Douluo's self-created divine system

Chapter 73: Donghai City 9

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Shi Lin's mind, and he understood that there was something wrong with Marco's soul skills. He only used the fifth and seventh soul skills from beginning to end.

This is not normal.

Senior soul masters can understand it without using the first four soul skills. After all, their weak power is barely effective against senior soul masters.

Soul power can increase the soul master's defense. High-level soul masters simply use soul power for defense, and thousand-year soul skills cannot easily break it.

If it were purely physical defense, even the titled Douluo wouldn't dare to take on a century-old soul skill.

In life-and-death battles, most people have powerful soul skills, but they won't hide them.

There are only two situations, one is that his sixth soul skill is not suitable for long-range combat, and the other is that his sixth soul skill has no attack power.

Shi Lin is more inclined to the first guess.

Thinking of this, Shi Lin looked at Warner, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said: "Marco can't fly, and there is nothing he can do to defeat the opponent. Now you still believe that he will win?"

Warner rolled his eyes and praised: "There's no need to tell lies. If you ask me directly, I can tell you everything I know. There's no need to tell lies with your eyes open."

Warner, a great soul master, can also tell who is occupying the top position on the field.

Marco was pressing Yu Yuanqian on the court, and Yu Yuanqian was forced to fly up and down, unable to advance or retreat.

As soon as Yu Yuanqian retreated, Marco hit Yu Yuantao, forcing Yu Yuanqian to stay within Marco's bombing range. He wanted to get close but was wounded all over by the bombardment.

Not feeling embarrassed about being exposed through the stone forest, he followed the pole and asked directly: "How much do you know about Marco's soul skills?"

Warner said: "Five years ago, he became a Soul Saint, as he wrote in a letter. Once his other side's true body is used, he can use it without restrictions. For thirty minutes, all soul skills below the seventh ring except the martial soul's true body will be as powerful as the original. One hundred and fifty percent."

"Every time you use it, your own attributes will be weakened by 50% within seven days."

Warner glanced at Stone Forest and said quietly: "Now you understand why I trust Marco so much!"

Shi Lin's heart skipped a beat and he understood: "Such a martial soul avatar is a perfect match for a fifth group attack soul skill."

Within thirty minutes, unlimited firepower.

Just looking at Yu Yuanqian's current situation on the field, you can understand how strong he is.

Yu Yuanqian only had one option: escape directly. Unfortunately, he was from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, so he had a tough bone.

Maybe he was alone and he would choose to run away.

"What is Marco's sixth soul skill?" Shi Lin continued to ask.

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Shi Lin touched his smooth chin, thinking that he even told the secret of the martial soul's true form, but did not mention the sixth soul skill. This soul skill must have something special.

Looking at Marco in the battle, I felt that he was enveloped in a mysterious red light.

At the same time, more doubts came to mind. Looking back from the time I met Marco to now, I could only tell from his eyes that he was not a normal soul master. He even had a refreshing fragrance on his body.

Shi Lin asked Warner again: "I have a doubt. He is an evil soul master who consumes flesh and blood to improve his cultivation. Simon and others all have a strong smell of blood on their bodies. Why doesn't his body even smell of flowers?"

"Alas!" Warner sighed and said regretfully: "Have you ever seen a flower that turned smelly after absorbing rice fields? Marco Wuhun Higan flower sucks flesh and blood, just like plants absorb nutrients, with almost no side effects."

Warner shook his head and continued to add: "It's a pity that Marco is not a real plant. He can only guarantee that he will not smell bad. After Simon and others ate the other side flower, although they also became powerful, they became neither human nor ghost. .”

Shi Lin's eyes gradually turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "You also wanted to eat the other side flower to upgrade, but the side effects were too great so you gave up. Instead, you helped him catch blood food. You must have wanted to wait until he was stronger to eliminate the side effects before eating it?"

"You cover him up in court, while he grows silently in the wild."

The real mastermind behind the scenes was actually in front of the stage. This was something Shi Lin didn't expect. Marco is his pawn.

"Your guess is basically correct." Warner glanced at Shi Lin with admiration and said loudly: "Who doesn't want to become a high-level soul master? Marco and I only have level 1 innate soul power. Look at him and then look at me."

Warner looked at the mighty Marco with envy, and said calmly: "Twenty years ago, Marco was level 20, 20 years ago he was level 15, and five years ago he was promoted to level 21. Now five years have passed, you can think about it. How powerful he is.”

"What about me? I'm still a level 23 soul master after decades. I gave up training very early. I fully support him in the hope that one day I can become a high-level soul master."

Upgrading to level 5 in one year is more powerful than Shi Lin's own cultivation method, which is very tempting.

But I don’t know how many lives it took in exchange for it.

His parents died tragically because of this.

Now that the culprit was face to face, Shi Lin's eyes were slightly red, and his murderous aura could not be suppressed, and he wished he could kill him immediately.

Shi Lin took a deep breath to suppress his murderous intent and said coldly: "What is your purpose? I don't believe you just give up like this."

No matter what his purpose was, knowing that he was behind the scenes deepened Shi Lin's determination to kill him.

Warner smiled calmly: "Guess!"

I do not guess you guess guess?

Shi Lin took out the sword made by Tang Hao, placed it on Warner's neck, and stared at him coldly.

Warner's expression was stagnant, remembering the bad memories of last night, his expression was unnatural, and he said: "I have given up. I will give up when the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex dies."

"We cannot see the light. Now we are exposed to the sight of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and cannot escape."

Warner had already guessed that Shi Lin was the man in black last night. After all, Shi Lin just changed his clothes and put his sword into the soul guide, and his body shape and voice remained the same.

"Alas!" Warner said as if he were mourning his concubine: "You forced me through threats. At that time, I judged that you and your power were not strong. I have confidence in my slave hunting group, and I will use my plan to stabilize you and wait to kill you together the next day. kill."

"Otherwise, what a coincidence. A group of people just happened to come back. They have been hiding in the city. They are the people I recruited to deal with you."

Shi Lin's heart trembled, and his murderous aura became even stronger.

Warner slumped down in his chair, with a look of reluctance on his face: "I am the only one who knows the whole plan. It started smoothly, until the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect appeared, and I knew the plan failed."

"Marco and I can't compete with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. The three upper sects are too strong."

Shi Lin felt something in his heart. The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect sent out a Soul Saint and seven Soul Emperors just to hunt down one of his Soul Lords. It was not imprudent.

It can be seen from this that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect will definitely have a lot of high-end combat power. Even if one wave is repelled, there will be a second wave.

Warner continued: "The team that Marco and I have cultivated for twenty years was just destroyed against a small team from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect."

"Twenty years ago, we started to establish the Soul Hunting Group, recruiting civilian geniuses, and developed bit by bit to reach the scale it is today."

"Now there is nothing left, just waiting to die."

Warner closed his eyes in resignation.

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