After taking a short break at noon, it was time for afternoon classes. At this time, all 91 people in the freshman class gathered on the playground and lined up neatly. Beside the playground, iron clothes were piled up at some point, obviously prepared for everyone.

Zhou Yi wandered in front of the team, and everyone was stunned by Zhou Yi's stern eyes.

"Wang Dong, get out of the queue!" Zhou Yi suddenly called Wang Dong's name, and the others were a little gloating.

"I heard about what happened in the morning, and your martial arts also surprised me. It's a good thing to have the courage to challenge, and it's not a shame to fail. Will you be discouraged because of this failure? Tell me loudly!"

"Return to Teacher Zhou Yi, I won't! I will get rid of my arrogance and try my best to catch up with the monitor!" Wang Dong was not ashamed to speak because of her defeat. She not only gained friends from this battle She also has the motivation to climb up, which makes her understand that there is a world outside the world and there are people outside the world.

"Very good, if you have this kind of courage, I believe you will become an excellent soul master in the future. Now, join the team." Others originally thought that Wang Dong would be reprimanded by Zhou Yi, but they did not expect to receive praise from Zhou Yi. My jaw dropped in shock.

"Yunjin, you did a good job. I didn't make any mistake in appointing you as class monitor. I know you are a good boy. You led everyone to put on their iron clothes and start running in circles until the bell rang. You can use your soul power, But you cannot use soul skills. You will be ranked according to the number of running laps. The last one will be expelled from the class. Start now!"

After Zhou Yi finished the cruel and ruthless mission, Yun Jin went out to arrange for everyone to receive the iron clothes in an orderly manner. After everyone put on the iron clothes, their expressions couldn't help but change. The iron clothes must weigh at least 30 kilograms.

After everyone put on their iron clothes, Yun Jin and Hua started running around the playground with everyone.

"Dear students, as the monitor, I hope you can listen to what I have to say."

"We have to wait until the bell rings, so we should always maintain our physical strength and exercise at a constant speed. We must not secretly compete with those around us and exhaust our physical strength prematurely."

"Besides, I know you may think it's a little unfair. Because there is a difference in physical strength between male and female soul masters, but as Teacher Zhou Yi said this morning, it doesn't matter whether you are a fighting soul master or not. If you are weak, priority will be given to you. I’ll deal with you. Teacher Zhou Yi’s equal training method is what will ensure that we can survive in some special circumstances in the future, so please cheer up and complete this training.”

"No matter who comes last, I think you will definitely gain something. That's all I want to say. Now everyone, please keep an even breathing rate and stick to it."

Yun Jin's words inspired the whole class. Everyone also followed Yun Jin's method to run at a constant speed, and everyone also took their own steps in an orderly manner. Zhou Yi was also shocked when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that Yun Jin's actions would turn the entire loose class into a group. She gave up the idea of ​​eliminating one person today and looked at everyone with relief.

This lesson was much, much more effective than she had imagined.

"Dingle bell..." The bell finally rang.

Like dominoes, everyone fell one after another. Most of them were breathing heavily. They thought they would not hear the bell.

Yunjin and Hua still stood there, not panting, as if Tieyi didn't bring much load to her. However, this is indeed the case. Yunjin and Hua can continue running because she has experienced these trainings before. But those are memories that Yun Jin doesn't want to think about has reached the point where she wants Hua to use [Yu Duchen] to erase them.

Zhou Yi walked towards the crowd and waved to the distance. A young man in white floated over, nodded to her and then turned to the students.

Circles of dazzling soul rings rose from the soles of his feet, two yellow, two purple and three black, and it was clear that the person in front of him was a strong soul saint. Among soul masters, he is close to the top! And he looks like he is not over 30 years old. Shrek Academy is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

The young man raised his hands, and soft green began to grow from his palms. The seventh soul ring on his body was surrounded by black light. He swayed and disappeared. The green leaves grew wildly. In an instant, The powerful existence of the seven rings turned into a towering tree.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing, and pieces of green leaves flew out from the big tree with a huge umbrella. No more, no less, exactly ninety-one leaves, falling lightly on the ninety-one freshmen class one students. .

Everyone felt an extremely comfortable coolness, which instantly spread throughout the body. Whether it was the extremely sore muscles or the wounds worn by the iron clothes, they were all recovering at an astonishing speed. Even their physical strength is gradually recovering bit by bit. Only the soul power was still empty, unaffected by the green leaves.

Yunjin and Hua also felt the vitality brought by the green leaves. Although they did not consume much physical energy, the fatigue of the day was swept away. Wang Dong's cultivation ranked third in the class, and he was also the first to recover. He sat up as soon as he turned over, looking at the towering tree with burning eyes.

"This... this is one of the most pinnacle existences among plant-type martial arts, the Tree of Life Martial Spirit! Level 70, the true form of the martial spirit. Teacher Zhou actually found a plant-type weapon soul above level 70 The Holy Spirit will restore and treat us." Wang Dong took a breath as he looked at the Tree of Life in front of him. The academy is so generous... No, there is actually a soul master of the Tree of Life spirit, hiding it.

After hearing Wang Dong's words, everyone looked at Zhou Yi one after another, their eyes filled with emotion. There was no resentment against her in the morning, which made Zhou Yi feel uncomfortable for a moment.

