[Pirate]Silver CloakNever Care

Chapter 3 General Green Pheasant

The deserted island where Tasia lives is full of towering trees and lush greenery. The whole island is round in shape, with only the east and west ends being narrower and longer. When viewed from the sky, it looks like a perfect green lemon shape. The place where the Straw Hat Pirates parked their ship was on the west coast, and the place where Tasia was going to land was closer to the east.

Tasia knocked out the orange-haired navigator with a light palm, put away the skull sail wearing a straw hat, and easily took over the three-masted sailboat on the shore.

The wooden planks underfoot were so warped that a hard step would cause the entire hull to creak together. From the sheep-shaped bow to several mainmasts, they were all supported by continuous iron sheets, and the sails were patched. , the rudder also cracked, Tasia casually peeled the oranges picked at the stern, and mentally lowered the credibility of Sand Crocodile's defeat to Straw Hat by another level: How could the pirates who defeated the Shichibukai be so poor!

At least there are no such shabby pirate ships in the new world, Tasia, a former commodore with two full years of naval experience, thought to herself.

The pirate ships she had captured before had bright flags and bright paint. The percentage of military merit converted to each ship ranged from 1/2,000 as a soldier to 1% as a brigadier. Over the past two years, she had also saved Fifty million berries.

Touching the World Bank Card that was tightly wrapped on her chest, the girl's blue eyes were full of brilliant colors, and her heart was filled with colorful flags one after another.

After a while, I will send the people back to get paid. After taking the money, I will take a boat to Xiangbodi. I will first buy a small house with one bedroom and one living room, the kind with a yard. Plant flowers and trees in the yard, and then set up a swing. Dig a fountain!

There is no need to spend money to hire someone to do this, just pick the seeds and buy the materials, she has a good skill herself!

Things in Xiangbodi are expensive, and after all these arrangements are made, the money is almost spent. You can sell the flowers in the garden, and then carve some knickknacks out of wood and sell them together!

Then, right in front of the dreamy bubbles and fountain, a boy will appear!

Tasia's face was as excited as a sunflower seeing the sunrise. He was tall, handsome, gentle and reliable. He was the only one in her eyes and heart, and he was also very good at talking about love!

He fell in love with her at first sight, refused to marry her until he saw her the second time, and fell in love with her at the third time.

The boat drew continuous ripples on the water, and the small colorful flags strung a brilliant rainbow in Tasia's life.

Just when their second child was born successfully and this couple who were made for each other was preparing to change their house, Dong'ankou arrived.

She parked the boat at a lushly wooded shore, and with the help of her knowledge, she easily found the cave where the victims rested.

Andrew stretched his head and wandered around the camp. When he saw her emerging, he immediately approached her and introduced the others to her.

A group of people in ragged clothes were staring at the roasted bird in the center of the fire. They obviously didn't add any seasonings, and their prepared attitude created the atmosphere of a luxurious feast.

Andrew asked her to sit between the two children, "You really came here. A strange man just came up. That man actually rode a bicycle on the sea and rode all the way to the shore. None of us dared to go up and talk to him."

"Bicycle?" A yawning broccoli appeared in Tasia's mind, and she hurriedly asked, "Where is that person? What does he look like?"

"He's a man, wearing a white suit, with hair as messy as a mop. Oh, by the way, he also has this green eye patch on his forehead."

Blindfold, oh, it’s finished. Tasia suddenly turned pale.

"That uncle is so tall."

"As soon as I landed on the shore, I found a big rock to lean on. I was motionless as if I was asleep." Others also added details in a hurry.

They went to bed ashore, which was great. The possibility of fan cosplay was ruled out, and Tasia froze on the spot.

"Sister Tasia, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

"Shall we call him over and we can all look for a boat together?"

"No, no, no, never." A word stopped Tasia's weathering process. General Qingzhi passed by such a remote island. Ninety-nine times, he knew that she was nearby through some black technology. Even if Qingzhi was her Her immediate superior at the headquarters took great care of her and would never let her go against the orders of the headquarters.

The recording pointer snatched from Nami was still whirling around. Tasia scratched her head anxiously. The best way now is definitely to sneak away before Aokiji wakes up, but there is no guidance from the recording pointer on the Grand Route. To blindly set sail with such a group of ordinary people who had almost no sailing experience was undoubtedly seeking death. On the other hand, if the Straw Hats made some noise and attracted Aoki, he would also be dead.

Thinking of the wanted criminals in her memory who were instantly frozen by the power of the ice fruit, Tasia burst into tears.

I just hate that I didn’t need to grab that pirate ship.

The people around cheered and divided the bird meat. Tasia sat on the ground and weighed the pros and cons, and finally made up her mind when people started sucking the bird bones:

Seize the opportunity and get through Aokiji as a victim before the Straw Hats cause trouble.

She took out the small mirror she carried with her and observed herself. The blood on her face had condensed with the dirt and dust. Her iconic blue eyes seemed to be moist with water as always. Her hair had been restored to shoulder length when she sailed. Length, the new hair was smooth and thick, shining in the sun.

