noon the next day.

"What did you say?"

Mr. Fu looked at Uncle Yang in surprise.

"Tingchen hasn't woken up yet?!"

My grandson has many problems.

One of them is extreme self-discipline.

In addition to being sick since he was a child, he would get up at a fixed time every day, exercise at a fixed time, and go to the company at a fixed time.

The whole person is like a programmed robot, living without any popularity.

Today, this 'robot' got up late?

It's rare!


Uncle Yang smiled and nodded.

"The young master and young lady are still resting."

"Not bad, not bad, this kid is enlightened."

Mr. Fu leaned on the back of the chair, with a rare joy on his serious face.

"It seems that the day when I have a great-grandson in my arms is not far away."

He regretted more and more that he didn't marry his granddaughter-in-law back home earlier.

"Order, when will they get up, when will they be ready for dinner, no one is allowed to disturb them."

Uncle Yang agreed with a smile.

At this time, in the room.

Shi Wan's slender and thick eyelashes trembled, and she struggled a bit, but they still didn't open.

"what time is it?"

After she murmured weakly, she moved towards her hand.

Unexpectedly, I didn't touch the phone, but I noticed something was wrong.

In a daze, Shi Wan didn't react.

Soon, she didn't know where her hand touched.

"This is?"

Shi Wan frowned subconsciously.


Fu Tingchen's clear and handsome face instantly became forbearing, and his dark narrow eyes formed a bottomless vortex, as if he wanted to absorb the woman around him into him.

He grabbed the woman's hand that was acting out of control, and said each word in a hoarse voice.

"It's late, what are you doing?"

In the deep magnetic voice, there was an indescribable patience.

Last night, this woman wrapped his hands and feet around him like an octopus all night, which made him very uncomfortable and almost didn't sleep all night.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her eyes, she began to feel unsteady again.

Although, unconsciously.

Fu Tingchen? !

The remaining drowsiness of Shiwan dissipated in an instant, and her beautiful eyes suddenly opened, meeting those dark eyes with obvious tinge.

"I... you... us?"

"What are we?"

Fu Tingchen's magnetic voice was even lower.


God, what the hell did she do?

Fu Tingchen wouldn't think she did this on purpose, would he?

Although I have done all the intimate things in my previous life, it is not like the current situation!

Shiwan wanted to cry but had no tears, a crimson blush instantly burned on her fair face, and it became deeper and deeper.

"Fu Tingchen, I, I really didn't mean it Sorry I'm going to wash up first. "

While speaking, she hurriedly got up and was about to run to the bathroom.

However, the man did not give her a chance to escape.

A slender big hand wrapped around her waist, and then clasped her two wrists above her head, bending over in an absolutely restrained posture.

"You want to leave after getting into trouble? Huh?"

There was a sense of danger in the bottomless eyes.

He is a normal man, and Shi Wan is also his legal wife, he is not prepared to endure anything.

"Fu, Fu Tingchen—"

After being reborn in the first life, being so close again, Shi Wan couldn't help becoming nervous.

The woman's voice was delicate and soft, not like she was resisting, but more like a kind of coquettishness.


Fu Tingchen's eyes darkened, and he leaned over and kissed her.

The kiss gradually deepened, like a storm, out of control.

The temperature of the room also increased.

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