[Douluo] Natural Sword Bones

Chapter 18 Heading to the Star Forest (3 in 1

There was nothing to prepare during the day's rest. Chen Yi took stock and found that everything he needed was in the soul guide stored in the bracelet, so he meditated on the bed, and the soul power cycle continued all night.

Cultivation is also a good way to avoid overloading the brain. After entering the deep circulation, the external perception gradually becomes blurred, like an enhanced version of noise reduction processing. Although it is still sensitive, it is not uncomfortable at all.

When they gathered in the small square early the next morning, Zhao Wuji was already waiting there.

He stood with his arms folded, and there was a strong aura of displeasure all over his body.

Zao Wou-ki did look a bit embarrassed, there were at least three bruises on his face that hadn't faded away, especially the image of a panda eye in the orbit of his left eye, which really made people laugh.

Ma Hongjun froze in the middle of a yawn. He quickly shut up. Feeling novel again, he took a few peeks with the mood of "It's so weird, let's take another look."

Others, including Chen Yi, were a little stunned, but they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to say anything.

Just kidding, even Chen Yi thought that at full strength he was just cutting some of Zhao Wuji's skin, who could transform this powerful Vajra Bear into such a miserable appearance...

Dean Flender probably wouldn't be so harsh.

Zhao Wuji stared at Chen Yi for a long time with a strange look, and then moved to Tang San. After receiving the other party's calm gaze, he looked away, blew out air from his nose, and said in a loud voice: "Oscar, sausage!"

As soon as Oscar saw his appearance, he began to recite the soul curse, and at this time, he handed over three sausages. Zao Wuji hummed and ate while the scars on his face that were visible to the naked eye faded and finally disappeared.

Dai Mubai secretly gave Chen Yi a look.

Dai Mubai: Who hit him?

Chen Yi: I don’t know.

Tang San didn't even fight Zhao Wuji. Barrage analysis - Zhao Wuji couldn't have been beaten by Tang Hao, so where did the panda eyes come from?

The others watched with eyes, nose and heart, silently waiting for Zhao Wuji to speak again.

Zhao Wuji felt the sausage turn into a surge of pure soul power, slowly making up for his loss. His face felt a little itchy, thinking that the wound was slowly healing.

He couldn't help but think of that suffering night——

"I have no intention of interfering with my son's studies here, but as a father and a teacher, I have to look after him, don't you think so, Zhao Wuji?"

The white-clothed and white-haired swordsman waved away his martial spirit, and the sharp sword light was as cold as his pale eyes.

"Using a sword is too much to bully others. In this case, Your Excellency Haotian, please be a witness - you boy, take a few moves from me."

At that time, Zao Wuji did not expect to face directly. It should be said that the swordsman's control was amazing. He received several punches in the face, but they only hurt and looked miserable - at least there were no fractures.

Zhao Wuji came back to his senses, stretched out his finger to touch the corner of his mouth, and said roughly: "Dai Mubai, you make arrangements."

"Yes, Teacher Zhao," Dai Mubai nodded, took two steps forward, turned to everyone, and said loudly: "This trip to the Star Dou Forest is more dangerous, and we need to maintain formation throughout the process. After entering the forest, for thousands of years, Teacher Zhao will not take action against the following soul beasts, so we must pay more attention to them."

"Now the formation distribution," Dai Mubai paused, "Tang San, you and I will take the lead in the front, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Ao, you two will follow us, Fatty and Xiao Wu will be in the middle on the wings, Brother Yi , Zhu Zhuqing is at the end of the team—Brother Yi, you are mainly responsible for breaking up the rear."

"Understood." Chen Yi nodded.

This formation allocation was quite reasonable. Chen Yi had never been exposed to group combat before, so he found it interesting for a while, so he went with Dai Mubai's arrangement.