So Tasia ran to the shore not far away, cleaned up the blood stains on her body, and rolled a few times on the grass in the water that had not dried up, until her white shirt was covered with dust and her hair was covered with dust. Green grass juice, now she looked sloppier than the victims, so she cleaned the exposed skin again, tore off the sleeves of her shirt and braided her hair into two loose braids, pretending to be trying to stay clean. look.

She is rated as a genius in using the Sixth Form of the Navy. She can master the Sixth Form after only a few trainings, so slightly changing her facial features is not a problem for her.

The bridge of the nose and brow bone are lowered, the double eyelids become single eyelids, the ears become everted ears, the baby fat is brought out on the cheeks, and finally the eyebrows are shortened and thickened.

After every little change, she feels like an ordinary farm girl.

Tasia secretly gave herself a thumbs up. With this skill, as long as she doesn't use her fruit power casually, the straight men in the Navy will never be able to find her in this life.

At least Andrew was disappointed after she came back from "washing her face". It seems that Miss Tasia is more suitable for letting her hair down, he thought to himself, completely forgetting that when they first met, this guy was still a little boy with a crew cut.

Tasia followed Andrew, and the group headed to the place where Qing Pheasant rested.


"Hey! You are the one who robbed our ship! Are you kidding me!" A young man's voice came from not far away with his teeth and claws snarling.

"I told you, Luffy, this guy is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and the man who robbed our ship is a wanted criminal. Now he is no longer a sea woo! What the hell!"

Tasia never expected that the Straw Hats would confront the Aoki pheasant so quickly. Hearing that the long-nosed man who liked to argue was about to fall on her, she hurriedly swooped forward and pretended to accidentally trip the long-nosed man. The way he fell to the ground was like a wave of output to Qing Pheasant.

"Uh-huh-huh, it turns out you are the admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Our group of people came from Food Town Buchi" and repeated the shipwreck experience that Andrew described to Qing Pheasant.

Their appearance eased the tense atmosphere between the Straw Hats and Aokiji. The Straw Hats didn't know whether they were big-hearted or really kind-hearted. After confirming that the victims did not see a pirate ship with a Straw Hat painted on it, , and began to prepare the luggage for the victims.

As a navy man, Aokiji was still sitting on the ground and taking a nap. The captain with a straw hat took the lead to go to the beach to catch sea kings. The rare animal with a blue nose turned out to be the ship's doctor. He took the medical kit and treated each one. The chef used the medicine he carried with him. The knife cut the Neptune type into pieces. The boys present were amazed by the superb knife skills. The cold-blooded three-sword swordsman used his sword to cut down the wood. He dug irregularly shaped pieces into wooden barrels and threw them to Ms. Navigator. The rules The cylinder rolled directly to the long nose on the side.

Long Nose is obviously not only good at storytelling but also a craftsman. He took out various tools from the small pocket on his waist and made a decent wooden trailer with a jingle. The navigator was even more amazing. She held the small stick in her hand. With a wave of his hand, a small cumulonimbus cloud appeared in the sky, and the raindrops fell, filling several wooden barrels in a short time.

The black-haired eldest sister was obviously a little absent-minded, but she looked at her companions who were all busy, and still tensed her body towards Qing Pheasant, who was dozing aside, and helped the ship's doctor crush the mosquito bite repellent herbs collected from nearby. Share it with everyone.

Tasia stared blankly at their tacit actions. Even if she didn't have to use her exaggerated acting skills, her expression was as shocked as the victims. However, the victims were shocked by the magical ability of this group of people to rise from the ground. The long hands are too frightening! What shocked Tasia was that this was the first time she saw pirates helping ordinary people in front of the navy. Isn't this like a displaced wolf driving the sheep back to the sheepfold in front of the sheepdog, and by the way? Did you increase the height of the circle by two meters?

It's so outrageous. These guys are helping others, forgetting that their own ship has been taken away. Are they the next people to be stranded on a desert island?

This group of pirates was very mobile and prepared supplies in a short time. The captain at the head looked at Aoki with his hands on his hips and a provocative look on his face.

"Tell me now, how are you going to set off without a boat?"

Aoki lazily stood up and stretched, without even looking at the young boy in front of him, he walked straight towards the coast with his long legs. He stretched his hand into the sea, and cold white mist emitted from his body, and the waves were surging. A sudden change occurred, the offshore overlord roared and jumped out, and people screamed in panic.

Tasia conscientiously pretended to be scared and followed the others into the woods.

After running a few steps, the roar of the sea beasts suddenly stopped, and a few frost flowers drifted in the summer wind.

Tasia looked back toward the shore.

What you see in front of you is like a meticulous painting made of random sketches. The sweeping waves freeze instantly, and the rising water droplets turn into ice edges and fall one after another. In front of you is the endless glacier continent, and the arrogant offshore overlord is the only thing to watch under the sun.

This is the world's top combat power - the ability of the Navy Headquarters Admiral. Just a simple activation has the effect of changing the day. He is almost invincible.

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