When Itachi saw his companion, he was controlled by the illusion almost instantly, and his expression immediately became extremely serious.

Just as he was about to ask, he found that the scene in front of him had changed, and he returned to his youth.

Itachi knew very well that he was under a genjutsu, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't undo it.

I could only watch helplessly as I was young and joined the ANBU with Shisui. Then Shisui was killed by Danzo. He activated the Mangekyo Sharingan. Then he and Danzo, who were already dead, joined other high-level officials in Konoha. He reached an agreement and slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan like a madman, leaving only his younger brother Sasuke.


Uncle Sasuke put all the things he had experienced in the illusion space to Uchiha Itachi in this time and space.

After reading it, Itachi Uchiha quickly calmed down after experiencing the initial shock.

"Are you Sasuke from parallel time and space?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

Uncle Sasuke nodded.

Even though this was not his brother, Sasuke still wanted to have a good chat with him.

The two chatted in the illusion space for a long time, until uncle Sasuke suddenly received a message from Yuan Uchiha and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of his uncle Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi's expression was a little complicated. Even though he was just a younger brother in parallel time and space, Itachi still felt very distressed.

At the same time, in the Hokage's office, Kakashi Ban has returned.

Uchiha Yuan asked Kakashi and Sakura to go back first, leaving Naruto and Sasuke behind, and then told his uncle Sasuke the news.

A few minutes later, uncle Sasuke came to the Hokage's office.

Uchiha Yuanya released Boruto from the Daikokutian space.

"Who are these two guys, Hokage-sama? One has a strange pineapple head, and the other looks like he has a weak kidney." The young Naruto asked after glancing at the two of them.

Uncle Sasuke and Boruto's faces turned dark when they heard Naruto's words.

Uchiha Yuanya thought it was quite funny. Shouldn't he be called Naruto?As soon as we met, we couldn't stop talking.

"Yuan, do you mind if I get to know the strength of the two of them?" Uncle Sasuke asked.

"Of course I don't mind."

Then everyone came to the Death Forest together. It was better not to let anyone know about the existence of uncle Sasuke and Boruto, so Uchiha Yuancai did not take them to the training ground but came to the Death Forest.

Uncle Sasuke glanced at the two of them and said, "You two come together!"

Naruto and Sasuke in this time and space were taught by their parents and elders, and they had unlocked the chakra of Indra and Asura in advance. They were both geniuses.

Naruto can already control part of Jiuwan's power, and Sasuke has also opened the three magatama sharingan, and ordinary jounin is no match for them.

But the gap between uncle Sasuke and Jonin is like the gap between ants and elephants. He easily suppressed Naruto and Sasuke.

Then uncle Sasuke also discovered that young Sasuke had many physical skills that he had never seen before, such as the strange teleportation technique and the ability to fly on steps.

These were extremely useful Taijutsu moves that he had never seen before. Uncle Sasuke directly opened his Sharingan and copied them all.

After copying these physical skills, he also trained with Naruto and young Sasuke.

Once these physical skills were fully mastered, uncle Sasuke's strength and speed suddenly increased to a higher level. The two people who had been fighting back and forth with him just now suddenly found that they could not keep up with the rhythm.

When fighting against masters, if you can't keep up with the rhythm, you will be crushed.

After a loud clang, Naruto and young Sasuke were beaten to the ground.

In particular, Naruto was taken care of by his uncle Sasuke, who was specially greeted in the face.

Looking at Naruto's bruised nose and swollen face, Uchiha Yuan had no sympathy at all, and even wanted to laugh.

Naruto is good at everything, but his early emotional intelligence is too low, even with the guidance of his parents. Uncle Sasuke has taught them a lesson.

After Sasuke was laid down, he turned to Uchiha Yuan and said: "Clan leader, this guy stole our clan's Sharingan. He is definitely not from our Uchiha clan. Get him quickly!"

Looking at the fussing young Sasuke, the uncle Sasuke twitched the corner of his mouth. Why does this guy not have the aloof temperament he had when he was a boy?

Uchiha Yuan smiled slightly when he heard this and said: "He is a member of the Uchiha clan. To be precise..."

Then Uchiha Yuan told Naruto and young Sasuke the identities of uncle Sasuke and Boruto.

After the young Sasuke heard this, everyone was dumbfounded. Who is he in parallel time and space?

Naruto was also dumbfounded, this was actually his son?