The strongest among them is Chen Yi, and having him take on the role of breaking up the rearguard provides a layer of insurance for the industry; in the previous battles, Dai Mubai was deeply impressed by Tang San's ability. He is slightly inferior to Tang San in terms of perception and reaction capabilities, but in terms of "path opening" and "detection", the two of them can achieve good results when working together.

If there is an emergency, Ning Rongrong and Oscar's support will mainly focus on the two forwards, but generally speaking, the two need to ensure the battery life of the entire team. The attack-type spirit masters on both wings—Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun—are responsible for protecting and assisting, and at the same time assisting the forwards in attacking.

Zhu Zhuqing was responsible for most of the reconnaissance tasks. Chen Yi was highly mobile and could respond to emergencies in a timely manner.

Of course there was no carriage in the academy, so I had to run to the forest from the moment I left the village. Fortunately, I had great assistance, so I didn't lose much energy during the run.

Eat Oscar's sausage once an hour and you'll be able to keep moving at full speed without feeling tired. Ning Rongrong has become proficient in controlling distractions and has mastered the four orifices, vaguely touching the edge of the fifth orifices, and can occasionally assist five people at once while running.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar each had their own strengths in support, so they received the best treatment in the team - Chen Yi's self-created soul skill "Gift Sword", which allows the sword in the soul ring to be drawn out and used briefly by the recipient of the sword. Under the overlay of "Flying with Sword" and "Giving Sword", the two assistants couldn't keep up with their physical strength. One had a flute and a sword in the box, and they flew at low altitude with their swords.

With short hands, Chen Yi naturally became the key support target after the forwards.

"There's still an hour until sunset."

Chen Yi looked at the horizon, then turned to ask Zhao Wuji: "Shall we rest in this town?"

After spending most of the day traveling more than 400 miles, we were very close to the Star Forest. A few people stopped outside the town. Considering the problems of supplies and journey, Zhao Wuji thought about it and said happily: "Okay, let's find a hotel to stay for one night before leaving... Just that hotel, don't run around at night, go to bed early, get up early tomorrow, and disband!"

Oscar and Ma Hongjun immediately cheered, dragging the unsuspecting Dai Mubai from left to right and rushed into the town, directly to the food stall.

Ning Rongrong had just lowered her flying sword, and her face looked a little weak. She breathed a sigh of relief, took Zhu Zhuqing's arm, whispered a few words and walked to the hotel that Zhao Wuji had just designated.

Xiao Wu pulled Tang San and stared at the surrounding shops, then turned to whisper, as if seeking Tang San's opinion.

Chen Yi... Chen Yi followed Ning Rongrong at a short distance, planning to go to the hotel to rest first - the noisy environment was not suitable for him, and he needed to be energetic to facilitate tomorrow's actions.

I got a single room next to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong's double room.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and fell into trance for a while, vaguely sensing the fluctuations in the outside world - Chen Yi only felt that someone seemed to be fighting downstairs. Not only were there chaotic shouts, but the sound of breaking wooden tables and chairs struck his heart... On the bus.

So Chen Yi frowned, his soul power cycle was quite bumpy.

He couldn't help but open his eyes and turned his head to see that night was falling outside the window. He had been in the room for almost two hours.

Thinking that the others would come back to grab some food after visiting the town, Chen Yi stood up and took a look at who was downstairs who dared to make loud noises in public and disturb people's dreams.


"Brother Yi, someone is looking for trouble!"

The first floor of this hotel is a restaurant, which is not large, but it is divided into three distinct groups at this time - the people from Shrek, the people from the Strange Soul Master Academy, and the crowd watching the fun.

Seeing Chen Yi walking down the stairs with a sullen expression, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's eyes flashed at the same time and they spoke out.

The stairs happened to be on this side of Canghui Academy. Listening to the arrogant Boundless people opposite, who seemed to be the backbone of the scene, Canghui students turned curiously to see who was here.


