Konoha: Reviving the Glory of Uchiha

Chapter 39 Uchiha Ming’s temptation

What’s even more outrageous is that taking the blame can lead to scoring twice?Turn the dial with a black pot and then take the blame again?

Uchiha Yuan didn't know how to complain for a while.

Just when Uchiha Yuan was thinking about whether to use the black pot to turn the wheel, Uchiha Ming's voice sounded at the door: "Huh? Yuan, you are back from a mission!"

"Senior Ming? Aren't you going to participate in tomorrow's battle?" Uchiha asked, stunned for a moment.

"I want to participate. The combat meeting has ended. Orochimaru asked us to come back and prepare separately."

"So it is."

"To be honest, I am opposed to taking the initiative this time, but Orochimaru, Ino Shigacho, Hinata and most of the jounin in the Bear Country camp agree. It is useless for me to object, so I can only agree." Uchi Bo Ming said with a cold face.

"Why do you object, Senior Ming?" Yuan Uchiha asked.

"Because the sacrifice is too great, for the sake of so-called morale, launching such a battle in which many people are sacrificed, knowing that the odds of victory are very low, isn't it putting the cart before the horse?

The Uchiha clan initially had 50 members on the battlefield in Bear Country, but now there are only 14 left... No, that's 15 including you.

I don't want our people to die because of such illusory things. "

After listening to Uchiha Ming's words, Uchiha Yuan fell silent.

Orochimaru may have some thoughts about the corpse of the blood successor ninja in Kiri Ninja Village.

But Ino Shikacho and the other Jonin of the Bear Country were really considering the situation on the battlefield.

Although morale is an illusory thing, it is really useful and may affect the trend of a war.

Even junior high school students knew this in previous lives.

However, Uchiha Ming's idea cannot be said to be wrong.

The battles between ninjas are completely different from the battles between ordinary people. The proportion of personal force in ninja battles is too high, and the impact on morale is indeed relatively small.

"By the way, Yuan, I heard that your instructor and teammates are all members of the Hokage's family, right?" Uchiha Ming asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with this, Senior Ming?"

"It's nothing, I just want to remind you that there are many people in the clan who don't like families that are too close to the Hokage."

When Uchiha Yuan heard this, he immediately realized that Uchiha Ming was probably a dove among the Uchiha clan. If he wanted to live in harmony with the village, the people he was talking about were most likely hawks.

"Yuan, what kind of relationship do you think the village and the family should maintain?" Uchiha Ming asked.

"The relationship between the village and the family should be one of prosperity and loss, but..."

"Just what?"

"The higher-ups in the village don't seem to think so now. They don't have any good impressions of the Uchiha clan, and they even want to eliminate the Uchiha clan from Konoha."

Uchiha Ming was silent for a moment and said: "Those two advisors and that old immortal Danzo most likely think so, but Lord Hokage probably doesn't have this idea."

"Senior Ming, do you trust Hokage-sama?"

"When I was young, I met Mr. Hokage having dinner at Mr. Mirror's house. The two of them were chatting and laughing, and their relationship seemed to be very good. Mr. Naruto was drunk, but Mr. Mirror personally sent him home.

So rather than saying that I believe in Lord Hokage, it is better to say that I believe in Lord Kagami. Lord Kagami has great trust in Lord Hokage, but every time Lord Kagami mentions the two advisors and Danzo, he always looks sad. "

Uchiha Yuan nodded upon hearing this. From Uchiha Ming's words, Uchiha Yuan confirmed two things.

The ideas that the First Dove School has always pursued are probably similar to those of the Uchiha Mirror.

The Second Uchiha Mirror does not have 100% trust in the village's top management. He only trusts the Third Hokage, and is wary of his advisors and Danzo.

In fact, some clues about this can be seen from Uchiha Shisui's attitude towards Danzo in the original work.

"Senior Ming, why are you suddenly saying this to me?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

"I heard from Orochimaru today that you already have a double magatama Sharingan. From the time you opened your eyes to now, it has evolved from a single magatama to a double magatama in just a few months.

Your talent far exceeds that of ordinary people, and it should only be a matter of time before you open the three Magatama Sharingan, so you are qualified to know these things. "

"It turned out that it was because of this. I thought Senior Ming had some special thoughts about me!"

When Uchiha Ming was about to say something, a female voice came from outside the camp: "Senior Ming, can you come out for a moment? I have something to tell you."

"It's Cai's voice. Let's stop talking about that today!" After saying that, Uchiha Ming turned around and left.

After Uchiha Ming left, Uchiha Yuan thought about the previous conversation between the two. He felt that Uchiha Ming was somewhat testing his attitude towards the village.

There are serious differences between the hawks and doves of the Uchiha clan now, and a newly rising genius may affect the balance of the situation.

"Oh! It's really troublesome!" Uchiha Yuan sighed, then lay down directly and clicked on the carousel.

Uchiha Yuan didn't hesitate and turned the dial directly.

The next second, a row of black fonts appeared in front of my eyes. The black pot had been transformed, and the word game began.

"You are logged in to Detective Conan."

"You wake up and find yourself in a windowless room, the door is locked, and there is a naked woman lying next to you."

"A woman with a broad mind and beautiful appearance is your cup of tea."

"Although you don't understand why you are here, but with the beauty by your side, you still decide to do it first."

"Your hand touched the snow peak, and a cold touch made you wake up instantly."

"You quickly checked and found that the woman was dead."

"At this time, there was a sound of banging on the door."

"You panic, but actually you don't need to panic, because you didn't kill the person, you are just the one taking the blame."

"Crack~ After a loud noise, a girl with horns on her head kicked the door open."

"You have two choices now, one is to run away immediately, and the other is to be taken away by the police."

"You chose one."

"As a result, before you could even run out of the room, you were hit in the back with a football by an elementary school student wearing glasses."

"The huge impact will blow you away."

"You have some doubts about life and why football has such power."

"Actually, you don't have to doubt that this elementary school student once kicked a satellite with a football. It's a miracle that you can get up from the ground."

"It's a pity that you just got up. You were punched down by the long-horned girl who rushed over. When you woke up, you were already lying on the hospital bed, and your right hand was handcuffed together with the bed."

"You told the police guarding you that you did not kill the woman. The police did not believe you because the room you were in was a secret room and there could be no other murderer except you."

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