The young Sasuke looked at his uncle Sasuke with a troubled expression, and finally couldn't help but ask: "How many wives will you marry in the future, and you will be so vain? Just now, Naruto said that you have kidney deficiency, and I also think you have some kidney deficiency."

Uncle Sasuke's face sank, he didn't want to answer this question at all, and even wanted to beat himself up in this parallel world.

"Don't tell him about my future life experiences." Uncle Sasuke secretly reminded Uchiha Yuan.

"I know, didn't you see that I didn't tell him anything?" Uchiha Yuan said with a smile.

At this time, young Sasuke saw that his uncle Sasuke didn't beat him, and he gradually became more courageous: "In the future, you must have created many ninjutsu and powerful ninjutsu and pupil techniques, right? Teach them to me so that I don't waste them anymore. Time to do your own research.

Don't think I didn't see it, you just opened your Sharingan and copied my Taijutsu!You should also teach me this! "

Uncle Sasuke didn't want to talk to this young Sasuke who was not at all as cool as him. He pointed at Yuan Uchiha and said: "I taught all my techniques to your Hokage. If you want to learn them, go find him and learn them yourself."

The young Sasuke looked at Uchiha Yuan expectantly, but received a perfunctory answer: "Definitely next time."

As soon as Uchiha Yuan finished speaking, his expression suddenly became serious, because he could clearly sense that an extremely large chakra appeared outside Konoha.

"Urashiki is here!" Uchiha reminded everyone.

Everyone's expressions became serious when they heard this.

Uchiha Yuan immediately took uncle Sasuke, young Sasuke, Naruto, and Boruto and teleported to a deserted beach. (Before, I was complained about the desert of the Kingdom of Wind. This time I changed the place.)

A few seconds later, a dark hole suddenly opened in the space above the five people.

A man wearing white clothes, with a pair of pure white pupils, a wooden forehead guard growing on his forehead, holding a fishing rod with a faint red light in his hand, and a fish basket of the same color pinned to his waist, stepped from the space passage. out.

This person is naturally Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, a member of the Otsutsuki clan from outside the world.

As soon as Otsutsuki Ura Shiki appeared, he cast his eyes on the five people standing on the beach and said in a frivolous tone: "Hey, you guys were in Konoha just now, but you suddenly disappeared. It made me easy to find. Fox, don't run away. Now, please hand over your chakra."

Urashiki landed in this world, right above Konoha.

Originally, Urashiki wanted to go directly to Konoha to capture Naruto, but as soon as he locked onto Naruto's location, he discovered that Naruto's chakra suddenly disappeared and he must have escaped.

So Urashiki used Huangquan Hirazaka and teleported directly in front of Naruto.

However, what Urashiki didn't expect was that besides Uchiha Sasuke, the person protecting Naruto had another guy that he couldn't see through.

"Sasuke, please help me sweep the formation! I'll meet him."

After saying that, Uchiha Yuan entered sage mode, and his eyes turned into kaleidoscopes.

He wanted to use this state to evaluate Urashiki's strength first, and see whether to kill Urashiki directly and let Nijo devour him, or to temporarily keep his life alive.

"Brush~" Uchiha Yuan's figure disappeared out of thin air. He did not try to use ninjutsu to attack these Otsutsuki, who all have the ability to absorb chakra, but chose to fight directly in close combat.

The next second, Uchiha Yuan appeared in front of Urashiki.

Uchiha Yuan raised his hand, wrapped his fist with senjutsu chakra, and punched Urashiki directly in the face.

Uchiha Yuan's punch is similar to Naruto's Frog Kumite. The air in front of the fist has also been used by Uchiha Yuan. This punch is incredibly powerful, has a wide attack range, and is very fast.

Facing such an extremely fast punch, Urashiki's expression changed drastically. He had no time to dodge and could only raise the fishing rod in his hand to block it.

"Bang!" The sound of collision was heard.

The huge force caused the space to tremble. Uchiha Yuan was shaken by the huge force that came back and took a step back uncontrollably. However, Urashiki, who had received the punch firmly, turned into a cannonball. , crashed straight into the sea.


The violent explosion resounded all over the field, and huge waves tens of meters high splashed on the sea.

At this moment, Urashiki crashed directly through the sea water, and his body was embedded in the shallow sea floor.

