Facing the flying kunai, Uchiha Yuan quickly formed seals with his hands.


A smoke appeared, and a wooden stake replaced Uchiha Yuan's position.

"Boom, boom, boom~" Kun Wu was all stuck on the stake.

At the same time, Uchiha took advantage of the smoke and rushed towards Asuma in an instant.

Uchiha did not use teleportation but used teleportation because there would be some fluctuations in space when teleporting. Uchiha was far from sure whether the Third Hokage could sense this fluctuation, so he chose to use teleportation. The technique is advanced.

In a battle between genin, the advantage of the teleportation technique is still great. The genin who knows this technique are much stronger than the other party in terms of speed and explosive power.

When Sarutobi Asuma saw Uchiha Yuan disappear instantly from the smoke, he also realized that Uchiha Yuan had mastered the teleportation technique.

Sarutobi Asuma immediately threw a smoke bomb on the ground to hide his figure, and then determined the approximate location of Uchiha Ryo through the direction of the smoke flow.

Sarutobi Asuma made a seal with both hands: "Fire Escape·Fire Bullet!"

"Did you use the flow of smoke to determine my approximate position? There is something! He is indeed the son of the Third Hokage." Uchiha thought in his heart when he saw the huge fireball flying from a distance.

Of course, thinking about it, Uchiha Yuan's hands were not idle. He quickly formed a seal, and a huge fireball spit out from his mouth to meet Sarutobi Asuma's fire bullet.

Fire Release·Huge Fireball Technique vs Fire Release·Fire Bullet.

Both are C-level, both are Fire Release, and even the effects of Ninjutsu are similar. Who can win depends on who has injected a greater amount of chakra into the technique.

"Boom~" The two fireballs collided, and the heat wave directly blew away the smoke.

Only then did everyone onlookers see clearly what was happening on the field.

The Third Hokage glanced at the two fireballs and knew that Asuma had lost this time.

Although Uchiha Ryo's high fire ball was launched later, it obviously injected more chakra than Asuma's flame bullet and was more powerful.

This shows that Uchiha's remote chakra control ability is much stronger than Asuma's.

The fact is just as the Third Hokage thought, Uchiha Yuan's powerful fire ball technique broke through Asuma's fire bullet.

Then Uchiha Yuan used the Go Fire Ball Technique to explode the aftermath, and disappeared from Asuma Sarutobi's sight in an instant.

After Asuma dodged the explosion of Gou's fireball, he found that Uchiha Yuan had disappeared. He quickly looked around, but did not find Uchiha Yuan's figure.

Sarutobi Asuma hesitated and chose to directly force Uchiha Yuan to show up.

He jumped up high, formed another seal, and first released Fire Release and Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, and then released Wind Release and Great Breakthrough. Wind Release amplified Fire Release, and the enhanced version of Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique fell towards Asi. All around Ma.

After releasing three ninjutsu in a row, Sarutobi Asuma's chakra had been consumed by most of it.

However, Sarutobi Asuma felt that Uchiha Ryo's situation was similar. Although the teleportation technique consumed less energy than ordinary C-level ninjutsu, Uchiha Ryo had injected more chakra into the powerful fireball technique just now.

After this calculation, Uchiha Yuan should also have used three C-level ninjutsu. Everyone is still starting from the same starting point, and he has nothing to be afraid of.

As several balls of flames fell, Uchiha Yuan's figure was discovered by Sarutobi Asuma. He took out his shuriken and shot Uchiha Yuan at a very tricky angle.

Then Asuma Sarutobi saw Haruka Uchiha's pupils turn red.

With the help of Sharingan's dynamic vision, Uchiha locked the kunai's attack angle, and just turned slightly sideways to avoid Sarutobi Asuma's shuriken.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Asuma gritted his teeth and decided to use his best ninjutsu.

Since one cell phone can't make a call, ten can make a hundred calls!

Asuma once again threw a shuriken at Yuan Uchiha and quickly formed a seal with his hands: "Uu-xu-chen-zi-xu-hai-si-yin."

The Third Hokage on the stage looked at Asuma's seal and frowned, thinking: "This seal is the shuriken shadow clone? When did he learn it?"

As Asuma's seal ended, the number of shurikens he threw turned into dozens in an instant.

The Third Hokage was a little disappointed when he saw this. His shuriken shadow clone technique can transform tens of thousands of shurikens in an instant to attack.

Asma has just learned a little bit, and the amount of chakra is not enough, so she can only distribute dozens of shurikens, which can't even exert one percent of the shuriken shadow clone's power.

"If this is Asuma's trump card, then he should lose." The Third Hokage thought.

Dozens of kunai were shot at Uchiha Yuan from all directions, seemingly blocking all Uchiha Yuan's retreat directions.

Asuma felt that no matter how strong the Sharingan's dynamic vision was, Uchiha Yuan would be unable to escape, and the teacher or the old man should have to save people.

Thinking of this, Asuma turned to look at his teacher and the Third Hokage, only to find that they had no intention of taking action.

Asuma's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned to look at Uchiha Yuan.

Facing these kunai, Uchiha refused to dodge and allowed the kunai to hit.

"Wow~" Uchiha, who was stabbed into a hedgehog by kunai, turned into a puddle of water.

"Water body! How can this be..."

Asuma Sarutobi suddenly felt a chill in his neck in the middle of his words, and he turned his head slightly to find that Uchiha Haruka's Kunai was already on his neck, and a pair of scarlet sharing eyes looked at him without any emotion.

"When did you use the water body?" Sarutobi Asma asked unwillingly.

"During the interval between you using the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique and the Great Breakthrough Technique, all of your attention was focused on the continuous release of the Great Breakthrough Technique. At the same time, the fireball of the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique blocked part of your body. sight.

I took this opportunity to form the seal. If I stood over there at that angle, I should be able to see the water body clearly. "Uchiha pointed to the side of the Third Hokage and the teacher.

Sarutobi Asma smiled wryly when he heard the words, no wonder they didn't intend to make a move just now, it turned out to be such a thing.

"I admit defeat, Uchiha Haruka, you win!"

Uchiha Yuan smiled slightly when he heard this, put away his kunai, and his Sharingan disappeared.

The students looked surprised to hear Sarutobi Asuma admit defeat.

"Asuma actually lost?" Shiranui Genma said with surprise on his face.

"Has En Uchiha become so much stronger after turning on Sharingan?" Kureni Yuhi asked.

"It shouldn't just be the Sharingan, right? Haruka Uchiha's ninjutsu and taijutsu are also very powerful. He also learned the teleportation technique like Hinata Asana." Morino Ihiki said.

"I didn't expect this guy Yuchiha Yuan to be so strong!" Obito said in a complicated tone.


Everyone in class two was also talking a lot.

Apparently, they were also surprised that Uchiha Haruka defeated Sarutobi Asuma.

This is Hokage-sama's son!

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