Chen Yi was noncommittal and walked slowly towards Shrek under all kinds of appraising eyes. Perhaps his expression was too cold, and with his striking appearance and aristocratic temperament, he seemed to be a man with full say. For a moment, the crowd gave him a way, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Finally, he stood in front of Dai Mubai and said, "Mubai, what's going on?"

Dai Mubai had just been possessed by his martial soul for a short time, and the strange light in his evil eyes flashed but did not subside. He looked at Chen Yi's somewhat amiss expression, and his aura weakened slightly: "Brother Yi, we are friendly with that academy across the way. Let’s discuss and exchange ideas.”

Chen Yi immediately understood what this was about. He turned around and faced Canghui Academy again, without forgetting to say: "We have important things to attend to during this trip, so we should try to cause as little trouble as possible. Even small bugs are always there." The buzzing in my ears is also very annoying.”

Dai Mubai's eyes lit up and he laughed without shame.

Several other members of Shrek also laughed. Ning Rongrong stepped forward and tugged Chen Yi's sleeves, stood on tiptoe and whispered: "Chen Chen, that person is their teacher. He asked us which college or sect we are from. I didn't say. .”

"Well done, don't worry about others outside." Chen Yi patted her head and met the eyes of the instructor opposite.

"Is your boy in charge of affairs in your college?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Chen Yi with fear. He was a soul king. As a teacher at Canghui College, he was about to teach the brat opposite him a lesson. Who knew that someone else suddenly appeared. This young man's soul power fluctuated unstablely. Although slightly weaker than him, his aura is awe-inspiring no matter how restrained he is.

——It’s a tough one.

Ye Zhiqiu had some concerns in his heart, and he softened his words unconsciously: "I am a teacher at Canghui College, Ye Zhiqiu. Take care of your students, and just apologize to us for today's matter, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Oh, Canghui College... rubbish."

Chen Yi didn't deny being "in charge of things". He looked away and glanced at the few students who were holding up behind Ye Zhiqiu. They had obviously just made a move, and their faces were pale from the collision of soul power.

"You are not qualified to accept my apology, or our apology."

Chen Yi stated: "The strong are respected, and the strong are justice. If you fight with us, if you are not as good as others, just crawl away."

"You, you... are very good, very good!" Ye Zhiqiu's face turned red and white. He laughed angrily and led the students out of the hotel first, "Let's go! I don't dare to come, it's my grandson!"

When Ye Zhiqiu and his group left the hotel, Chen Yi turned around. Facing the excited faces of everyone in Shrek, he sighed helplessly and said, "Why do you cause trouble as soon as you come... Even though the old owl said, 'I dare not "You are a mediocre person who causes trouble", but you don't say "You are a genius who dares to cause trouble". We are about to enter the forest. It is one thing to have one less thing to do. Wouldn't it be better to take more rest? With Xiao'ao and Rongrong's assistance, won't you be tired? ah?"

Ma Hongjun was the first to speak out, with a small voice: "Brother Yi, but you were so handsome just now..."


Chen Yi stretched out his hand and pressed the little fat man's head. He said fiercely: "You don't understand, do you? Even if you really cause trouble, you have to be tougher. Even if Teacher Zhao doesn't come down today, we have to settle the matter ourselves! Fatty, you and me I'll fight that teacher together, he has water attributes, you can defeat him."

"Take me one." Tang San interrupted, smiling, turning his palms, and a bluesilver grass faintly drew strips, "Such a good practical experience."

"Brother Yi." Zhu Zhuqing nodded to Chen Yi from the back row, indicating that he would also join.

Xiao Wu consciously stood next to Tang San, pulled the boy's shoulders, and said with a smile: "It's super fun - I'll come too!"

Oscar looked left and right, then scraped the tip of his nose and said confidently: "That's enough sausage tube!"

Ning Rongrong wore a harmless smile and stood beside Chen Yi, directly expressing her support.