Uchiha steadied his body and looked at the sea. He didn't think that an attack of this level could defeat the powerful Otsutsuki clan.

"Lowly creature, you have angered me." Otsutsukiura's roaring voice sounded from the depths of the sea.

Uchiha Ryo's punch just now was indeed very powerful, but it was not enough to hurt Ushiki. Ushiki was angry that he was actually beaten by an inferior creature from the ninja world!

Urashiki, who was in a state of rage, just wanted to tear Uchiha Ryo into pieces!

His pure white pupils turned into blue samsara eyes at this moment. Urashiki activated his ability to predict the future and rushed towards Uchiha Ryo.

Uchiha's vision also opened his own reincarnation eye. Isn't it the ability of time?Who doesn’t?

After that, the figures of Uchiha Ryo and Urashiki appeared and disappeared in mid-air, both of them frantically anticipating each other's attacks. Although there were not many direct collisions, every encounter was earth-shattering, like a natural disaster. scene.

On the beach, uncle Sasuke opened his eyes and watched the battle taking place not far away seriously. As soon as Uchiha Yuan showed signs of failure, he would rush to help as soon as possible.

It's just that uncle Sasuke feels that Uchiha Yuan doesn't need his help, because Uchiha Yuan still has that mysterious mode that is useless.

Naruto and Sasuke were also staring at the sky at this time.

Especially Sasuke, does he feel like his three-gou Sharingan is fake now?

Because he relied on the powerful dynamic vision brought by the Sanmagatama Sharingan, he couldn't clearly see the figures of the two people fighting each other, let alone what moves they used.

Naruto did have the help of [-] to sense what was happening in the air.

But both of them knew very well that in the face of such an intense battle, if they went up, even if they were at full strength, they would be killed by the enemy within ten moves.

However, Hokage-sama can face such a powerful enemy head-on with ease. How strong is Hokage-sama!

Just as the two were sighing, the battle situation took a new turn.

Facing Ura Shiki, who has little combat experience but has the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, and Uchiha, who has rich combat experience but only uses the Rinnegan, it should be a [-]-[-] split.

But after fighting thousands of moves, Uchiha Haruka has figured out Urashiki's offensive habits, and combat experience has begun to play a role. Uchiha Haruka, who has gradually become accustomed to such fighting intensity, has gradually begun to suppress Urashiki.

But at this time, the weak combat experienced Rookie Ura Shiki couldn't do it. He could no longer keep up with Uchiha Ryo's rhythm.

Urashiki hesitated for a moment, then pushed Naruto back with all his strength.

Faced with this situation, the people of the Otsutsuki clan will choose to directly enhance their panel attributes and implement the kingly way of defeating all laws with one force.

Urashiki took out a handful of something similar to pills and stuffed it into his mouth!

After taking a handful of dark pills, a confident smile reappeared on Urashiki's face after being beaten to a pulp by Uchiha Yuan.

Otsuki Mokura could feel that the physical strength and chakra that he had consumed in the battle just now recovered quickly, and the wounds he was shot were also healing quickly, and his body's strength had improved to a higher level than before.

"Suffer death, lowly human being." After Urashiki mocked, he rushed towards Uchiha Yuan at a faster speed than before.

"So fast."

Uchiha Yuan raised his hand to block Urashiki's fist, and at the same time tilted his head to avoid Urashiki's fishhook trying to catch his chakra.

The next moment, Uchiha Yuan felt an overwhelming force burst out from his fist, and his body was uncontrollably sent flying backwards, crashing straight into the sea.

Uchiha Haruka's inner organs were shaken by Urashiki's punch.

However, with Nijo here, such a minor injury healed instantly in the next second, but the rhythm of the battle undoubtedly changed between offense and defense at this moment.

At this moment, Urashiki's speed and strength were much stronger than before, and he suddenly put Uchiha Yuan, who had the upper hand and suppressed him, into a disadvantage.

"Damn human, how are you? Do you feel my powerful power?" Ura Shiki floated in the air and mocked.

Uchiha saw the situation and shook his head and thought: "If you have time to argue, why not pursue the victory? What's the use of saying that you don't have it?"

At this time, Naruto and Sasuke, who were watching the battle below, were a little anxious when Uchiha Toto was knocked down into the sea.

The young Sasuke turned to his uncle Sasuke and said, "Hey! Aren't you a raider? The Hokage-sama's situation is not good, why don't you help?"

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