People in Douluo, transformed into soul beasts

Chapter 20 Self-created soul skills

Flanders looked at the two of them with joy on the stage, but when they came back he still said: "Oscar, don't be proud, you won completely on your own this time. The soul skills you used on the stage were finally used by your opponents. Don't use martial arts." If you make an excuse, no one will hold back on the battlefield and go back to practice more.

Lu Ze shouldn't have any arrogant thoughts. After all, this is just a battle between great soul masters, and your soul power has a great advantage. "

Lu Ze nodded and agreed that he would not relax his demands on himself.Oscar opened and closed his lips to complain silently, but he was also used to running and training from time to time.

On the stage, Dai Mubai's battle was coming to an end.

"Mubai's opponent is a control-type soul master with a martial spirit fishing net. His attack power is not high, and his control ability is not a big threat to him. He will definitely lose if he gets close."

Sure enough, as Flanders said, Dai Mubai used White Tiger Fierce Light Wave and Tiger Claws to easily tear apart his opponent's soul skills, and won the victory in a few rounds after getting close.

After registering his points, he was in high spirits and his eyes of different colors were shining. He liked it here and had been studying in the academy, and his bones were almost rusty.

"Xiao Ao, your game hasn't started yet?" Dai Mubai wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, wondering that he should play soon after the draw.

Oscar shrugged, "With Boss Lu here, of course we can win easily. I'll wait for you for a while."

"You mean Boss Lu?" Lu Ze turned around and pretended not to hear.

Dai Mubai continued: "Are you going to rebel? Are your wings stiff, or am I usually too gentle to you? Come here, let us exchange feelings." He put his arms around Oscar's neck and walked aside.

From the corner of the Arena of Souls stand, Oscar screamed, "I was wrong, Boss Dai, I was wrong, ah! It's not allowed there."

Flanders still couldn't stand it anymore, and rescuing Oscar from suffering made him so moved that he almost hugged his dean's thigh.

"Go back to the academy today. Before you go to bed, you can review today's battle and see what shortcomings you have. Don't complain about this and that as soon as class starts. Work hard to make up for yourself.

Especially you Oscar. "Flanders glared at Oscar. The Soul Saint was still very intimidating, and Oscar immediately acted honestly.

Flanders was not targeting Oscar. Before Lu Ze came, Oscar had the most talent among the people in the academy. He was the first person in the history of the food department to be born with full soul power.

If Oscar can practice seriously, he is very likely to become the No. 1 food department in mainland China in the future, but he will be lazy without supervision and will never sit down when he can. Only Flanders, the dean, can motivate him from time to time.

Well, the way of motivation is different after all. Maybe these are people with dreams.

Flanders told Lu Ze again, "Your martial spirit is special. You can't wait until you reach the Star Dou Forest to try your luck. It's best to think about what kind of spirit beast you are looking for in advance. We can go to their habitat to search for it. You have been here for more than two days." Think about it.”

A soul beast that is within ten thousand years can be easily dealt with by a War Soul Saint, just one person, Flanders or Zhao Wuji, can do it.

However, because he had to go deep into the Star Forest, Flanders decided to run away on his own. He was a Soul Saint of the Agility Attack System, and it would be faster to take Lu Ze along with him in case of an accident.

"Okay, go back to the academy!" Flanders waved his hand and left the brightly lit Soto City with a little pervert in his other hand.

Lu Ze thought about his shortcomings on the road, "My strength, defense, and even mental abilities have been strengthened beyond their potential. Although my speed is not slow, it is not fast either. Moreover, my soul power is strong, but I don't have many soul skills to use." , Ten thousand year old soul beasts mostly rely on instinct to attack and rarely have their own soul skills.

I also lack the means to make the final decision. The snake and scorpion emperor's poison is too strong, and I usually don't dare to use it. At Notting College, Tang San advised me to use it with caution. I don't know if alien soul power can constitute a soul skill. That way I can use several more soul skills.

Or dig deeper into one attribute, starting from the aspects of change and efficiency, to improve the elemental ability of the snake head.

Imitating the wizard novels I read in my previous life, the soul that controls the snake head is constructed into a rune-type trigger mode. It is constructed in advance to ensure that it can be triggered at any time to use the set elemental skills. "

Lu Ze was suddenly inspired. He danced and muttered something, told Flender, and immediately turned into a snake and scorpion king.

Ignoring the surprised people, Lu Ze was completely immersed in his imagination. He followed behind them and used his scorpion claws to move away when he encountered obstacles.

"I don't know how to construct runes, but I can imitate the snake head's pocket 'brain' and build a mental power program that can only execute one or two commands. The basics can imitate the structure of the brain and my research on meridians.

There are countless tiny veins in the soul beast's body. Anyway, the soul beast's body is strong, so I can try it directly. "

However, during the period of caution, Lu Ze still asked Flanders and the others to go back first. When they were far away, he transformed into a small soldier, turning his head that was much bigger than his body, and quickly perfected his idea.

Then he transformed into the Snake and Scorpion King, trying to change the flow of soul power in a small space in the snake head. With the golden pattern on his forehead lighting up, his mental power continued to be consumed, and he tried to build a 'skill rune'.


Lu Ze was staggered by the explosion. Fortunately, it was an experiment at the Snake Head, and not much mental power was injected into it. He was not injured, but his mental power was exhausted and he had to recover slowly.Moreover, the experimental snake head also looked sluggish.

However, he is now a mage-type soul beast with a rough appearance and strong mental power. Lu Ze can probably try every snake capital.

This time it was a fire-attributed snake head. Under Lu Ze's nearly 1 minute of control, the flames spit out from the snake head filled the venue with a diameter of seven to eight meters and were constantly rotating. The flames were blended into filaments and even had certain controllability.

Flame vortex!

The soul skill that Lu Ze had conceived before, unfortunately required too long preparation time, and the enemy would not give him time to accumulate power during the battle.

However, if his one-button-triggered soul skill is successful, at least the Snake King will have a lot more attack methods. Other transformations and even the main body will be difficult to operate because he only has one head, so he has put it on hold for the time being.

"Hiss, failed again."

After a slight distraction, the rune construction failed. Lu Ze sat on the edge of the field, waiting for the pain to subside.

I'm still thinking in my mind, "You can also create fusion skills, with one snake head responsible for the main runes and soul power output, and other snake heads assisting.

Just like the wind element, it can cooperate with many attributes. Poison, fire, and ice all have good compatibility. Unfortunately, I don't have it now. I will note it down for later experimentation.

Now I can try to use the incompatible characteristics of ice and fire elements, and cooperate with other attribute soul power, maybe I can come up with a Douluo version of 'Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus'. Well, there is a chance, but at least I have to wait for the mental brain of each snake head. Build success. "

Lu Ze felt the pain disappear and started trying again, vowing to perfect this soul skill before the inspiration disappeared.

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