Dai Mubai, who was face to face with Chen Yi, naturally had nothing to say. He laughed and said, "Brother Yi, I'll let you decide."

Chen Yi nodded and led everyone outside, while saying: "He is very likely to be a defensive soul master - his soul power fluctuates very smoothly, and his soul skills should also be defensive. Although his level is higher than ours, he is not There is no extremely powerful attack method.

"My main force, Mubai and Tang San, you two will follow me to contain the teacher, Zhuqing and Xiaowu will interfere and take turns to respond. Ma Hongjun, you attack from a long range, Oscar will mainly provide Ma Hongjun. Rongrong, look for the right point, the focus is down. I, Mubai, and Tang San have enough energy to take care of Xiao Wu and the others."

"Copy that!" Several people replied in unison, looked at each other again, and laughed.

The five soul rings hanging on Ye Zhiqiu's body are very eye-catching, but when the fight really starts, Shrek and the others are not conceited, especially Chen Yi, who is leading the battle, staring at Ye Zhiqiu calmly.

He even took the time to glance at the barrage.

[Hey, it’s this old bastard]

[It’s Xuangui who said it’s so hurtful! 】

[This person is easy to fight]

[Zhao Wuji will come down later and end the battle with a draw]

[Oh no, look, Teacher Zhao is standing on the balcony of the hotel]

【yeah? Is he watching? 】

[This plot is a little different from the original work...]

[hhhh Yi Bao’s arrangement is actually similar to the original work]

[But with one more anchor, it will be easier to fight, right? 】

[The anchor is almost level 48? 】

[The first time the Seven Monsters join a group? 】

[It seems so, the fighting spirit has not been ranked seven versus seven yet]

[Wait a minute, including Yi Bao, there are eight people! 】

[The Shrek Eight Monsters? 】

【yue is so weird】

【The dust is beautiful! ! ! 】

[Shrek Seven Monsters and a plug-in x]

[How can you lose (annoyed)]


Four layers of soul rings emerged from under his feet one after another, and Chen Yi pulled out the flute sword from it, kicking off the battle.

In an instant, the three of them started to move at the same time. The second soul ring on Dai Mubai's body shone brightly. The intense white light condensed into a ball. A round light bullet was spit out from his mouth. It was the second soul of the evil-eyed white tiger. Ring skill, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

Tang San's figure flashed, and in conjunction with his strange body movements, he took a few steps from the other direction to close the distance. The blue silver grass in his hand spread out and rushed towards Ye Zhiqiu, who was possessed by the martial spirit!

Ma Hongjun's first soul skill - Phoenix Fire Line followed closely, and the scorching purple-red fire line distorted the surrounding air with high temperature.

The next moment, two soul rings on Ye Zhiqiu flashed——

The first soul skill·Xuanshui body protection!

The second soul skill: Xuanshui Frozen!

At the same time, Ning Rongrong's closed palms spread out, and the pagoda overflowing with brilliance slowly turned out. The light that symbolized the bonus of strength and speed enveloped Dai, Tang, and Ma who launched the attack.

Chen Yi disappeared as soon as the battle started. Ning Rongrong, who was more familiar with the rhythm of his attacks, did not rush to buff Chen Yi. She stared at the battle with a high degree of concentration.

The white tiger's fierce light wave and the phoenix's line of fire hit hard on the black turtle's shell. Ye Zhiqiu seemed not to hear it, and the black light like flowing water rushed over overwhelmingly with the air of ice.

The blue silver grass was a little sluggish due to the extremely cold air, so it took two steps to catch up with Ye Zhiqiu, but it also blocked Ye Zhiqiu's sight. Chen Yi's slash was launched from the blind corner of the line of sight, and the first and second soul skills were superimposed. The blade refracted, and in an instant, more than seven sword cuts cut through the hunting sound!

Ye Zhiqiu reacted very quickly, retracting his head into the tortoise shell to avoid the most fatal blow to the head. The remaining slashes struck the tortoise shell that was covered with thick defense, but it shocked his stomach and back.

