"My whole face is completely red"

"What should I do?"

"Really like"

"My head was rubbed on the soft pillow"

This doesn't seem like this person's usual style. Why don't you just say it in the group?

Kim Namjoon also just got the information from his manager that they were invited to perform at Kyung Hee University.

The time is set for the first week of next month.

I don’t know if the captain has encountered something so happy that he actually video-called the members one by one in the early morning.

Of course, he also said it in the group.

In his own words, it was to show his love for the members.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

He couldn't even press the answer button in time. Zheng Hoseok choked on the water and coughed violently.

Okay, now the whole face is completely red.

Fortunately, Bingyue was there to help him, and he was gradually relieved.

You don't need to look in the mirror to know that your current state is very embarrassing.

I could only apologize to Kim Namjoon for the time being, and Jung Hoseok changed the call to voice and dialed back.

He had to pull his hand away from her palm: "Bingyue, I'm going to answer the phone."

"Well, let's go."

The latter didn't ask anything, just glanced to the side and sat there quietly, completely leaving the space to Zheng Hoseok.

How is this good.

I like it so much, he sighed silently.

"Hey, Namjoon."

As expected, Zheng Hoseok successfully received the complaint from the captain on the other end of the phone.

The cute Captain Bear's facial expression was distorted, and this guy actually refused his video call.

"Brother, why are you panting?"

Zheng Hoseok's hand twitched when he answered the phone. Is it obvious?

In fact, my throat is not very comfortable yet, and I want to cough a few more times to clear my throat.

Zheng pretended not to hear, cheeky, pretended to be calm, Xi: "Ang, Namjoon, I'm exercising right now, so it's not convenient for video."

The corner of Jin Nanjun's mouth twitched and he looked at the time.

It’s so scary. Body management is so strict and I’m still exercising at this time.

He silently reached out and touched his belly, it seemed a little rounder...

Kim Namjoon told Jung Hoseok that he was going to perform at Kyung Hee University. Isn't that why he initiated the video call?

At this moment, an idea suddenly popped into his mind: "Brother, let's make an appointment to go to the gym when we have time."

After a phone call, Zheng Hoseok successfully added another exercise activity in the gym.

After talking to Jin Nanjun on the phone, he calmed down a lot, and it was obvious that the heat on his face had receded.

Turning on the faucet to maximum, Zheng Hoseok washed his face refreshingly.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Bingyue's face somehow appeared.

He turned his head and looked back and saw nothing. It turned out that he had thought of it himself.

Hi, that's true.

Patting his face, he muttered to himself: Jung Hoseok, you are really...


The quilt covering me is soft, the bed is soft, and the pillows are also soft.

Before sending her into the house, Zheng Hoseok specifically explained to Bingyue the uses of quilts, beds, and pillows, telling Bingyue that these things were needed for sleeping.

He knew that even if he didn't tell Bingyue, Bingyue would find out through other channels.

She was so smart and capable of learning so she didn't need him to tell her everything, but that was what he wanted to do.

Bingyue was lying on the bed, her entire body submerged in the soft quilt, except for her exposed head and hands.

I can't help but think that it would be wonderful to fall asleep with such a comfortable quilt.

She opened her eyes, and the room was dark.

In fact, there is no concept of day and night among them. They can sleep whenever they want.

Whether during the day or at night, it is common to work throughout the night.

She was trying to adapt to this place. She checked the time on her phone and saw that an hour had passed, but she still didn't seem to be sleepy at all.

I checked the time a few more times in the middle, but I still couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Jung Hoseok, he should have fallen asleep, right?

The information in the dialog box was deleted, edited, and then deleted. Bingyue stared at the pop-up box in a daze, and pressed the screen pause button to stop thinking about it.

She turned on the light and sat up from the bed.

The message was sent and then withdrawn immediately, Bingyue was annoyed, it would be bad if it woke him up.


When the alert sounded, Zheng Hoseok exposed half of his body and hurriedly opened the interface of his phone.

He thought his reaction was quick enough, but the other party was even faster. Just when he was about to read the message, the other party immediately withdrew it.

He couldn't sleep either. Thinking about this and that, he naturally thought of Bingyue.

Looking at the prompt that the other party had withdrawn, he put a question mark.

Zheng Hoseok stared at the screen, and Bingyue quickly replied to the message.

Bingyue: Didn’t you sleep too?

Jung Hoseok: Well, I can’t sleep.

Bingyue: Me too.

He rested his head on one arm, found a comfortable position, and continued chatting with Bingyue.

Bingyue: What are you thinking about?

"thinking of you."

He whispered softly, unable to suppress the smile on his lips, and rubbed his head on the soft pillow.

He simply turned over and lay on the pillow.

The other party is typing...

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