[Pirate]Silver CloakNever Care

Chapter 15 Experimental Subject No. 119 (worm)

"Da da da da da -" Tasia ran hard in the Justice Tower. She could clearly sense which room there was someone in, but the terrain of the tower was as complicated as a huge maze. Every time she ran through it, her heartbeat was beating. , the room is always empty when the door is opened.

"Damn it!" She smashed the wall angrily.

"Creak-", the surface wall cracked, and a secret door appeared unexpectedly. The furnishings inside the door were different from those in other rooms. It was a room of neatly arranged wooden boxes.

Tasia casually smashed one of the wooden boxes with her fist, and the yellow gold coins spilled all over the floor.

"Isn't there all treasures like this in here?" She adapted well to her new identity as a villain, and followed the same pattern, smashing more than a dozen wooden boxes in succession, including precious jewelry, dazzling goldware, and huge sums of berries. Instantly becomes the new decoration of this room.

She put on seven or eight diamond necklaces around her neck, and hung a dozen pairs of gold bracelets on her arms. She was contented to continue looking for the members of CP9, but when she turned around, she found a person with a top-secret note sticking out of the corner of the room. Small box.

As we all know, the enemy's secrets are your own opportunities.

This time Tasia did not choose to violently break it open, but picked out a sharp hairpin and patiently poked the keyhole - this was what the locksmith uncle taught her.

The box smelled of old paper, and contained about a dozen yellowed white file bags. Each file was of different thicknesses, with numbers written on them. The file at the front was the thickest, and it was clearly written on the cover. Author——[plan: no119]

No. 119? Tasia suddenly remembered the dream she had when she was knocked unconscious by poison. There was a cold voice in the dream who called her No. 119.

She opened the file bag, took out the documents inside, and looked through them.

Experimental subject situation——

[No. 119: Female, born in Flower Street, Kingdom of Krila, Beihai. Date of birth: 1503 in the Hainan calendar. The specific date is unknown. Her biological father is unknown. Her biological mother is Nabia. She voluntarily donated her body to her mother. Those with devil fruit abilities possess the following fruits: animal type, weasel fruit, and honey badger form. Appearance: Excellent. Physical talent: excellent. Comprehension: Excellent. Compliance: Excellent Conclusion: Applicable to plannedication (hereinafter referred to as plan)]

honey badger form

A senseless panic arose in her heart. She skipped the cold descriptions of the experimental subjects and turned the pages backward. After some complex and obscure professional papers, there were some experimental reports similar to diaries.

December 1513, 8

[Plan K and Plan M were announced to have ended, but I have the greatest confidence in Plan D. What could be more attractive to these gutter rats than becoming a hero? 】

December 1513, 10

[He actually told me that he was too tired and didn’t want to do it anymore! Sure enough, a mouse is a mouse! I need to get rid of these useless things. 】

December 1513, 12

[Is the Sixth Form of Navy that difficult? What's the use of being loyal and reliable! ? Those who cannot learn the Sixth Form of the Navy will be nothing more than trash from now on! Damn Vegapunk, is my proud psychology really no match for his so-called clumsy technology? 】

December 1514, 3

【11 years old! 11 years old! An 11-year-old Six-Style user! Sure enough, my training concept is correct! She will be as powerful as Rob Lucci in the government! No, no, no, Rob Lucci is just a killing machine, how can he compare to my masterpiece. I want to instill more in her. She will be a weapon to fight for her beliefs, a perfect combination of reason and force. She will trample the science of Vegapunk under her feet! 】

December 1514, 11

[Sure enough, just listening to the story can no longer control her. She wants honor, praise, and flowers, right? Oh~my poor little mouse, I satisfy you! As long as you complete the last task, which is the simplest task, my experiment will be over soon. 】

December 1515, 2

【impossible! impossible! How could she refuse to perform the mission! It's just killing people! It must be Rob Lucci! He is jealous of my poor little mouse! That is the perfect work that I have carefully cultivated for eight years! 】

The tone of the subsequent report became more and more crazy, with the writer hysterically insulting Vegapunk. He reviewed his experimental plan in his diary, trying to convince himself that this failure was an accident.

[She obviously wants to be a hero so much! There is nothing wrong with my story. She should be willing to sacrifice her life in order to gain recognition from the world. She has even touched the door to domineering.】

Tasia calmly looked at the story written incoherently by the crazy psychologist: The tiger suppressed his nature and became a vegetarian in order to be friends with the rabbit. The son of a thief suffered a lot in order to get rid of the infamy imposed on him by his father. The daughter of a wandering girl. For the sake of world peace, I accompany the tyrant as a weak woman

The vegetarian tiger starved to death in the mountains and forests; the thief's son squandered his family's wealth to feed his neighbors endlessly, and finally his wife and children were separated; the wandering girl's daughter was reviled by thousands of people during her lifetime and fell under the random arrows of the revolutionary army. Fragrance disappears and jade dies

But after their deaths, everyone remembered them and praised them, saying that they sacrificed their lives for righteousness and dedicated themselves without reservation, and they were well-deserved heroes.

"Look," the cold voice seemed to ring in Tasia's ears again, "What a glorious thing it is to be a hero. No one will look down on you because you are the daughter of a prostitute. They will only praise you. , admire you, even your mother will be proud of you."

"So can No. 119 have his own name?"

"Of course!" The voice sneered, "As long as you continue to become stronger and remain absolutely obedient, you will have a perfect name, a name that sounds like a hero."

That's why she only has a soft spot for stories about heroes!

After a moment of nausea, Tasia broke out of the window and jumped to the platform on the first floor of the Justice Tower.

