"Is that a bee? No, captain, these bugs have chakra in their bodies. They are probably parasites of the Aburame clan!" said the Sensing Ninja.

"Aburame clan? Is that brat from the Uchiha clan just here really here to explore the way?"

"Captain, what should we do?" one of the genin asked, looking at the flying insects.

"What are you panicking about! They didn't make a direct move, which means they didn't take down our confidence." After speaking, the captain made seals with both hands.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

The middle-aged man next to the captain who had never spoken a word also followed suit.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Flash."

The combined attack ninjutsu of Water Release and Thunder Release swept towards the insect swarm.

The swarm of insects immediately dispersed and directly increased their flying height. Most of the insects dodged the attack, and a small number were unable to dodge and were wrapped up by the combined attack ninjutsu of Water Release and Thunder Release.

The bugs of the Aburame clan have a certain resistance to ninjutsu, but water type + thunder type are not something these bugs can handle. Once the bugs touch the water, they will be immediately paralyzed by the thunder type and have no chance to fly out.

Fortunately, this attack did not cause much damage to the insect swarm. The remaining insects were divided into four in the air. Some of them flew to the leading Mist Ninja, some of them flew to the Sensing Ninja, and some of them flew to the just released Ninja. The last part of the thunder escape ninjas was the king who stayed in the air to protect the insect swarm.

It is almost universally known in the ninja world that the bugs of the Aburame clan can devour chakra, so the fog ninjas do not dare to let the bugs get close to them.

The leading mist ninja quickly formed a seal and spit out a thick mist from his mouth to block his opponent's sight.

At this time, Hinata Asana, 300 meters away, said to the crowd: "The Mist Ninjas used the technique of Kirigakure."

"Can you still determine their location?" Aburame Zhiwei asked.

"Yes, my Byakugan can see their chakra clearly."

"The Sharingan has no advantage when facing the Kirigakure Jutsu. My insects don't dare to attack anymore. It doesn't seem to be possible to just rely on Asana's Byakugan to lock their position. Now it's a bit troublesome." Nv Zhiwei said.

Uchiha Yuan frowned when he heard this. The Kirigakure Jutsu is indeed quite troublesome. He remembered that there are two ways to activate this technique. One is to spit out thick fog from the mouth to block the opponent's sight, and the other is to form seals to condense in the air. The thick fog blocks the opponent's sight.

The dense fog released can blur the surrounding environment, and the caster can hide in the fog to attack the opponent. Within the range of this technique, the vision of Sharingan will be blurred.

What's more troublesome is that the concentration of the mist is changed by the amount of chakra.

This is really not good for them to attack.

"Teacher Zhiwei, I can share the senses of the four of us. With Asana's white eyes, we can also know what she sees." Yamanaka Kaguya said.

"But there are also sentient ninjas on the other side, and their sensing range is wider than yours. Once we get close, we will be discovered by the other side first. And if I can't get close, I can only use insects to make simple interference attacks, and there is no way to use them. The secret technique of the Aburame clan, unless..."

"Unless we kill this sentient ninja!" Uchiha Yuan took over and said.

"Teacher Zhiwei, the ninja who released the Thunder Release just now, judging from the scale of the Thunder Release, is probably not too strong, and is probably just a chuunin.

If we can kill that sentient ninja, we can still fight head-on. Yuan and I won't lose to him together. " Hinata Asana said.

"Then give it a try! We are advancing a certain distance, and then I will use bugs to help you interfere with them. After you determine the specific position of the sensing ninja through Asana, use the teleportation technique to attack. If the attack fails, retreat immediately. .”

"I know!" Uchiha Yuan said with a nod.

Immediately, Aburame Zhiwei led everyone to continue advancing, and at the same time, controlled the insect pair from a distance and began to rush into the mist.

Insects rely more on their sense of smell to search for enemies. However, in the fog, the Insect King cannot give more precise orders about which ones to attack, so the insect swarms can only swarm in and attack the fog ninjas hiding in the thick fog. They harassed.

After Aburame Shimi and the others advanced to a distance of 150 meters, Yamanaka Kaguya activated the telekinesis technique. Through sensory sharing, everyone saw what Hinata Asana saw.

At this time, the mist ninjas were holding their groups back to back, resisting the attack of the insect swarm together.

The Sensing Ninja was not specially protected by them. Apparently, the Mist Ninjas felt that with the Kirigakure Technique and the Sensing Ninja's sensing range of up to 100 meters in radius, it was impossible for anyone to sneak attack them in this situation.

But this time they were wrong. Yuan Uchiha opened Sharingan, held Kunai tightly in his hand, and used teleportation.

For the first time, Uchiha teleported far and jumped to a position only 50 meters away from the fog ninjas.

At this time, Uchiha Yuan had entered the sensing range of the sensing ninja.

The Sensing Ninja was about to report to his companions immediately, but before he could speak, Uchiha Haruka jumped directly in front of him with his second teleportation, and then decisively released the Naraku no Jutsu, making the Sensing Ninja unable to resist. .

Finally, he raised the kunai and stabbed it through the throat of the sentient ninja.

The interval between Uchiha Ryo's two teleportations was only 2 seconds. In 2 seconds, he appeared in front of the sensing ninja from 150 meters away and killed the sensing ninja instantly. Hinata Asana was stunned by the rapid teleportation.

From the perspective of Hinata Asana's white eyes, she could just see Uchiha Yuan's figure suddenly appearing from one point to another, then disappearing and reappearing again, and the enemy's sensing ninja was just killed.

After Uchiha Yuan killed the sentient ninja, he immediately used his third teleport to prepare to jump to a safe area.

But he still underestimated the reaction speed of a Jonin. The moment his figure appeared, the leading Mist ninja jumped behind Uchiha Yuan and threw a kunai towards Uchiha Yuan's heart.

Uchiha Yuan originally wanted to kill the Sensing Ninja of the Mist Ninja, and then teleported away from the battlefield again, but the leading Mist Ninja's Kunai had already come behind him.

Uchiha Yuan could only turn slightly sideways and adjust his position a little.

"Stab~" The kunai pierced the clothes and stabbed Uchiha Yuan's shoulder.

Captain Wu Ninja still wanted to make up the knife, but Uchiha Yuan's figure had disappeared from the spot.

"What a quick turn!" Captain Mist Ninja said with a frown.

Just when the Mist Ninja captain was hesitating whether to chase after him, a scream suddenly came from his teammates.


The Mist Ninja Captain quickly turned around, only to find that the two genin had been devoured by the swarm of insects.

"The situation is not right, let's retreat quickly!" Captain Mist Ninja shouted towards the Thunderbolt Ninja.

"I want to leave now, but it's too late, Secret Technique·Insect Tornado!"

Following Aburame Shimi's order, the surrounding insect swarms created a whirlwind and surrounded the Thunder Release Ninja.

Naturally, the Thunder Release Ninja would not sit still and wait for death. He used all his strength to release several Thunder Release Ninjutsu, but he was unable to break away from the insect swarm.

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