The night always passes so quickly, as if it's dawn as soon as I close my eyes and then open them again.

"Oh~oh~oh~oh~" Li Xinghao yawned and sat up from the bed, rubbing his blurred eyes. Suddenly he seemed to remember something and looked towards the bedside, only to see a red and white Poké Ball sitting there quietly.

"Good morning, round tadpole!" Li Xinghao picked up the elf ball and said to it with a smile. The elf ball also trembled slightly, as if in response.

"Li Xinghao, are you up? It's time to eat!" At this time, Li's mother's voice came from downstairs.

"Get up, I must have gotten up early!" Li Xinghao replied. He hurriedly got up and got dressed, then went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After a while, he was here for more than ten minutes.

At this time, Ma Li's voice came from downstairs again, urging: "Why are you so slow? The rice is cold. Your father has already gone to the store, so I have to go quickly too. The rice is left in the pot for you." , remember to eat later. Oh, by the way, remember to get some elf food for the tadpoles." Then there was a sound of closing the door.

After Li Xinghao heard the sermon, he knew that his mother had passed away. Li's father and Li's mother own a restaurant. It's not small, so it's pretty good. Li's father and Li's mother have to go and take care of things in the store every day, so they leave very early, but they still make rice for Li Xinghao and put it in the pot every morning.

After washing himself, Li Xinghao looked at himself in the mirror, touched his chin, and said narcissistically, "Well, it's another day when I am so handsome." Then he ran back to the room, picked up the Poke Ball, and went down the stairs. Well, neither a man nor an elf. Every day, Nanny Chong and Hao Li would go with Mother Li and Father Li to help.

"Come out, round tadpole!" Li Xinghao released the round tadpole. "Yuanyuan" the round tadpole was obviously in better spirits than last night and had recovered.

Li Xinghao took out the elf food, and then took out a plate and poured some for the round tadpole. "Yuanyuan" o Yuanyuan tadpole seemed to be hungry. After seeing the elf food that Li Xinghao brought out, he pounced directly on the elf food and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Li Xinghao couldn't help but laugh when he saw such a round tadpole. "Eat slowly, don't choke!" Li Xinghao said to it. "After eating in a while, let's go shopping. Go and see what you need and buy future training resources." "Yuanyuan" Yuanyuan tadpole responded twice.

Li Xinghao also went to the kitchen to serve his own food. After a while, one person and one elf finished breakfast. After cleaning up, Li Xinghao said to the round tadpole: "You play at home for a while, and let me think about what you need for life and training. And also list your future basic training plan, and then we will go to the market. Buy these things you need."

"Yuanyuan" the tadpole called out obediently twice and nodded. Then he walked around the house, as if he wanted to get familiar with the environment at home.

Li Xinghao returned to his bedroom, opened his pocket and took out the notebook he had treasured for many years. "Baby, after so many years, you have finally come in handy." Li Xinghao said affectionately to the notebook and rubbed his face against it.

Then he took out a pen and started writing the three words "round tadpole training plan" in his notebook. After that, he thought: "Elf supplies are nothing more than elf food, big water tanks, and eating utensils. It seems that there are no more." These things are not I wrote it in the notebook. As for elf training, some data in the Pokmon Manual in the past life may be helpful."

Li Xinghao then closed his eyes and recalled the introduction and information about round tadpoles, blue toads and toad kings in the Elf Illustrated Book in his previous life.

First, the round tadpole evolves into a blue toad at level 25 and into a king toad at level 36.

During the tadpole stage, the skills that will be acquired as the level increases are scream, bubble, ultrasonic, carousel, bubble light, mud shot, water ring and noise. Among them, the round tadpole is now at level 5, and its existing skills are cry, bubble, and ultrasonic. The genetic skills include rain-seeking and turbid current.

Its physical attack and special attack are both 50, its defense and special defense are both 40, its speed is 60, its HP is 50, and its total race value is 294, which is very good in the past.

Li Xinghao thought about these data and wrote in his notebook. After a while, he wrote a lot. I saw Li Xinghao writing that he could buy skills CDs to learn such as surfing, repaying favor, shadow clone, sleeping, holding, and sludge bomb.

Because the round tadpole's physical attack and special attack are both good, surfing and sludge bomb are Willy's skills that can reach 90, which are of great help to the round tadpole. Repaying kindness can increase the attack power, and sleeping can restore the tadpole's physical strength. Needless to say, it is a defensive magical skill. The most important thing is that it can be used to defend against grass-based skills, which will cause 4 times the damage to the round tadpole's future evolved forms. The speed of the shadow clone coupled with the round tadpole is also a big help.

These skills, plus the skills and characteristics that Yuan Tadpole already has, are enough for Yuan Tadpole to use now. The rest is to train hard.

Li Xinghao closed his notebook and set off now without further ado. Li Xinghao walked out of the room and shouted: "Yuan Tadpole, let's go!".

"Yuanyuanyuanyuan" Hearing Li Xinghao's call, Yuan Tadpole responded and came out of the kitchen with some elves' food crumbs left in the corner of his mouth.

Li Xinghao looked at the crumbs at the corner of the round tadpole's mouth and said, "You didn't eat enough this morning, are you hungry again?".

"Yuanyuanyuanyuan" the round tadpole smiled shyly and lowered his head.

Li Xinghao shook his head and said with a dumb smile: "The little thing is quite greedy, let's go, let's go shopping. In the meantime, you should go back to the elf ball first." After that, he took out the elf ball and collected the round tadpoles. go back.

Li Xinghao took the key to his exclusive trolley and went out.

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