Some fragmentary and unsystematic memory fragments appeared in her mind.

The silver-haired girl defeated children one after another in the martial arts field. She was the only child left in the martial arts field.

She was scared and lonely, but being a respected hero was her only mission in life. If she couldn't remember the knowledge about guns and ammunition, if she couldn't master the Sixth Form of the Navy, if she couldn't be proficient in all kinds of poisoning If she uses cross-dressing or even sex skills, then her existence will be meaningless.

The sound of blows in the Justice Tower continued one after another, and the towering tower was split into two by someone's blow.

The battle for the key between the Straw Hats and CP9 has begun, but Tasia has no time to care. She wants to find Spandam who kidnapped Robin to escape and ask questions.

[Is that the person signed Dr. S in the file?

Who is she herself?

Is she Experimental Subject No. 119 who wants to be a hero?

An unknown castaway exploring the world in old books?

Is he a rear admiral who wants to live a stable life in a quiet village?

Or is he the wanted criminal now, who doesn't know the past, doesn't know the future, and doesn't know what he wants? 】

The sight captured Sanji's reluctance, Nami's struggle, and Usopp's anxiety, but Tasia suppressed her desire to help, narrowed the scope of the sight, and chased to the bottom of the tower following Spandam's ferocious smile.

She had to figure out first, where did such thoughts and desires come from? Or it stems from a ridiculous experiment trying to control people's hearts.

The steps of the Justice Tower are so densely spiral that at first glance it looks like an endless abyss.

Her patience ran out in front of the endless stairs. Her armed-colored fists hit the ground quickly like bullets, and the floor collapsed. One, two, and three floors.

/ / /

At the bottom of the deepest tower, Spandam was speaking nonsense in the deep corridor with his hands on his hips, unaware that his voice was being transmitted to the entire island through a loudspeaker.

"So what if I just obeyed the demon-slaying order! Anyway, I don't care about any of those despicable soldiers!"

Robin wanted to bite the idiot in front of him to death.

How could someone treat the Demon Slaying Order as a plaything for whatever they want?

I really hope that a thunderbolt will fall from the sky and kill this man. The female scholar who believes deeply in science cursed in her heart.

Then, after several loud noises, the roof collapsed and an angry voice descended on a huge pile of rocks.

"Spandam!" The voice landed and poked out a silver-haired head. The owner of the head stretched his head and circled around, and finally focused on her, "Robin? Where is that guy Spandam?" "

"Who is it?" The idiot who was pressed under the gravel stretched out a trembling hand, "Van Gufrid, get up here!"

The elephant sword that was thrown in the corner came out in response and turned into a huge white elephant and ran towards the two of them.

"Careful-" Robin exclaimed.

"So you are here." Tasia did not dodge, holding the long ivory with one hand. Van Gufrid was stopped from moving, wagging his nose in aggrievedness and roaring, and turned into an elephant tail decoration again. of sword.

Tasia swung the hilt of her sword and pointed the cold blade at the stunned Spandam, "Speak! Are you Dr. S?"

"Huh? I'm Spandam! I've never heard of Dr. S!"


Spandam rolled on the ground to avoid the sword, and his tone finally softened, "This heroine, I have never heard of Dr. S!"

Tasia looked at his tearful expression and threw the file in his hand to him in disgust, "Take a good look and see if Rob Lucci had an affair with an experimental subject under your orders five years ago. A mission?”

"Dr. S Psychology No. 119" Spandam flipped through a few pages and threw them aside.

"I have so many things to deal with every day, how can I have time to remember these little things? Wait, wait, wait, let me think about it again, I will definitely remember it."

"Tasia," Robin struggled to get up, "He has just activated the demon-slaying order, and there is no time to waste with him."

"Shut up, you bitch!" Seeing that his trick of delaying time was exposed, he immediately changed his face and threatened Tasia triumphantly, "How about it? Don't be afraid, this place is only one step away from the Navy Headquarters. , five vice-admirals will arrive soon with ten warships! I advise you to let me go quickly, I can still reluctantly keep your whole body."

"I now believe that you are not Dr. S." Tasia kicked Spangdam up from the big hole above her head with a flying kick, and then she carried Robin and flew up with the Moon Step. "An experimental lunatic who is well versed in people's minds would not be so stupid. Don't you know that the Demon-Slaying Order is an indiscriminate massacre?"

On the sea, the usually tightly closed Door of Justice has been completely opened. Under the influence of huge thrust, layers of vortices appeared on the sea surface. Huge battleships that could carry a thousand soldiers filed out of the door.

"The navy is really only so efficient when doing this kind of action."

Tasia flew to the top of the tower, put down Robin, and stepped on Spandam's head to force him to look at the approaching battleship in the thick fog.

"Hey! I'm here!" This idiot kept waving to the crowd on the warship.

"Boom!" A cannonball landed, directly silencing his cry for help.

"You see." Tasia mocked, "Blowing down the fence guarding Judiciary Island with one cannon is much more exaggerated than the Straw Hats."

"It's not impossible." He hoarsely pointed at the sailor who was waiting on the roof with a gun, "What are you still doing? Kill the silver-haired woman, capture Nico Robin alive, and there will be a big reward for everything!"

"Hmph, iron piece -" Tasia held Robin in her arms, but she didn't feel the rain of bullets on her body.

She turned her head, "super——" Franky, who was wearing only underwear and an open floral shirt, stood in front of them. The dense bullets fell in front of him, leaving only slight dents.

"Look, Robin." Tasia saw the long nose standing high on the roof at a glance, as well as the swordsman and cook behind his fluttering tattered red cloak. She couldn't help but smile, "You have a very good group of people." His companion."

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