"Thinking, not ordinary thinking"

"When I miss you, I really want to fly to you, hug you, and turn into dewdrops and stop in the palm of your hand."

"Is Bingyue's mouth smeared with honey? The words she speaks are so sweet, they are so sweet to my heart."

"More than just liking it, I love it so much that I can't help myself."

"This is a heart-pounding feeling that can only be felt when facing the Bingyue."


Facing the computer, he tapped on the keyboard with his left hand, and tapped the table with the pen in his right hand, intentionally or unintentionally.

After meeting Wu Yue and Grandpa Turtle and Grandma Rabbit last time, these elves decided to give full play to their own advantages. Several elves living in Seoul worked together to set up an architecture office, and the business was successful.

The message prompt sounded, Bingyue turned her head to see, it was still a voice message.

Wanting to know what he said, she moved the phone close to her ear, and it turned out that he was asking when she would be home.

In fact, she can get off work in ten minutes, and the work in hand was completed half an hour ago.

Bingyue looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer and thought for a while, then told Zheng Hoseok that there was still half an hour.

The other party replied that he would get back later today.

In this case, she was ahead of him, Bingyue couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

On the upper left corner of the desk are two exquisite gift boxes.

Today she was going to confess her love to Jung Hoseok.

After picking up the crystal dewdrop necklace that he had ordered a long time ago, Zheng Hoseok couldn't help but think about what Bingyue would look like when he confessed his love to her.

He walked briskly and hummed a few lines of music, his body eager to move;

I deliberately told Bingyue that I would come back later today, thinking of giving her a surprise.

He was a little restless, watching the minute and second hands keep moving forward, getting closer and closer to Bingyue's return.

I opened the gift box that I had opened and closed countless times again, and the necklace stayed quietly in my palm.

It would look great on her.

Just when she released her hand from the doorknob, Bingyue didn't even have time to turn around before a pair of hands held her wrist and brought her into the man's arms.

Wasn't he coming back late? At that time, she had a small chance of succeeding. She wanted to come back first and give him a surprise.

This will become a surprise for her.

He wore a suit today and looked very formal.

It's just that the white shirt underneath is actually made of silk fabric, and it feels as smooth as Dove chocolate.

Just like the feeling this man brought to her, it was as smooth as Dove chocolate and as rich as liqueur chocolate.

The shirt is cool, silky and soft, and the man's body temperature is warm.

She tightened her arms around his waist and changed into a more comfortable position to continue holding him.

Sooner or later he will be hers anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you hug him a little longer and hold him tighter.

Bingyue hugged him tightly.

A metaphor suddenly came to Zheng Hoseok's mind: it was like holding a large pillow;

And Bingyue likes this pillow very much and can't put it down.

He was hugged so hard that his breathing was a little short, a little out of breath, and his heart felt numb and itchy, but he couldn't bear to be separated.

"Do you miss me?" He kissed the forehead of the person in his arms.

Bingyue blushed and said, "Thinking, not ordinary thinking."

"When I miss you, I really want to fly to you and hug you, turning into dewdrops and stopping in the palm of your hand."

"I miss you too."

"Is Bingyue's mouth smeared with honey? The words she spoke are so sweet, they are so sweet to my heart."

This elf was obviously blushing from shyness, but what he said was still so touching, and it felt like his heart was about to soften.

"When I want to hug you, I will hug you; when I want to say these words to you, I will say it to you sincerely."

"Because Hoseok likes me too, these words sound sweeter than honey to your ears."

"More than just liking her, I love her so much that I can't help myself." After saying that, he kissed her forehead a few more times, and then kissed her lips.

Bingyue has been teased by Zheng Hoseok to the point where her heartbeat is racing and her cheeks are glowing;

On the other hand, Zheng Hoseok's situation was not much better, and it was even worse than Bingwol's situation.

Bing Yue's words were simply tantalizing, especially Jung Hoseok, who couldn't resist at all;

The key is that they are still hugging each other, Bingyue hugging him tightly and rubbing in his arms.

