Recently, bulletproof activities are mainly active in North America;

The North American tour, fan meetings and TV shows were interspersed.

The Ellen Show is the last stop and conclusion of this North American trip.

This well-known talk show has changing ideas and surprises in every episode, an enthusiastic audience and a humorous host.

As an invited party, Bangtan is also looking forward to this Ellen show.

Of course, this program also aroused a good response after it was broadcast. The program effect was very good, and the program team and fans were very satisfied.

On the flight to Seoul, the seven people started chatting about each other, or watching videos and scrolling through social software to read comments.

Maknae Jungkook accidentally read a fan’s comment,

The meaning is roughly what plans they have for their vacation after the North American tour, whether they want to form a group for a group trip or other arrangements.

Jungkook was clearly interested in this comment, as it once again sparked his interest in traveling abroad.

So he sent a screenshot of this comment to the seven people, and naturally all the other brothers saw it.

To be honest, they had a lot of group trips;

Including their tour package, Northern Europe, New Zealand, Hawaii, Malta, these are all counted as part of it.

Just have something special.

This time they are not traveling as a group, but seven of them each go to a place.

Anyway, the flight only covered one-third of the total distance, so I might as well start thinking about where to travel.

Zheng Hoseok was the first to finalize the travel destination. To be precise, he had an idea in mind since the proposal.

The members looked at him with a look that seemed to understand. They must have discussed this issue with the third sister-in-law in private.

"Brother Hoseok, which place did you choose?" Kim Taehyung asked curiously.

“Chiang Mai.”

"Oh, Chiang Mai. I decided with my sister-in-law."

"We agreed to travel together when we have free time."

"Bingyue liked the pastoral scenery and farms in Thailand and wanted to see them, so we decided to go there."

Oh, it's true, it turns out I had an idea in my mind.

Park Jimin also came over to chat; "Look at the time, it's the end of the semester for my sister-in-law."

"Classes for the semester ended a week ago."

They had a long-distance phone call last night, and they missed each other across the Pacific Ocean.

At first, Byungwol had asked Jung Hoseok for his opinion when choosing a school, and Jung Hoseok blurted out Ewha Womans University.

As the name suggests, this is a women's college. There are men, but only a minority.

The little Jiujiu in his heart couldn't be more obvious.

If you majored in architecture and were in an engineering college, wouldn’t there be too many boys?

Think about your daily life on campus, in class, or in the cafeteria...

If any of those boys fell in love with Bingyue, they would exchange one-sided glances.

He just felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But this is only a small part of his thoughts, and Zheng Hoseok doesn't take it to heart. It would be unreasonable for him to really care about it.

His ice moon only calls to him.

Ewha Womans University is not mentioned casually. It has a long history and strong teaching staff. It enjoys a high reputation internationally. It is one of the top universities in China and is an excellent university.

Therefore, Byungwol and Jung Hoseok also listed Ewha Girl among their candidates.

After making some comparisons, Bingyue decided to go to Hanyang University for further studies.

Except for Jung Hoseok, who had already made arrangements, the others also finalized their travel destinations after returning from a surfing trip:

Kim Seokjin-Dubai;

Kim Namjoon-Greece;

Park Jimin-Sri Lanka;

Kim Taehyung-Budapest;


Min Yoongi - South Korea, the specific area is to be determined. The scope of activities will be determined based on his interest and mood on the day of the trip.


There were people coming and going at Incheon International Airport. Zheng Hoseok and Byeongwol chose a seat near the big screen and waited in the terminal for the arriving flight.

Bing Yue nestled in his arms, Zheng Hoseok put his hand on her shoulder, and played with Bing Yue's free hand.

The two expressed their longing and strong love to each other, as well as their plans and expectations for the trip to Chiang Mai.

When his love grew stronger, he couldn't help but kiss Bingyue's forehead.

This was Bingyue's first time to fly, and she flew to another country, Thailand, to experience the exotic customs with her beloved, filling her heart with excitement and novelty.

Looking up close at the sea of ​​clouds below the plane, and the vast blue sky that seemed to be within reach.

Bingyue recorded these beautiful moments with a camera. Jung Hoseok held Bingyue in his arms, enjoying and sharing the joy with her, and helping her take photos.

Bingyue took Zheng Hoseok's arm and motioned for him to watch with her.

"Hoseok, look at the city below."

