One experience card per day starting from Douluo

Chapter 5 The soul master system, no dog can learn from it

I didn’t expect that it would be quite satisfying to hit someone. The feeling of punching people to the flesh is really wonderful.

Uncle Dong: Are you polite?

"It's time to start today's medicinal bath."

After returning to his single dormitory, Chen Mo took out a pack of prepared medicinal ingredients from his space backpack, boiled water, and prepared the medicinal solution.

Because of the need for boarding, Chen Mo prepared the medicinal materials needed for several months in advance, then packed them into small bags and brought them to the college.

Chen Mo has been paired with me several times and is very familiar with it.

In addition, he asked his parents to help him collect various medicinal materials and pick them up when he went home every month.

"Huh~ once a day is a bit of a luxury!"

As far as Chen Mo knows, even those in the Life-nurturing Realm of Blood Refining Continent cannot enjoy medicated baths every day, usually only once every three to five days. Of course, no matter how low it is, it cannot be less than once every five days, otherwise the effect will be It will be greatly reduced. The best thing is of course once a day, but this will consume a lot of resources.

One person once a day can be changed to three people once every three days, or five people once every five days. Wouldn't it be possible to cultivate more talents in this way?

In other words, Douluo Continent is rich in resources, and Chen Mo has no shortage of resources.

Next, Chen Mo's life was quite regular, reading books, exercising, and "educating" naughty children.

Soon, a month passed.

It was time for Chen Mo to go home to meet his parents, and by the way, he brought over the medicinal materials that his parents had helped collect.

However, before going home, I have to have a good exchange with Uncle Dong, and tell him all the things that should be said and should not be said.

Of course, if her parents really come to cause trouble, Chen Mo won't be afraid, she just hates trouble.

"Do you understand everything I told you?"

Lin Yaodong said seriously: "I understand, boss, I have been practicing hard with you these days, learning all kinds of knowledge, and I have not caused any trouble."

"Well, good, let's go home."

Lin Yaodong happily replied: "Okay, boss, I'm going home."

What Chen Mo didn't expect was that what Chen Mo did to Lin Yaodong would be known to Lin's father and mother that day.

The main reason is that Chen Mo's education during this period was so successful. Lin Yaodong was really polite after he returned home. Uncle Dong used to talk about it every day.

Now I don’t mention Uncle Dong anymore, I also address my parents as you respectfully, which makes Lin Yaodong’s parents confused. Is this still his son?

Lin Yaodong wanted to hide it at first, but Father Lin was able to trick him in a few moments.

Father Lin: "Good guy, you've been beaten by me a lot, and I haven't seen you obedient?"

Uncle Dong: That's different. You have a sense of control. Although it hurts, it won't kill anyone. But the boss is different. He really beats him to death.

Good guy, good guys deserve to be held at gunpoint.

That day Uncle Dong and his parents took Uncle Dong to visit Chen Mo’s home.

I also brought a lot of gifts.

Seeing Uncle Dong bringing his family to visit his home, Chen Mo was also confused. Although he knew that your boy would sink sooner or later, he would sink too quickly.

How many hours have you been out of sight?

It seems that my love for you is not deep enough!

Uncle Dong: Don’t come over!


Before leaving, Father Lin and Mother Lin left with a smile, and said that they would like to educate the naughty children at home in the future, as long as they don't beat them to death or maim them.

Lin Yaodong was trembling!

Uncle Dong was in a state of confusion when he left. The six-year-old child was just ignorant, not stupid. Uncle Dong would have to live in Chen Mo's shadow for the rest of his life.

Seeing Lin Yaodong and the others leaving, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief. The thunder he had laid was finally cleared.


Three days passed by in a flash, the holiday was over, and Chen Mo and Lin Yaodong began their boring but fulfilling life again.

At this moment, Lin Yaodong was standing cautiously in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Yaodong and said softly: "Kneel down."

Lin Yaodong trembled, and immediately knelt down after reacting, lowering his head and not daring to move.

Chen Mo continued to speak calmly: "I was very happy to hear Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin say that you can't change much. It means that you haven't forgotten what I taught you. I won't punish you this time. Just kneel down first."

Lin Yaodong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Boss Chen Mo was not going to punish him. Fortunately, he didn't need to be beaten.

However, his kneeling movements became more and more standard, and his body was so straight that he did not dare to be lazy in any way.

These are all bloody lessons!

Lin Yaodong didn't know how many times he had been beaten because of his improper kneeling.

However, Chen Mo didn't let him kneel for long.

After preparing two buckets of medicinal solution, Chen Mo let him get up, one bucket for Chen Mo and one for Lin Yaodong.

Of course, the one given to Lin Yaodong is a weakened version, and some special materials are added to it, which will definitely make him feel great.

The sky will send a great responsibility to the people of Sri Lanka!

Chen Mo himself is not a grudge-bearing person. If he has a grudge, he will avenge him on the spot.

Uncle Dong, you didn’t expect it, I’m waiting for you here.

Chen Mo pointed to a bathtub and said to Lin Yaodong: "Dongzi, take off all your clothes and go in and soak."

Lin Yaodong didn't dare to go against Chen Mo's words, so he quickly took off his clothes and jumped in.

