

"You release my companion, we will leave immediately."

"Impossible, your companion is in our hands now. You don't think that you can exchange the lives of ordinary people like Bear Country for a chuunin, do you?" Hyuga Asana chose to refuse without thinking.

"Indeed, we have suffered a huge loss in this transaction!" Yamanaka Huiyue agreed.

"If you want to be a white wolf with nothing, we don't need to continue talking. By the way, do you think my teleportation can lead people to escape?"

"Leading people to escape? This is impossible. Could it be that your teleportation is a time and space nin..." Qing suddenly got stuck in the middle of his words.

Because she discovered that Uchiha Yuan's teleportation was really like the time and space ninjutsu!

It can disappear directly without destroying the magic crystal ice mirror. What is this weird teleportation if it is not a time and space ninjutsu?

Moreover, the essence of the teleportation technique is to stimulate cells through chakra stimulation to achieve high-speed movement. The so-called high-speed movement requires running with feet.

Just now, this brat from the Uchiha clan had his feet frozen by her freezing snow. How could he still use Shunshen?

So the only explanation is that he used time and space ninjutsu.

"Do you know how to fly the thunder god?" Qing asked with a serious expression.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Qing Wenyan immediately began to check whether there were any strange signs on herself or nearby.

As we all know, the Flying Thunder God technique needs to leave a mark to achieve spatial movement.

After some inspections, Qing confirmed that there were no special marks around her, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't dare to be careless, because she was likely to face a ninja who had mastered the Flying Thunder God technique just like Namikaze Minato.

"You release my companions, and I will tell you our action plan and mission objectives this time." Qing hesitated and said.

"Not enough! You should have a sealing scroll on you, right? Leave your sealing scroll behind!"

"Don't go too far!"

"In that case, there's no need to talk about it! Huiyue, take him with you, and we'll go back to the camp. As for the mission objectives, just let your seniors from the Yamanaka Clan directly read his memory." After saying this, Uchiha Toyo said. He took a ride on Yamanaka Kaguya and Hinata Asana, pretending to take them away.

Qing became a little anxious when she saw this. She bit her lip and said with a cold face: "Wait! You win! I agree to your conditions!"

"Then let's talk about your action plan and mission goals first!" Uchiha Yuan said with a smile.

"The goal of our mission is to destroy Konoha's water sources. A total of three teams have been sent from above. Two teams are responsible for your two major water sources in Konoha. Our team is responsible for poisoning the small water sources."

"Where are those two teams now?" Yamanaka Huiyue asked.

"One branch has lost contact. It must have been caught by your Konoha people. The other branch is still lurking. I don't know where it is."

"What did you do to the other three small water sources?" Hinata Asana asked.

"No, we just tried to sneak in among the ordinary people in the Bear Country, and we were discovered by you before we could take action."

After listening to Qing's words, Yamanaka Kaguya used the art of teleportation to connect the consciousnesses of the three people, and then asked in the consciousness space: "Yuan, can Asana's words be trusted?"

"We have just checked the three water sources and found nothing abnormal. Based on the information we have, it should be credible." Hyuga Asana said.

"I also think it's more believable. The only thing that makes me a little uncertain is what she said about Mist Ninja sending three teams. If it was me, I definitely wouldn't tell the whole story about my plan.

The intelligence information given at this time must be difficult to distinguish between true and false, so as to delay the enemy to the greatest extent. "

"Then is it possible that she lied elsewhere?" Hinata Asana asked.

"It's unlikely. The mission scroll Lord Orochimaru gave us mentioned the enemy's action plan. This is no different from what she told us, so Lord Orochimaru must have indeed captured a team of Mist Ninjas.

However, Orochimaru-sama did not tell us how many mist ninjas sneaked in. With the spiritual mysticism of your mountain clan, there is no way to determine this matter. There are only two possibilities.

The first team captured by Orochimaru-sama and the others were just cannon fodder and bait. They did not know the specific action plan or even the existence of the other two teams. Orochimaru-sama only asked us to come over to investigate out of caution. Fan's.

The second is that the actions of their teams are independent of each other. The other teams do not know the existence of each other, but they only know that there will be several teams performing the same task.

If it's the first possibility, then the three teams she mentioned are true, if it's the second possibility..."

"She is just lying to us." Yamanaka Kaguya said.

"Yes, but we can't confirm more information now."

"Ryo, do you really know how to use space and time ninjutsu?" Yamanaka Kaguya asked.

"If you can, Yuugao, he has already taken the two of us and the captured Kiri nin back to the camp." Hinata Asana replied.

"Then the three of us can hope to defeat this woman together? My mind-turning technique has improved a lot now. I should be able to control her by surprise." Yamanaka Huiyue continued to ask.

"If she were just an ordinary jounin, the three of us would be able to win, but she has the ice escape blood inheritance limit. Whether it is the amount of chakra or the jutsu she knows, she is stronger than the average jounin, especially the one that does not require knotting. Yin can appear out of thin air to block the ice wall, with this technique, even if Hui Yue succeeds in your sneak attack, the chance of us winning is not high." Uchiha En said.

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