Uchiha sat far away in the office, playing with a colorful key in his hand.

This key is a reward he gets after reaching level 100.

In the past few years, with the help of the promotion of bracelets, Nijo's chakra amount has been increasing every day. Uchiha benefited from Nijo's feedback and accumulated chakra very quickly.

About a week ago, Uchiha Yuan reached level 100. At that time, his statistics were as follows:

Chakra amount: 7500

Constitution: 2200

Pupil power: 6700

Vitality: 2300

Nature Affinity: 2300

Level: lv100 (0/0)

Attribute Points: 0

After reaching level 100, Uchiha Far clicked to receive that reward.

The reward this time is not a golden gift box but a colorful gift box.

There is a colorful key in the gift box.

Uchiha Yuan immediately checked the properties of the key.

Item name: Time and Space Key.

Prop type: space-time props.

Prop effect: Use this item to open the gate of time and space. The gate of time and space links various different worlds. The cooling time is 100 days.

Warm reminder: Each time the gate of time and space is opened for three to 10 minutes. During this time, players can ignore the turbulence of space and enter other worlds through the gate of time and space under the protection of the time and space key.

After receiving this reward, the roulette wheel in Uchiha Yuan's mind disappeared. Also disappearing was his data panel. The skills he had learned before were still there, and the props he had obtained were still there.

Speaking of which, after Yuan Uchiha got this key, he never used it.

Because Uchiha is far from sure whether he can come back after leaving the ninja world when he opens the door to time and space.

To be honest, Uchiha Yuan has no feelings for the ninja world. The person he cares about most here is Hinata Asana.

Now it is not impossible to take Hinata Asana to leave the ninja world and travel around.

But Uchiha Yuan has been working hard for so many years. No matter what, he must clean up the mess in the ninja world before leaving!

Or maybe he failed in the end and failed to deal with the Otsutsuki clan. At this time, he could open the door of time and space and escape.

Uchiha Yuan would definitely not be willing to let him go now.

"Hokage-sama, the matter with Sand Ninja has been settled." Shisui who suddenly appeared in the office interrupted Uchiha Yuan's thoughts.

"Has Ichio's mood stabilized?"

"Well, this guy is quite cooperative."

Uchiha Yuan nodded, talking about Suna Ninja, Uchiha Yuan felt a little unhappy.

A few days ago, Rasa contacted Uchiha Yuan and said that Shukaku went berserk again and hoped that Konoha could help deal with it.

This Rasa is also a talent. The seal originally set by Uchiha Yuan was perfect. Before Gaara was three years old, he still had the power of the kaleidoscope to suppress Shukaku.

It can give Gaara enough time and Shukaku to get to know each other.

Gaara and Shukaku have gotten along relatively happily over the years.

Who knows, when Gaara was 9 years old, Rasa wanted to test Gaara's control over Shukaku, so he sent the ANBU around him to test Gaara.

The ANBU ninja made a mistake and accidentally hurt Gaara, causing Gaara to go berserk.

At that time, the relationship between Gaara and Shuzuru was okay, so Shuzuru helped out, and none of the Anbu ninjas who went to test that day came back.

Therefore, Luo Sha felt that Gaara was unable to control Shuhe, and was very disappointed with Gaara, and reprimanded him in public.

Gaara was just a kid at the time and felt it was Shukaku's fault and blamed it all on Shukaku.

With Shukaku's temper, he would definitely not suffer such grievances. When Shukaku heard Gaara blaming him, he simply cut off contact with Gaara and never responded to Gaara again.

Later, maybe Shukaku felt unhappy about being scolded by Gaara, and would control Gaara's body from time to time to cause trouble, causing the Suna Ninja Village to be unpeaceful.

After Uchiha Yuan learned about this incident, he severely scolded Luo Sha, the idiot who liked to make trouble for nothing.

Of course, not only Rasa was involved in this matter, but other high-level officials of Sand Ninja Village also agreed. They wanted to test Gaara's potential and his control over Shukaku.

At the beginning, Fenfu was a perfect Jinchuuriki.

Uchiha Yuan said directly to Rasa at that time: "Kazekage, it seems you still don't understand what I mean. Tailed beasts are alive and have feelings just like us humans.

And compared to us, tailed beasts have existed in this world for hundreds of thousands of years. They have seen countless human beings, and they have seen countless worlds. Their knowledge and vision are far longer than ours.