What a strong force!

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked. The young man holding the sword was obviously in the late stage of the Soul Sect and was not far away from breaking through to the Soul King. With such a gap in soul power, the young man's attack put great pressure on him! What a level of genius this is! Although the others are slightly inferior and their cooperation is not so smooth, they are still able to attack together and make up for their shortcomings... Which college is this? Is it rich in monsters? !

Ye Zhiqiu's heart sank, and he no longer hesitated, launching his third soul skill - Xuanshui Stirring! Black light suddenly appeared, and a cold current erupted, sweeping around indiscriminately.

But seeing Dai Mubai, who had just launched the attack, pull away, Tang San grabbed the bluesilver grass with one hand and used a kite style to avoid the cold wave. He used a combination of parasitism and entanglement while easily avoiding the cold wave, and attacked Ye Zhiqiu with minimal paralysis and toxicity.

The first round of attack rotation——

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu faced the joint attack of melee soul master Xiao Wu and agile attack soul master Zhu Zhuqing!

When the two girls passed Dai Mubai and Tang San, they handed each other Oscar's sausage, allowing them to recover for a while. For a moment, pink light and black and purple light intertwined, weaving a "net" that caught people off guard.

The support from Qibao Glazed Pagoda fell in time.

One day of power - the first soul skill: Waist Bow!

The second is speed - the first soul skill: Netherworld Thrust! The second soul skill·Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!

Xiao Wu's agility in close combat and the speed boosted by Zhu Zhuqing's soul skill were enough for them to avoid the third soul skill of the black turtle. The purple-black light phantom and the pink soft light clung to the pitch-black turtle shell one after another!

Ding ding ding ding——

Leg whip! Arm lock! Side kick!

Hand knife! Thrust! A hundred blows in a row!

Under the dazzling attack, what suddenly appeared was a clear sword light——

Characteristics of Flute Sword: Chord. After an attack hits, it accumulates a chord. The five chords release damage equivalent to the minimum attack power of 100 and the maximum of 200.

The pale golden notes resonate with the rushing sword blade!

That sword was so swift that it was impossible to capture its momentum!

That sword is so cunning, and you are powerless to defend against it!

That sword was so sharp that it penetrated the tortoise shell with one blow!

"Uh! Cough, cough!"

Ye Zhiqiu's face was gloomy. After suffering nearly a hundred blows, his protective tortoise shell was broken by Chen Yi's sudden sword. He took a few steps back, distanced himself, and reached out to cover his bleeding shoulder, "I lost."

Chen Yi was speechless. He took a breath and slowly sheathed his sword. The two girls, one delicate and the other cold, also stood beside Chen Yi, staring closely at Ye Zhiqiu, who looked dejected.

Having said that, Ye Zhiqiu withdrew his gaze - he was close enough to see clearly - these little brats also said "there is no sect" and even reported themselves to an unknown college... Which unknown pheasant college would dare to accept them? A direct disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect!

The little girl who has been standing in the back row is a direct disciple of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect... She has the martial spirit of the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, and Ye Zhiqiu definitely did not admit it wrong.

Although Ye Zhiqiu is the Soul King and Canghui College is considered a famous college, it is still not good enough for the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects.

He looked fearful and looked at several people again and again. In the end, he still didn't want to cause too much trouble and offend people who shouldn't be offended. He whispered: "You guys are very capable. I lost this time. I represent Canghui Academy apologizes to all the students for what happened in the hotel."

The students from Canghui College who were watching the battle lowered their heads and remained silent, but no one was unconvinced.

Even if several people fight against Teacher Ye Zhiqiu together, although they win in numbers, the gap in soul power cannot be easily made up. Among those few people, there is only one soul sect and one soul master, and the others are all great soul masters... But in a short battle Faintly surpassing Teacher Ye, who is the Soul King!