He took her hand, placed it on her heart, and held it there: "You asked me before why it beats so fast here."

"This is a heart-pounding feeling that can only be felt when facing the Bingyue."

Being held down by his hand, Bingyue could actually feel the rhythm there.

The rhythm there was irregular and rapid at the moment.

At that time, she really didn't know what it meant. Not only did Zheng Hoseok's face turn red, his ears turned red, but his heart was also pounding.

I thought he wasn't feeling well, and he must have been embarrassed to say it at that time.

Of course Bingyue now knows what this means. It turns out that you liked me very early on.

She raised her eyes to look at him, and the man looked at her with burning eyes.

She found her heart beating to his rhythm.

The two people looked at each other and saw each other's red face, and both couldn't hold back their laughter.

One went to touch the breast pocket of the suit, and the other went to explore the pocket of the coat.

I still have to confess to her (him). Such an important thing cannot be forgotten.

Almost at the same time.


“Jung Hoseok.”

At the same time, he lowered his head and did not look at each other for the time being.

Let me organize the language again.



He couldn't help but smile slightly again, and turned his head away in unison to calm his heart.

Bingyue took Zheng Hoseok's hand and spoke slowly.

"I love you both on stage and in life."

"What matters is you, that person is you."

"Let me love you, protect you, and accompany you. Zheng Hoseok, are you willing..."

Well, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Before she could say the words, he kissed her and blocked her lips.

Put a necklace on her,

Zheng Hoseok half-knelt in front of Bingyue and asked with a serious face: "Bingyue, are you willing to be my girlfriend and be with me?"

As he asked, he kissed Bingyue's hand.


Bingyue took out the same gifts she prepared for Zheng Hoseok, a fisherman hat and a men's perfume.

Why did the plot turn around? Her confession was still in progress, but... it was ended.

But it doesn’t matter, the end result is the same, that’s it.

This time, he was different from the previous dabbling and seemed a little anxious.

He covered her lips and sucked on her, their breaths intertwined, and Bingyue's entire body was held in his arms.

The call came at an untimely time. Bingyue reached out to find the phone, and Zheng Hoseok also reached out.

He found her first and accidentally pressed his finger on the screen, because he was still kissing Bingyue.


He pressed the answer button, and their lips had to be separated temporarily.

"Hey, Wuyue."

As soon as the words came out, Bingyue realized that her voice was a little hoarse, which was so embarrassing.

She turned to look at the man aside, but the latter kept staring at the table very cooperatively;

Show an "I don't know, I didn't hear" attitude.

But the raised corners of his mouth revealed that Jung Hoseok was suppressing a smile.

After a phone call, Wu Yue not only learned that they were together, but also talked to her future brother-in-law. It can be said that she was very excited.

Knowing that she had gotten in touch with her relatives and friends, Zheng Hoseok was happy for Bingyue, even happier than Bingyue.

Thinking of Bingyue's slightly hoarse voice when they talked on the phone just now, Zheng Hoseok felt a little sorry for her.

He couldn't control himself, her lips were too tempting.

He pushed Bingyue's shoulders and stroked her face with his fingertips: "Forgive me, okay?"

Bingyue pretended to be angry.

He raised his hand and poked his cheek: "Then kiss me until I'm satisfied."

Then, Jung Hoseok kissed her.

Bingyue couldn't help but keep laughing at her raised cheekbones.

Zheng Hoseok was not much better. Driven by Bingyue, he laughed while kissing her. Not only that, the desire/fire became stronger the closer they kissed.

He felt that his face was on the verge of burning. On a low temperature night, he was not cold but hot.

One hand had already wrapped around Bingyue's waist, and the other clasped her wrist.

It no longer just stopped at her lips, but went all the way down.

He sucked her throat bone and nibbled gently, and the hand that held Bingyue's wrist slowly moved up to the back of her shoulder.

Not enough, not enough.

Just hold her on your lap.

“Jung Hoseok.”

"What do you call me?"

Um? “Hoseok.”

The man was obviously dissatisfied and did not hear what he wanted to hear.

"My, man?"

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