But there is a point that Tailed Beast's feelings are much simpler than that of us humans. If you give your heart to him, he will help you sincerely.

This is why Renzhuli has to be sealed from an early age, children's hearts are the most pure.

No matter what Jinchuriki will become when they grow up, at least when they were young, they all had a little kindness towards the tailed beast in their hearts.

It is this kindness in the past that allows the tailed beast to help humans in the future.

But you ruined this goodwill when Eara and Shukaku's relationship was at its best.

Or do you think Shukaku and Gaara's nine-year relationship can make Shukaku truly recognize him and lend him strength? "Uchiha Yuan's tone was so indifferent that even Luo Sha couldn't help but shudder.

At this time Luo Sha also realized that he had done something wrong, but it was already too late.

In order to settle the matter, Uchiha Yuan asked Shisui to go to the Sand Ninja Village.

He wanted to kill Shukaku in front of Gaara.

At first, both Gaara and Shukaku felt that Shisui was scaring them, because they both knew that when the tailed beast dies, the Jinchūriki dies as well.

At this time, Shisui condensed a group of Chakra full of vitality from his body, and he told Gaara that Gaara would not die if he had this group of Chakra.

Facing this situation, Gaara became a little anxious, and he took the initiative to protect Shukaku.

The unhappiness before Shuzuru saw this disappeared, and the relationship between them returned to the way it was before.

After Uchiha Yuan heard what happened, he nodded with satisfaction.

Then Uchiha left the village and came to the Mist Ninja Village.

Uchiha Haruka had previously asked Minato Namikaze to teach him the art of Flying Thunder God.

At the same time, Uchiha Yuan was also looking for people with space talents in various villages.

What Uchiha never expected was that there were very, very few ninjas with space talents. There was none in Cloud Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village, only one in Iwa Ninja Village, and there were at most three in Mist Ninja Village.

However, the two people from Iwa Ninja Village and Mist Ninja Village were unable to learn the Flying Thunder God technique due to their own talents.

The last one left, the flying thunder god technique went surprisingly smoothly.

She is the first person controlled by Uchiha Yuan's puppet, that is, the current Mizukage Kiyo.

After Qing secured his position as Mizukage, he joined forces with Uchiha Tozato. Now the Kiri Ninja Village is the village most closely connected with Konoha.

The village's recognition of Konoha from the inside out is very high.

Of course, those with low recognition were all killed by Uchiha Yuan.

And Uchiha Yuan did not let her hide the fact that Qing Neng practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In Qing's mouth, she was able to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique thanks to the help of Konoha, and this technique was also given to her by Konoha.

It can be said that the name of Namikaze Minato is known to everyone in the ninja world.

The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is Namikaze Minato's famous ninjutsu.

After receiving actual benefits, the relationship between the Mist Ninja and Konoha naturally became better and better.

When the Uchiha came to the Mist Ninja Village, Qing was combining the Flying Thunder God Jutsu with her Ice Release.

This is the idea Uchiha Yuan gave her. As long as she can combine the Flying Thunder God's technique with Ice Escape, she can create ice with the Flying Thunder God's mark anytime and anywhere, and complete time and space jumps through the ice.

The difficulty of this idea is how to complete the imprint of Fei Lei Shen out of thin air at the moment of making ice.

It took Qing more than a year to make a breakthrough. Her method was to materialize the mark of the Flying Thunder God when using the ice escape to make ice.

To put it simply, it is to make an ice kunai with the Flying Thunder God's mark engraved on it.

After Qing noticed that Uchiha was coming, he immediately stopped practicing.

There was no one around at this time, so Qing knelt down and said hello to Yuan Uchiha without hesitation.

The most terrifying thing about the puppet technique is that once it is controlled, the status of the caster in the heart of the caster will be infinitely magnified, just like a fanatical believer seeing a god.

But when the caster is not around, the caster is no different from normal people.

"Qing, do you know about the Kingdom of Rain?"

"I know Master Yuan."

"Then let's go! The Akatsuki organization's base is there. Go and check out some information." After saying this, Uchiha Toto threw a scroll to Qing.

Qing took the scroll and quickly browsed the relevant information about Yu Ninja Village and said: "Master Yuan, I will set off right now."

That afternoon, Qing arranged the work in the village and set off alone.

Uchiha Haruka was observing her from the air.

Uchiha Yuan asked Qing to go to the Land of Rain to test the extent to which Qing's Flying Thunder God technique has been cultivated.

