[Pirate]Silver CloakNever Care

Chapter 11 Dreams and Rebirth

Tasia had a long dream.

She fell into a huge pit. Densely packed snakes held their triangular heads high. They hid under the rocks and wandered on the soil. The cold snakes were hungry for fresh flesh and blood.

She was so scared that she subconsciously wanted to shout for help, but a voice that was colder than a snake sounded outside the pit, deafening, "No. 119, as long as you pass this level, you can advance."

Advance? Where to go?

Tasia didn't know, but these two words seemed to give her infinite power. They represented supreme glory, recognition and praise. She would be the reliance and protector of millions of people, and she would become a radiant person. hero.

Then she killed the poisonous snake, the tiger, and the water monster. She jumped out of the bottomless pit, escaped from the dense forest full of poisonous miasma, and climbed up the snow-capped mountains towering into the sky.

Advance! Advance! Keep advancing!

She is getting closer and closer to the honor she dreams of, but her heart is becoming increasingly confused.

If you want to become a hero, what exactly do you have to do?

Finally, that cold voice gave the answer.

Just complete one more thing that she has never done.


Tasia is flying.

She is no stranger to the feeling of flying - she only needs to use the Moon Step to step into the sky, spread her limbs and relax her body. At this time, a refreshing airflow will appear around the body, sometimes it is all kinds of wind, either gentle or wild hunting, sometimes it is naughty birds, they are always curious about their same kind without wings, and sometimes Nothing, just ordinary air.

Tasia couldn't fully control her body during her first test flight. She fell rapidly from a high altitude, with the endless ocean below her, but there was no trace of panic or unwillingness in her heart. She closed her eyes and felt the sound of the wind, imagining that she was surrounded by countless butterflies. , she was a comrade and companion with them, and they fell and fell with her, and then they all fell on a huge whale.

The unlucky whale was frightened, and a large amount of water sprayed out from the vent. The warm, viscous liquid sprayed onto Tasia's face, which turned shockingly red under the afterglow of the sunset.

No, that's not a sunset.

It was a huge leopard eye, with bright red pupils staring closely at her, and the narrow vertical pupils were full of danger.

Tasia panicked and chose a way out. She wanted to escape the pursuit of Leopard Eyes. This was the first task she had set for herself.

So she hid in the belly of the whale and dived into the sea desperately.

The salty and bitter sea water filled her nose and penetrated into her heart and lungs. She desperately suppressed her desire to struggle and call for help, and used all her strength to try to pull her body to the only light in the deep sea. That was where she and Elko At home, Elko was there, scavenging every day, waiting to pick her up and take her home.

"Elko, come pick me up quickly." She said with difficulty in the water, "Take me home."

A girl with dark purple hair walked out of the light. Her waist-length hair was smooth and silky. Her face was hidden in the light and could not be seen clearly. She was holding a lollipop in her mouth like a cigarette. She walked more slowly than the street. The ruffian next to me is still wandering around.

She leaned over to look at Tasia struggling in the water, roughly stuffed a lollipop into her mouth, straightened up, and kicked her angrily.

"Go, go," her voice was like a clam with grit in its mouth, soft and hoarse, "I am living alone, go and pursue that damn dream, don't stay here and pretend to be dead."

After saying that, she turned around and left. The cold sea water shattered behind her and turned into hard and rough sand and gravel, which fell one after another and hit Tasia.


"Three hundred and sixty troubled winds!"

"Aaaahhh! They destroyed the town!"

Tasia opened her eyes, and what greeted her was the turbulent water receding from the house, and the fragments of the house that were torn apart. Her body was too stiff to move, and before she could react, she fell downwards along with the collapsed house.

"Didn't you say that everything you dream about is the opposite! Help, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

She looked at the turbulent seawater below and the billboards floating in the water, opened her mouth and shouted, trying to mobilize all the strength from her mouth.

This unscientific approach is of course useless, but maybe she did have a precognitive dream. During her fall, she suddenly bumped into something warm and elastic, and this thing was still blowing against the wind. Move forward in the air!

Tasia half-squinted her eyes in the strong wind, and after seeing clearly that there was a clothed person under her, she bit the other person's clothes tightly with her teeth without hesitation.

"Wow! You're strangling me! What the hell, let go!"

Luffy managed to escape the pursuit of the sea by relying on Barry's rope, and ran to the shore to save his life, but something grabbed the back of his vest, and the rising collar choked him.

He stretched his hand back and brought the object that sneaked up on him in front of him. A bolt of lightning struck, illuminating the woman who was still biting her clothes.

"Robin!! Great, you're back again!" The shirtless rubber man danced happily.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Luffy?" Nami jumped off Zoro and slapped the idiot captain on the head. "Robin has been taken away by those people. We have to catch up quickly. Hey !Robin!"

"I'm just telling you, Robin is back."

"Wait a minute, Robin's hair is not white. Besides, what's wrong with her? Why isn't she moving? Chopper? Come and take a look."

Why are they again?

Tasia was speechless. Wait a minute, if they rescued her as Robin, then the real Robin wouldn't have fallen into the water!

She quickly rolled her eyes with all her strength, trying to attract attention.

It was so scary that her red bloodshot eyes were turning out and her gums were about to be broken. Nami quickly urged the ship's doctor to make a quick diagnosis.

The tall orc took out a test tube from the small blue bag he carried with him, mixed it with Tasia's saliva and added a few drops of the potion. Green smoke immediately burst out from the mouth of the test tube.

"It is a highly toxic neurovirin," Chopper frowned seriously, "Logically speaking, the person who is poisoned will die within a few minutes."

"What? Then hurry up and save Robin."

"It's okay. I don't know why, but the toxicity has almost subsided." He took out a purple pill from his backpack. "She is just using her body to fight the toxicity, so she can't move freely. She will be fine immediately after taking this medicine. ”

The reindeer ship's doctor was indeed very skilled. As soon as the pills were taken, Tasia felt a warm current gathering from her heart and lungs, gradually spreading to her limbs.

While she was recovering, Nami quickly shared the information she had received from Espagu with the other three. It turned out that Robin was kidnapped by someone who threatened his partner's life. The prisoner was Bruno, the owner of the tavern, and Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa from Carrera Company. These people also wanted to set him on fire. The mayor's mansion was destroyed and all traces of corpses were destroyed.

The pigeon man is indeed not a good bird!

But why is the warm-hearted Kalifa also his accomplice?

Wait, Kalifa!

The memories before falling asleep quickly flashed through, Kalifa, tea, drunk

"They actually dared to carry out a sneak attack and poison me!" In anger, Tasia's body functions recovered instantly, and she jumped up like a carp.

"Wait, Robin, you need to rest now." The ship's doctor tried to stop the silver-haired girl who wanted to jump.

"I'm not Robin!" Tasia quickly rubbed her face - the heat helped her restore her original appearance. In full view of everyone, the face that looked exactly like Robin gradually deformed, and then became the woman who suddenly disappeared from the ship yesterday!

"Hedgehog head!?" The Straw Hat boy couldn't remember her name as always.

"It's Tasia!"

"Why are you? Where's Robin?"

"She was still taken away by those people! Aren't you going to find her? How to get there? I want to go with you!"

This is a life-threatening revenge. If she doesn't take revenge, she won't be called Coward Anastasia!

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