"This is the first time for me to overlook the numerous high-rise buildings, rivers, lakes and sea from such a high altitude."

"We will have many more moments like this in the future."

"Bingyue, we have to walk through a lot of places."

"I'll take you to see the Aurora, European towns full of European style, castles, waterfalls, island beaches..."

"Well, let's go together."

Bingyue has always been the person in Zheng Hoseok's scene. She is looking at the beautiful scenery outside the plane window, and he is looking at the beauty in his eyes.

The scene of Bingyue holding her chin and turning her head to look out the window of the plane was captured by him, with the text: beautyineyes!

Putting it into Bingyue's hand, she said: "You are so romantic."

"My romance is endless with you."

"You are the only one with a sweet mouth." She held the man's hand and gave him a kiss on the back of it.

ARMYs who pay attention to Jung Hoseok's updates noticed his Instagram updates and clicked on the page and swiped their fingers up and down, curious about what new content there was.

It is a profile picture of a girl, with the text beautyineyes.

The ARMYs were surprised that they were going on a trip, and they were with the mysterious third sister-in-law.

The comments in the comment area below were superimposed, and it was very lively.

Finally met the mysterious third sister-in-law again.

Chiang Mai, Thailand, is a very suitable place for travel and vacation.

Ah, no! My trip to Iceland is also on the agenda.

Open Ctrip silently.

I searched for delicious food.

Houbi and sister-in-law are so sweet.

Oppa and his third sister-in-law may be happy, I wish you all the best!

Have a nice trip, Houbi, take good care of your sister-in-law.

Bingyue Ouni, sister-in-law, take good care of Houbiha.

What an enviable couple. Ah, no, I can't stand it anymore and I'm looking for a boyfriend...

Bingyue is indeed a very mysterious existence among ARMYs.

At first they only knew that Jung Hoseok was in love and had a mysterious girlfriend;

Jung Hoseok did a good job of keeping secrets, and both of them are low-key people;

So it took a long time for ARMYs to confirm that Jung Hoseok was indeed in love.

But everyone is curious and gossipy, especially the other half of their idol. Of course, they want to know what kind of person the woman is.

ARMYs are lucky. They are in the era of big data and the Internet. With the powerful functions of the Internet, they have learned some information about Bingyue. You don’t know if you don’t look at it, but you are surprised when you look at it.

A top student from the Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, my God, he studied architecture!

I thought I was engaged in art.

He is also a partner of an architectural firm, excellent!

He has a strong aura and is very temperamental.

Royal sister type? Oh no, no, it seems not exactly.

Upstairs, there can be strong women in work and little women in relationships.


Just looking at it gives me a sense of comfort.

The simple flight meal and two small desserts that I ordered not long ago have been delivered by the flight attendant. She scooped up a spoonful of the dessert and fed it into Bingyue's mouth.

The moistness of the dessert is undoubtedly the icing on the cake for a good mood, she smiled sweetly.

Another young couple diagonally behind them, seeing their loving looks, seemed to be infected by sweetness. The girl came close to the boy and leaned on his shoulders, and the boy put his arm around the girl's waist.

"Look at that couple, they are very loving."

A middle-aged couple sitting on the right side of their aisle looked at Byungwol and Jung Hoseok and recalled themselves when they were young and in love.

“Hoseok, what are they talking about?”

"They are saying, this young man is so lucky to have such a beautiful wife."

"You're really good at talking." He scooped out a big spoonful of dessert and stuffed it into the man's mouth.


Chiang Mai Mae Rim has beautiful scenery and rich Northern Thai customs.

Stroll through Dreamland Mountain and taste the slightly sour and sweet taste of picking your own berries;

Look at the reflections of each other nestled in the clear water of Huiden Tao Lake;

A novel and unique farmhouse, the enthusiastic owner greets guests from afar.

They handed the suitcases and other heavy items to the driver and asked him to take them to the B&B first, leaving important documents with him.

The two of them strolled through the sheep farm and slowly walked to the B&B.

The cute lambs on the green grass lowered their heads and ate grass, making "baaaah" sounds.

The lambs noticed a couple taking photos of them. They raised their heads and looked at the loving couple with curious eyes.

"BAA Baa baa!"

So interesting, they are actually humans and elves.

Take the grass handed over by the staff and learn to feed the lambs;

The sheep's forehead rubbed against the back of his hand, making the back of his hand feel itchy.