If the level is still good, Uchiha Yuan plans to give Qing a more important task.

Soon Qing came to the Kingdom of Rain.

This was Qing's first time to set foot in this country where it rains all year round.

As a Mizukage, Kiyo is very sensitive to water.

She could clearly sense that there was other people's chakra hidden in the rain.

Qing Qing already understood that she had been discovered from the moment she stepped into the Rain Ninja Village.

Logically speaking, since she was discovered, Qing should retreat decisively, but Uchiha Yuan's order was absolute to her.

Without any hesitation or any intention of concealing his identity, Qing ran straight towards the Rain Ninja Village.

The deeper you go into the Rain Ninja Village, the greater and more obvious the amount of chakra contained in the rainwater becomes.

Qing ignored the chakra in the rain and came all the way to the entrance of the Rain Ninja Village.

Ahead was the Yu Ninja Village. The gate of the village was closed. Qing directly used ice escape to condense the rainwater falling in the Yu Ninja Village into small ice flowers with the mark of the Flying Thunder God, and then used the ice flowers to teleport to the Yu Ninja Village.

Qingyi entered the Rain Ninja Village. In the high tower in the center of the village, Nagato, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Nagato, what's the matter?" Xiao Nan noticed that Nagato's expression was different, and asked quickly.

"Someone came and sneaked in, no, he suddenly appeared in the village." Nagato said with a serious expression.

"Suddenly appeared in the village? Is it time-space ninjutsu?"

"Probably! I didn't expect people to leave time and space imprints in our village. Xiaonan, you and the beast should go and have a look!"

"Well! Leave it to me!"

On Qing's side, after entering Yuren Village, he walked straight towards the tall tower in the center of the village.

According to the information given by Yuan Uchiha, Qing already knew that the leader of the Akatsuki organization was there, and she needed to find out the strength of the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

So Qing continued to walk towards the tower, when two ninjas guarding the door suddenly jumped out of the rain and stopped Qing.

Qing smiled and was about to say something when a cold female voice suddenly sounded from the tower: "Let her in! You can't stop her!"

"Yes, Lord Angel!" As they spoke, the two stepped aside from the door and let Qing walk in.

"If I remember correctly, you are the Godaime Mizukage and the Ice Release Ninja Qing, right?" Konan said indifferently as she looked at Qing who walked in from outside.


"What are you doing in Rain Ninja Village?"

"I got a piece of information and learned that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is here, so I came to investigate. Now that I see you dressed like this, I can confirm that the information is correct."

"How dare you come to investigate the Akatsuki organization alone? Aren't you afraid of death?" Although Xiaonan's words were questions, her tone was very calm, as if she was stating an objective fact.

Qing Wenyan smiled: "To be honest, I'm scared, but I have to come."

"What about the peace of the ninja world? In that case, just stay here forever!" After speaking, a pair of paper wings appeared, and Konan's body flew into the air against the backdrop of these wings. .

"Angel? It really looks like it!" Qing murmured to himself.

Xiao Nan ignored Qing's words, and poured chakra into the paper, and each piece of ordinary paper turned into a life-devouring paper blade: "Shiki Paper Dance!"

Countless pieces of paper came like a tide. Seeing this, Qing immediately condensed the moisture in the air into an ice wall, blocking Xiaonan's paper, and at the same time threw the ice thousand books in the direction of Xiaonan.

Xiaonan had long known through Bai Jue that Qing had practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique.

So the moment she saw Qing throwing something, Xiaonan immediately flapped her wings to avoid it.

But what she didn't expect was that a small ice flower actually appeared next to her.

Then Qing appeared right where she had dodged.

"Paper Release, let's talk about paper! But from the look of you, it seems that you are not afraid of water, but what if it's ice?" As he spoke, Qing condensed the moisture in the air into ice and attached it to Xiaonan's piece of paper.

The iced pieces of paper were too heavy, and Xiao Nan couldn't use these pieces of paper to attack, and he couldn't even fly, so he could only fall from mid-air.

Qing once again used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport back to the ground, and then formed seals with his hands. In the blink of an eye, Xiaonan was completely frozen into an ice sculpture.

Qing looked at the person in the ice sculpture and murmured to himself: "It's pretty good-looking, but it's a pity that it's a little worse than me."

After saying that, Qing raised his hand to smash the ice cubes into pieces.

At this moment, Qing suddenly felt something behind her. She stopped attacking and teleported to the left rear.

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