Chen Mo felt happy, good guy, you are so brave!

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Yaodong jumped in as quickly as he jumped out.

Although Chen Mo was overjoyed at the moment, his face still pretended to be deep.

Chen Mo said slowly: "Brother prepared this for you personally, don't waste it."

Although his tone was slow and gentle, in Lin Yaodong's eyes, Chen Mo's attitude was so firm that if he didn't go in, he would be beaten.

Lin Yaodong looked aggrieved and helpless at the moment. He wanted to cry but dared not.

Looking at Lin Yaodong's helpless and aggrieved expression, why was Chen Mo feeling not only happy but also happy at this moment? He is obviously so pitiful.

Is this what bullying a human cub feels like?

It's really wonderful.

Lin Yaodong had no choice but to grit his teeth and soak his whole body in the tub. Compared to this pain, there was no doubt that Chen Mo made him feel more terrifying.

Compared with Lin Yaodong who could only squeeze his tears secretly in the bathtub, Chen Mo was much more comfortable. The medicinal bath he was going to take had no ingredients and was very comfortable.

Moreover, there were several pleasures in this medicinal bath. The first one was the pleasure from the body, the second one was the pleasure from bullying others, and the third one was the pleasure brought by comparing Lin Yaodong's pain.

Oh, Chen Mo, Chen Mo, how can you be so bad?

But it’s really fun to bully people!

I just can't help it.


When he was almost done soaking, Chen Mo got up and started doing today's homework. He couldn't miss the seven moves of the God of War all day long.

A journey of a thousand miles is accumulated in small steps.

Chen Mo understands this truth better than anyone else.

As for Lin Yaodong, he had already fallen asleep.

Chen Mo really enjoyed the pleasure of bullying the human cub, but it was impossible to actually harm him.

This is a medicated bath formula from the Blood Refining World. Even though it is a simplified version, the effect is comparable to the top medicated baths in Douluo Continent.

Disciples who are not direct disciples of the top forces would never even think about taking a medicinal bath of this level. In fact, it was Lin Yaodong who made a lot of money.

The main reason is that Douluo Continent has not developed in all aspects.

In fact, the formulas Chen Mo has in his hands are very common low-level formulas in the blood refining world, but when you get them in Douluo Continent, they are the top formulas.

Even though the world of blood refining has developed for hundreds of millions of years, all aspects of the blood refining master system have been particularly perfected, and there are no shortcomings. The medicinal bath formulas for various body refining have been improved and improved countless times.

It has also been verified by countless blood refiners for tens of thousands of years. The fittest survive and those who fail have been eliminated long ago.

But even so, it can't cover up the garbage of the soul master system.

After tens of thousands of years of development, it is still the same.

That's it?

No wonder it is clearly a seventh-level world, but the strongest person only has fifth-level combat power.

If you think about it carefully, does the soul master system have any advantages besides being particularly easy to advance?


Strictly speaking, power comes too easily, but it is the main reason why Douluo Continent has not been able to develop at all for tens of thousands of years.

Think about other worlds, how much hardship you have to endure in order to practice a martial skill or an ability!

Practice three days in the summer and three nines in the winter. Just this, you may not be able to achieve anything famous.

And when we arrived at Douluo Continent!

Good guy, do soul skills also need to be practiced?

Just kill a soul beast. Is it that difficult?

╮ (╯_╰) ╭

The result is that there are not many decent strong men in Douluo Continent, and even gods can be shot by hidden weapons.

It's simply outrageous to open the door for outrageousness - it's so outrageous.

Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect, just developed three skills that are very suitable for the Haotian Hammer based on his own martial soul characteristics: the Great Sumeru Hammer, the Random Cloak Hammer Technique, and the Ring Explosion.

The result was that Tang Chen directly suppressed an era.

You know, the Clear Sky Hammer is just a top-level martial spirit.

Chen Mo learned from the system that the qualities of Douluo Continent martial spirits are: low-level, intermediate, high-level, top-level and super martial arts.

The gap between top martial arts spirits and super martial arts spirits is actually very large, even wider than the gap between top martial arts spirits and low-level martial arts spirits.

For example, the super martial spirit in the weapon spirit: Seven Kill Sword, has its own seven kill domain.

The super martial spirit among the original martial arts: the angelic martial spirit, which comes with the angelic realm.

The quasi-super spirit among the beast spirits: the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit. Each time a spirit ring is attached, it can transform into a part of the dragon. After reaching the Soul Saint, it can also have a domain.

As for the god-level martial soul, it is special and must be blessed by the gods to achieve it.

For example, Qianjia's angel martial spirit is the top super martial spirit. After being blessed by the gods, it can reach the god level martial spirit.

Qian Daoliu possessed a super martial spirit, but lost to Tang Chen, who had a top martial spirit.

The Seven Killing Sword is obviously a super martial spirit, but it ranks behind the top martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer.

Just because Tang Chen created several soul skills that suited him.

The outrageous one was sore - the outrageous one died.

This kind of thing will only happen in Douluo Continent.

If this were placed in other worlds, if you couldn't combine your own characteristics to create several martial arts or abilities, who would have the nerve to call yourself a genius?

Chen Mo once again stated: No dog can learn the soul master system.

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