Konoha: Reviving the Glory of Uchiha

Chapter 12 Hinata Asana’s heart

Uchiha Yuan returned to his home and began to think about what supplies he would buy when the pension came out to deal with the upcoming war.

Before the members of the Uchiha clan go to the battlefield, the clan will distribute some commonly used ninja tools and auxiliary props.

However, these items are in limited quantity and will be used up quickly on the battlefield, so you must replenish some yourself.

The things to buy are actually similar to those distributed by the Uchiha clan.

All kinds of ninja tools must be full, and auxiliary props such as Bingliang Pills and Detonating Talismans must be bought more.

In order to store these supplies, sealing scrolls must also be prepared.

The other items are okay, but the seal scroll is not cheap. If you calculate 200 million taels, there won't be much money left.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Haruka sighed, he was wondering if Konoha was issuing pensions at this time, is it just to let the next batch of people who go to the battlefield spend the pensions to buy supplies?

If so, Konoha really sucks!

In fact, Uchiha Yuan was overthinking this time. Konoha was indeed going to send the next batch of ninjas to the battlefield, but it had nothing to do with most of the people receiving pensions.

This money is basically distributed to the family members of ninjas, and a large part of them do not have ninja talents.

At this stage, in addition to the forces that must ensure the safety of the village, how many normal ninjas can remain in the village?

Therefore, after the pensions are released this time, only a small number of people will use their family members' pensions to buy war supplies and go to the battlefield again.

The next day, Uchiha Yuan came to school. The atmosphere in the class seemed a little wrong today. The students gathered in groups to discuss something.

"Uchiha Haruka, we will graduate early at the end of this semester." Yamanaka Kaguya came up to Uchiha Haruka and said when he saw Uchiha Haruka's expression of not knowing anything.

Uchiha Yuan suddenly realized when he heard this. No wonder the atmosphere in the class was not right today. It turned out that the village had announced the news.

Uchiha had heard from Hinata Asana about a month ago that they were going to graduate early.

There is still one month before graduation, and the village announces the news, and the timing is just right.

One month is enough time for these children to prepare themselves mentally and go to the battlefield.

But having said that, Uchiha Yuan felt that few students actually needed psychological construction.

Most of these students have been brainwashed by the Will of Fire. When they heard that they were going to the battlefield to fight to protect the village, many of them couldn't wait.

Uchiha glanced at the people in the class. Their eyes rarely showed fear, but some showed morbid enthusiasm.

"Are you afraid of going to the battlefield, Yamanaka Kaguya?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

After Yamanaka Kaguya looked at the people in the class, he whispered into Uchiha Yuan's ear: "Afraid, I'm scared to death, but I don't know why the classmates in the class are not scared at all. Are you scared?"

"I'm afraid too." After saying that, Uchiha ignored Yamanaka Kaguya and turned around to his seat.

Today, Hinata Asana and Miss Zong family Hinata Chiwa have not come yet.

They stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom one after another with the teacher.

This lesson talks about some techniques of ninja throwing, which Uchiha Haruka is already familiar with. He is lying on the table and looking at the scenery outside the window, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Click~" A slight sound from the table interrupted Uchiha Yuan's thoughts. He looked up and found a small paper ball falling on his table.

Uchiha Yuan opened the ball of paper, and he was very familiar with the handwriting on it, which belonged to Hinata Asana.

"Far, our Hyuga Clan held a meeting today, and the ninjas that will be sent next time, including me, have a total of 103 people, half of them are sent back from the battlefield and have just recovered from their injuries, and the Zong Clan only sent one A genin who hasn’t carried out many missions for several years after graduation.”

"Are you unbalanced?" Uchiha Haruka replied, and threw the ball of paper onto Hinata Asana's desk while the teacher was not paying attention.

"I just don't understand. When the Zong family announced this today, no one from the split family raised any objections. They seemed to think it was a matter of course."

"Then what do you think?"

"I don't know. I'm very confused right now and feel very uncomfortable."

"I'll wait for you by the river after school and let's talk."


After school, Uchiha Yuan came to the river alone, this time he didn't feel anyone spying on him.

This made Uchiha Yuan slightly relieved.

Then Uchiha Yuan was training while waiting for the arrival of Hinata Asana.

Uchiha Yuan waited for an hour before Hinata Asana rushed over.

Uchiha Toto glanced at the drenched gauze on Hinata Asana's forehead and asked, "Why are you sweating profusely? Did you run over?"

“Today, the clan asked us, the guards of the clan, to have a sparring session.

My opponent is a newly promoted Chunin, but he was injured on the battlefield before, and his body has not fully recovered. I tried my best to draw with him. " Hinata Asana said with a face full of unwillingness.

Yuan Uchiha was a little strange when he heard the words. It is already very powerful to be able to draw with the injured Chunin before graduating from ninja school.

Why does Hinata Asana look unwilling?

"Asana, are you being strict with yourself? You are already strong if you can tie with a chuunin, right?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

"This level is nothing, and what's the use of being powerful? We are a separate family, and no matter how talented you are, you won't get the attention of the Hyuga clan and the village." Hinata Asana said with a lonely expression.

"The system of clan and branch families should not exist in itself." Uchiha Yuan said.

"I think so too, maybe in the eyes of others, as a subfamily of the Hyuga clan, you should accept your status as a subfamily and engrave the curse mark of a bird in a cage.

Because this kind of thing has been going on in the Hyuga clan for who knows how many years, it is an inevitable fate.

But I never think like this. We are all members of the same family, and everyone looks down upon me. Why should I be stepped on by others? Why should I bow to someone who is inferior to me in everything? Why should I? Should life and death depend on the thoughts of others?

The clan, the branch family, will become a slave-like existence to the clan just because of their birth. Can such a family still be called a family? "

Hinata Asana had never expressed her emotions in front of Uchiha Ryo like today.

This was also the first time that Yuan Uchiha learned what Hinata Asana was thinking.

"Yuan, you know? I actually envy you, I envy your Uchiha clan. As members of the pupil clan, you don't need to carry a caged bird on your back, let alone kowtow to your fellow clan members.

Even women of your clan can marry outside the family to pursue their own happiness.

And our Hyuga separated family, not to mention marrying outside, even the future marriage partner has to be appointed by the clan. "

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