Lin Yaodong hadn't slept for a while before his excitement ended.

A feeling of weakness and discomfort pulled him back from sleep, but he instinctively wanted to return to the state of excitement. Lin Yaodong used excitement again while he was drowsy.

Lin Yaodong felt like he was about to be sucked dry at first, but was soon filled with a feeling of fullness.


What are you doing?

Lin Yaodong woke up in just an instant.

Ninety-nine and a half steps have already been taken out of a hundred steps. How can I stop here when I am only half a step away?

Lin Yaodong struggled, holding back the pain and crawling forward step by step. Lin Yaodong had already been injured by the Gale Falcon's ultimate move just now.

The few steps he was able to take just now were all done by force. Now once he falls, he will never be able to stand up again. Lin Yaodong can only crawl forward as quickly as possible.

Climb to the Eye of Ice and Fire before the hyper state ends, otherwise Lin Yaodong cannot guarantee whether he can still move after the hyper state ends.


At this moment, the Gale Falcon did not leave. It wanted to enter the poisonous miasma to confirm whether Lin Yaodong was dead or not.

Live to see people, die to see corpses!

But due to the obstruction of the formation, the Gale Falcon couldn't get in.


And the two eyes of ice and fire.

Chen Mo was still meditating and practicing like a normal person.

When the formation was attacked, he already knew it and saw Lin Yaodong's state at this time.

Although he was extremely anxious, Chen Mo still made no move. The assessment was about handing it to him, not taking it himself.

Now, Chen Mo's consciousness has been placed on Lin Yaodong, waiting for the life-saving tools to be activated to save people immediately.

As for the 80,000-year-old Gale Falcon, Chen Mo didn't care about it. He just relied on the formation itself for defense. Chen Mo did not control the formation to counterattack.

When he saw Lin Yaodong suddenly waking up and crawling towards him, Chen Mo was both relieved and heartbroken.

When Lin Yaodong crawled in front of him, Chen Mocai pretended to open his eyes.

Lin Yaodong tremblingly picked up the card in his hand and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Brother, I got the stuff."

After saying that, he completely passed out.

Chen Mo murmured to himself: "You did a good job, I'm very happy."

Chen Mo accepted the card, took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then he picked him up, fed him a few more pills, put him in the center of the ice and fire eyes to heal his wounds, and finally gave him two fairy grasses, Liehuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Ice Grass.

After his condition stabilized, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Mo looked at the outermost part of the poisonous miasma, and his eyes became sharp.

Now it’s time to teach you a lesson, you beast!

You should be glad that my brother is not dead and passed the test I gave him, otherwise, you will definitely die.

However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped. If you really want to kill him, just take out his life-saving tools. Why torture him and make him so miserable?

As a brother, I have to avenge him properly!

When Chen Mo does things, he only looks at his position, not right or wrong.

As for the reason, he didn't want to know, and he was too lazy to know.

He only knew that someone almost killed his brother and was so seriously injured that the other person had to pay the price.


After a while, Chen Mo appeared at the outermost defense line.

Here, the Gale Falcon is still attacking the formation. It has slowly worn away two formations, and is now grinding away the third formation.

Chen Mo scolded: "Beast!"

Gale Falcon was shocked when he saw a person suddenly flying out of the poisonous miasma.

But it was soon filled with anger, and now it is furious. Let alone a despicable human being, even a spirit beast, as long as it can beat it, it will die.


The Gale Falcon first roared and then attacked Chen Mo.

Chen Mo secretly said: It's just the right time.

I just happened to try the high-grade spiritual weapon I just refined: the Yangyang Zimu Round Knife.

This is made by Chen Mo using the arm of the God of Death Mantis as the main material and adding many precious ores.

The blade is extremely sharp, and with its original space characteristic - cutting, there is basically no possibility of not breaking through the defense. Even a top-grade spiritual weapon, the Giant Spirit Shield, which Chen Mo spent all his effort to refine, can be used by up to three people in front of it. The sword must be destroyed.

What's even more terrifying is that Chen Mo can override the Yang Yang Zi Mu Yuan Dao to jump in space.

The attack angle and flight trajectory will be impossible to figure out and capture.

Often, as soon as he takes action, the next moment the blade is in front of the opponent's head, and he is killed without being able to defend at all.

Moreover, the two round knives, one large and one small, can be combined into a yang-yang child ring.

Chen Mo used the power of Yang Yang generated by the ice and fire eyes and his own formation skills to carve a set of formations on the two round knives, one large and one small. The two sets of formations can also be combined. It is a new formation - the Yin and Yang Array.

It can be used offensively or defensively, both offensively and defensively.

With his own space ability and the Yangyang Zimu Round Sword, Chen Mo can still fight even the golden elixir monks in the world of immortality.

Today I'm going to draw blood on this beast and cut him to pieces.

I saw the Yin and Yang Scimitars flying towards the Gale Falcon, one on the left and the other on the right, and the Gale Falcon was flying towards Chen Mo.

The Gale Falcon could feel the threat of these two scimitars and changed its direction slightly, trying to avoid the two scimitars.

And the Yin and Yang Scimitars flashed, and suddenly they appeared on the wings of the Gale Falcon, and they were still rotating, and they continued to cut from top to bottom.


The Gale Falcon let out a scream of pain, then couldn't move its wings and fell to the ground hard.

There was no resistance during the cutting process with the Yin-Yang Scimitar, as if what was being cut was not the powerful 80,000-year-old soul beast Gale Falcon, but an eight-month-old chicken.

Is this the perfect fusion of extremely sharp blades and space cutting?

For a moment, Chen Mo was a little surprised by the power of this pair of spiritual weapons.

In fact, for immortal cultivators like Chen Mo, it is much easier to kill a soul master than a soul beast.

The soul master is fragile, strong in strength, speed and attack, weak in physique and extremely weak in spirit. He has no soul perception ability at all below the title Douluo level.

It's really not as difficult for Chen Mo to kill them as it is to kill a chicken.

But the soul beasts are different. They are all thick-skinned and rough. Although they can be killed, they consume a lot of real energy each time.

At least it's impossible to make their heads fall to the ground with just one stroke, like how they deal with soul masters.

The Yin-Yang Scimitar did not stop after cutting open the wings of the Gale Falcon. Instead, it continued to shuttle over its body, cutting off pieces of its flesh and cutting off its lustrous feathers.

The Gale Falcon could only roll on the ground in pain and scream. Every time it tried to fly up forcefully, the two scimitars would leave several deep cuts on its wings with bone visible wounds...

Finally, when Chen Mo stopped, Gale Falcon's body was already covered in scars and there was no good flesh anywhere on his body.

Now the Gale Falcon has no strength to even struggle. No matter how much Chen Mo cuts its flesh, it has no strength to struggle anymore, but its muscles will still twitch a few times instinctively.

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