The green light shone, and after releasing the ninety-one leaves, the towering tree quickly retracted, and in the blink of an eye it turned into the young man in white again. He nodded to Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi bowed to him respectfully. The man left just as he came, like a gust of wind. From beginning to end, he didn't even have a single conversation with Zhou Yi.

The students got up from the ground one after another. Although the tiredness still existed, they felt an unspeakable pleasure after their bodies broke through the limit.

Huo Yuhao also recovered from his semi-coma state. Moisturized by the magical soul skill just now, the cool feeling made his muscle fatigue disappear without a trace. Ever since he started practicing after awakening his martial soul at the age of six, he has never felt so comfortable.

Zhou Yi looked at the students standing up one by one, the satisfaction in his eyes not fading at all.

"I have to say that your performance surprised me and made me very happy. The class is a group, and no one can exist alone without society. There are no perfect people, but there are perfect teams."

"Today, no one will leave Shrek Academy."

After everyone heard Zhou Yi's words, they were immediately overjoyed and surrounded Yun Jin to thank her for motivating the whole class.

"Long live Yun Jin, long live the goddess, long live the squad leader!" Zhou Yi looked at this scene and smiled from the bottom of his heart, but no one noticed.

"Ahem." After hearing Zhou Yi's cough, everyone stopped making noise and lined up neatly again, waiting for Zhou Yi's instructions.

"Everyone take your iron clothes back. Tomorrow, other teachers will give you theory classes. I suggest you meditate well and digest the improvement and significance of today's physical class. It will be my class again the day after tomorrow. I won't Hope to see any trash."


After the disbandment, everyone gathered around Yun Jin to celebrate and boo, and the process lasted for more than ten minutes. It was not until the students from other classes had finished school that they stopped and returned to their dormitories to clean themselves up. They look really embarrassed now.

What these ninety-one students don't know is that precisely because of this lesson, a sense of collective honor has gradually emerged among these more than ninety students. The class has only been established for one day, and we can feel a sense of collective honor even before we can even call each other by name. Undoubtedly, due to Zhou Yi's good teaching and Yun Jin's atmosphere, the first class of freshmen has already taken the lead.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong returned to the room directly in iron clothes. They had to wash their bodies in the bathrooms on both sides of the corridor.Wang Dong asked Huo Yuhao to go first, while he himself fetched a basin of water and cleaned himself in the dormitory.

This time there was no urging from Tang Ya, and there was no "peeping" incident by Huo Yuhao. He waited at the door for Wang Dong to finish cleaning before entering the dormitory.

"Oh, you are such a mess. If I have to wait for you for so long every time, then I might as well change my dormitory." Huo Yuhao complained.

"It's up to you to take care of it! Don't worry, I'll move it too, so you don't have to worry." Wang Dong said with a guilty conscience.

"Are you going to eat?" Wang Dong asked.

"I won't go. I'll go out of school later and see if there are any jobs. I don't have much money, so I have to save it."

"Why are you saving so much? Don't your parents give you living expenses?"


"I am an orphan." Huo Yuhao said directly.

"...I'm sorry, I don't know you." Wang Dong hated his mouth, and he couldn't open any pot.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. Now I'm studying, I have friends like you, Yun Jin and Sister Hua, and I've met noble people. I'm very contented." Huo Yuhao said nonchalantly.

"From now on, I will protect you, and together with the squad leader and deputy squad leader, no one will dare to bully you, Yuhao." Wang Dong suddenly said seriously.

"Uh... then, thank you." Huo Yuhao said helplessly.

"Let's go... let's go find the squad leader for a meal. I lost 2000 gold soul coins to her today. I'm relying on her during this time."

"2...2000 gold soul coins? What bet did you make?" Huo Yuhao asked in shock.

"Just...Teacher Zhou said I could challenge the squad leader, so I...hehe, I lost in less than five minutes." Wang Dong said embarrassedly, "By the way, do you know the soul power level of the squad leader and deputy squad leader? The squad leader asked me to ask you .”

"Emmm... You didn't lose unfairly. I met their family before in the Star Dou Forest. The squad leader's soul power is level 36. Her martial soul is a strange and beautiful blood-colored long sword, and her fishing skills are very good. .”

"Um...catching fish?"

"Yes, I got my tuition fee from selling 50 grilled herrings to the monitor's family. It's a total of 20 gold soul coins. Fortunately, I accepted it at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to enter the school." Wang Dong listened to Huo Yuhao and The squad leader was very interested in what happened in the Star Forest and asked him to continue talking quickly.

Finally, Huo Yuhao told Wang Dong all about his experience in the Star Dou Forest.

"It makes me want to eat your grilled fish, hey! Why don't you set up a stall? If the squad leader says it's delicious, then it definitely tastes good! What do you think?" Wang Dong said.

"It is indeed a good idea, but I don't have the tools and raw materials." Huo Yuhao said helplessly.

"I have the tools... my family brought them to me. As for the raw materials, it's not a big deal if we go to the aunt in the cafeteria and buy dozens of them. Let's go!" After saying that, Wang Dong couldn't wait to drag Huo Yuhao to the cafeteria.

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