Zheng Hoseok and Bingyue looked at each other and smiled, playfully trying to feed each other grass, how could they act like children.

It is truly a peaceful place far away from the hustle and bustle.

Hold Bingyue's hand and lead her running along the farm paths.

"Miss, sir. This is fresh milk and fruit from our farm. Please try it."

The waiter smiled and took two bottles of packaged fresh milk and a bag of fruit slices and handed them to Bingyue.

"Thank you."

Hearing the noise, Zheng Hoseok, who was resting on Bingyue's legs and bathing in the sun, removed his hand from his forehead and opened his mouth naturally, and Bingyue fed him a mouthful of fruit slices.

She took a sip of milk and leaned over to look at the man's eyebrows carefully, teasingly tapping the tip of his nose and touching his soft lips;

Go down and get a little closer.

A few strands of hair swept across his face. The man pursed his lips slightly and took the opportunity to lick the milk residue on the woman's lips with the tip of his tongue. Then, their lips touched together.

He wanted to get up and kiss her, but Bingyue pretended not to notice and drank milk seriously, which made Zheng Hoseok amused.

He stood up and took away the milk bottle in Bingyue's hand, and leaned in to kiss her. Their mouths were filled with the silky and sweet taste of milk.

Since Zheng Hoseok was originally resting on Bingyue's lap, he didn't completely leave her arms at this moment. He stayed half of his body in Bingyue's arms and kissed her, worried that he might lose his balance and fall. , Bingyue simply reached out and half hugged Zheng Hoseok.

The slightly strange kissing posture looks quite beautiful when viewed from behind.

Sitting back to back on the bench and tasting fresh milk, Bingyue put down the milk bottle in her hand and took a few steps away.

She hasn't danced in front of Hoseok yet, so he must have never seen their dance over there.

He was so stunned that the milk in his hand no longer smelled good. He walked up to her, picked her up and spun her around and around.

"Bingyue, come up, I will carry you back."

You can still vaguely hear the voices talking between them, and see the blurry figures. The man is humming a few songs.

Until further and further away, the back gradually blurred.

Several tables of tourists who had arrived earlier had already arrived to eat, but one table was anxiously heading in one direction before finishing their meal.

Zheng Hoseok mentioned something casually, and the waitress with a keen ear heard it. She said, "Someone is getting married over there in the east. Those two must have gone there."

After the waiter lady left, Zheng Hoseok finished the delicious food. After watching Bingyue also finish eating, he grabbed his hand: "Bingyue, you heard it just now, right? There is a wedding over there. We..."

Bingyue's eyes lit up and she nodded.

In fact, they have also obtained a marriage certificate, and the wedding is scheduled to be held in South Korea in a few months;

The wedding dress and suit were rough sketches drawn by Zheng Hoseok based on the memories in his dream. The two of them incorporated their favorite designs and then handed them over to a specialist for customization.

Zheng Hoseok took Bingyue aside and held her shoulders with both hands. Anna couldn't help but feel excited in her heart: "I can't wait to marry you."

After setting the wedding date, he kept counting the days on his fingers.

Why do I feel like this day is passing so slowly? It’s not the wedding day yet.

"We already belong to each other, and I also want to marry you as soon as possible."

Looking at the newlywed couple in the distance in unison.

Unfortunately, the weddings here are already fully booked today. The staff looked through the records and told them that it would be two days later.

Then we will have the afternoon two days later.

As the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. Dressing up can also greatly improve a person's image.

Moreover, Jung Hoseok and Byung-wol wore traditional Thai wedding attire, which was very regional and exotic.

When the two looked up and saw each other for the first time, they were both stunned for a long time.

The elders will put powder on their foreheads and wear garlands of flowers;

Double happiness yarn circles connect each other;

A string tied their hands together;

The elders sent them their best wishes and wished the newlyweds happiness and prosperity for a long time.

When the news reached both families, as well as six others around the world, it caused quite a shock.

Not only did I travel, I got married in Thailand first.

They all knew that the wedding of these two people would be in a few months.

Looking at it this way, Thailand and South Korea a few months later can be regarded as two weddings.

Surprised, relatives and friends were more happy and envious, and sent their blessings to the newlyweds.

Kim Namjoon and others attached a beautiful picture of Auckland, Greece, and a blessing message to the newlyweds, so that they can enjoy their wedding trip in Thailand.

Extra series·Chiang Mai Mae Rim

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