Konoha: Reviving the Glory of Uchiha

Chapter 165 Mantis Catching Cicadas

After settling the matter at the First End, Uchiha Ryo sent Kakashi back to the village to report to Namikaze Minato, while he himself channeled lightning and rushed towards the Land of Waves.

I have to say that a flying psychic beast is really useful, and Lightning can not only fly, he also masters a lot of wind escape ninjutsu and thunder escape chakra mode, and his combat power is not weak.

It was indeed a wise choice to give the collected dragon vein chakra to Lightning.

With the lightning, Uchiha Yuan spent a few hours rushing from the Sand Ninja Village to the Country of Waves.

After the lightning circled in the air, Uchiha Yuan discovered the Kumo ninja and Kiri ninja who were confronting each other. Hinata Asana was also below, but she did not participate in the fight between the two sides, but watched from a distance.

Uchiha Yuan jumped off Lightning's back and teleported several times before arriving at Hinata Asana's side.

"How is the situation?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

"The two sides were quite restrained and did not start fighting." Hinata Asana replied.

Uchiha Yuan heard this and opened his Sharingan and looked over there.

The two-tailed and eight-tailed Jinchuuriki came from the Kumo ninja, and they were accompanied by a dozen people with chakra levels at the jounin level.

The Mist Ninja was led by an old man who looked slovenly and had something sticky dripping from his body.

Behind him was a team of Mist Ninja ANBU, and a team of blood successors and secret techniques composed of the Snow Clan, Kaguya Clan, and Oni Lamp Clan.

"Tsk tsk! The lineups on both sides are really strong!" Uchiha Yuan said.

"The best way to fight against tailed beasts is to use tailed beasts. Isn't it natural to send jinchūriki here?"

"That's right, Asana, do you think they will fight?"

"Probably not."


"If there's going to be a fight, we'll start fighting as soon as we meet. Why wait until now?"

The fact is as Hyuga Asana said, after the confrontation between the Cloud Ninja and the Kiri Ninja, the two sides obviously reached some agreement, and finally the Cloud Ninja chose to retreat voluntarily.

Shortly after the Cloud Ninja left, the Mist Ninjas took action, and the members of the Snow Clan immediately used the Ice Escape Secret Technique to freeze the entire lake.

Sanwei, who was sleeping well underwater, went crazy instantly and broke through the ice and got out.

"Should we take action?" Hinata Asana asked.

"No rush, let them fight for a while first, and I also have to deal with some underground rats." After saying that, Uchiha Yuan's figure disappeared from the place.

A minute later, Uchiha Yuan came back, carrying two White Zetsu corpses in his hands.

"It's this kind of thing again, why do they appear here?" Hinata Asana asked.

"Probably following people from Mist Ninja Village!"

"Follow the people from Mist Ninja Village? Why follow the people from Mist Ninja Village?"

"Because the current Mist Ninja Village has been infiltrated by them."

Hinata Asana frowned when he heard this. It's really not easy for these guys to be able to infiltrate a village!

The Three-Tails fought with the Mist Ninjas for several hours, and finally the Three-Tails gained the advantage and forced the Mist Ninjas back.

Then the three tails turn around and return to the water.

"Kiri Ninja is really a waste, Asana, it's time for us to take action." Uchiha Yuan said.

"Wait! I can't defeat the tailed beast by myself!"

"Just find a way to hold off the Kiri Ninja and the others. Leave the three tails to me."

Before Hinata Asana could say anything, Uchiha Yuan's figure disappeared from the place.

Hinata Asana sighed, put on the mask she had used when harvesting the Two-Tails chakra before, then opened her Byakugan, and used repulsion to fly in front of the Mist Ninjas.

The mist ninjas were startled by Hinata Asana appearing in the air, and they quickly assumed fighting postures.

Hyuga Asana was not polite and directly released the third Kazekage's human puppet. At the same time, he raised his arms to control gravity, and several large trees were uprooted.

With a flash of lightning in Hinata Asana's hand, the roots of the big tree were cut off, and one end of the cut surface was pointed.

Then Hyuga Asana manipulated the Third Kazekage to rush towards the Mist Ninjas. When the Third Kazekage attacked, Hinata Asana would smash one or two big trees from time to time and try to interrupt the attacking rhythm of the Mist Ninjas.

As for Uchiha Yuan, he teleported to the lightning in the sky this time.

Then he let the lightning fly over the three tails who were about to dive into the water.

Then Uchiha teleported in front of the three tails and smashed an enlarged version of the electromagnetic Rasengan directly.

Along with a deafening thunder, bursts of electric sparks suddenly appeared on the lake, and the three tails were electrocuted to the point of ecstasy.

"Damn humans!" After the three tails roared, they emerged from the water again, waving their tails and using the water column to shoot towards Uchiha.

Uchiha saw the situation without the slightest intention to dodge.

At this time, a lightning flashed in the air, and the lightning that activated the Thunder Chakra mode caught Uchiha Yuan with lightning speed and avoided the three-tailed attack.

Then Uchiha Yuan took advantage of Lightning's air superiority and kept attacking the three-tails with long-range lightning attacks. Soon the three-tails could no longer hold on.

Uchiha's vision teleported to the three tails again, and this time he directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The moment the three tails and Uchiha Far's pupils faced each other, they were controlled by Uchiha Far's genjutsu.

Uchiha Haruka controlled the Three-Tails to swim to the shore, and then used the Chidori Sharp Spear to cut off the two tails of the Three-Tails and seal them.

The severe pain of the broken tail made the three-tails break away from the genjutsu. The three-tails knew that they could not defeat Uchiha Yuan and swam towards the water desperately.

Uchiha Yuan did not stop it this time. He had obtained the three-tailed chakra and there was no need to tangle with the three-tailed chakra.

Then Uchiha Yuan teleported directly in front of Vulpix and others who were dragged by Hinata Asana.

Uchiha Yuan looked at the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki and couldn't help but complain: "It's so slimy and disgusting!"

In the original book, the Six-Tails Jinchuriki is Yu Taka, a handsome young man with long bangs who often wears a sky blue robe.

As for the guy in front of him, his first impression was that he was a little disgusting. There was mucus all over his body, and he looked very much like the Vulpix's true form.

Uchiha Yuan rarely judged people by their appearance, but this time he deepened his hostility towards him because of the image of the Six-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

When Uchiha looked at the Six-Tails far away, the Six-Tails jinchuriki was also looking at him.

With black hair, wearing a strange mask, and flashing with lightning, the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki felt a fatal threat from the man in front of him.

The Mist Ninja behind the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki subconsciously took two steps back when he saw Uchiha Yuan, obviously intimidated by Uchiha Yuan's momentum.

Just now, Uchiha Yuan easily suppressed the three-tails that they had been helpless to do. This strength was enough to make them afraid.

And Uchiha Yuan didn't have a good impression of the Mist Ninja. After all, he and the Mist Ninja had fought bloody battles on the battlefields of the Bear Country for many years. Many members of the third team, including his parents, died at the hands of the Mist Ninja.

Thinking of this, the thunder escape chakra on Uchiha Yuan's body became more and more violent. In the next second, Uchiha Yuan's whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared in front of the fog ninja and his group.

"Be careful, his thunder..." The Mist Ninja ANBU's words stopped abruptly, because the ANBU Jōnin who had just spoken had his throat slashed by Uchiha Ryo, who was holding a horizontal sword.

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