However, Teacher Ye did not bully the juniors when he came up, nor did he immediately use the fourth or fifth soul skills...

Chen Yi took a long time to calm down the soul power in his body. Everyone in Shrek seemed to be waiting for him to speak, but just looked at the opposite side quietly.

"It doesn't matter, we are also responsible for the conflict in the hotel just now." Chenyi said expressionlessly, politely saying that he was also at fault, but he didn't have any regrets at all, "Thank you also to Canghui Academy for the discussion and guidance. It was really a pleasant exchange. .”


[What a wonderful battle, even I feel excited]


【Polite and Friendly】

[Hey, hey, hey, you were so tense before the fight! 】

[Did you notice Ye Zhiqiu’s eyes? Hahahahahahaha]

[Under pressure from the Qibao Glazed Sect]

【A helpless move】


[Hahaha, this is different from the original work]

[Who stipulates that the original work should be used]

[Zhao Wuji was obviously watching the show...he turned around and went back to his room! 】

[I just can’t stand the isolation of Ning Rongrong in the original work...]

[Who likes Ning Rongrong’s dog-like temper in the original novel? ? ? 】

[If we were on friendly terms at that time, would Ning Rongrong just show off her identity and show off her face? ! 】

[Don’t listen to the nonsense. This person is outside and there is no Titled Douluo to protect him. I will blow my identity in case anything happens.]

[It would be boring to report your identity directly, but it will only make people convinced after a fight]

【That is to say...】

[MVP of this game——Chen Yi! 】

【Spread flowers, sprinkle flowers! 】


There were no entertainment activities in the evening, so it was good to take the time to rest. As soon as it dawned the next day, Zao Wuji shouted one by one to prepare for departure.

Oscar originally walked out with his eyes closed and a slumped face, but suddenly he thought that he was going to get his third soul ring. He suddenly became energetic and even stuffed a sausage into the mouth of Ma Hongjun, who was sleepy and slow to move: "Fat man! Go to sleep. A ball! Get up!"

Ma Hongjun was so startled that he suddenly woke up and rolled his eyes, but he did not refuse the free sausage and ate it as a snack.

Zhu Zhuqing was used to getting up early and woke up his roommate Ning Rongrong in advance, so the two girls were in good condition when they came out together.

Xiao Wu stayed in a room with Tang San at night, and when they came out together arm in arm, they received unanimous stares from all the male compatriots. Because Xiao Wu was so sleepy that she hung on Tang San's shoulder, she didn't receive anyone's gaze. Tang San instead smiled bitterly and said, Pretending to be calm and calm, I explained the cliche "brother and sister" reasons to everyone.

...and naturally received another disdainful snort.

Chen Yi was used to practicing instead of sleeping, and was in good condition when he was about to set off. When he was about to enter the forest, he also activated his self-created soul skill "Giving Sword". The dragon chanted in the box to Oscar and the flute sword to Ning Rongrong. This was an extra point. Assure.

After entering the forest, Zao Wuji's spirit became tense. He became more serious and repeatedly told him not to leave his body for more than 20 meters.

After getting the small detoxification sausages and the large recovery sausages made by Oscar in advance, the team went deeper into the forest, and the team became quiet. For a while, they could only hear the sounds of the spirit beasts moving inside the forest and the footsteps of their movements.

Chen Yi and Dai Mubai took turns clearing the way. The Star Dou Forest had not been thoroughly developed. If you took only two steps, you would encounter entangled vines and tangled thorns.

"Do you want to get rid of that group of small spirit beasts?" Dai Mubai glanced at the groundhog-like spirit beasts in twos and threes in front of him on the left, and asked Chen Yi next to him in a low voice.

"That's a rodent. It's unnecessary. Don't kill at will. Remember to conserve your strength." Chen Yi shook his head, "Just pretend you didn't see it."


Dai Mubai reached out and used his sharp tiger claws to tear off the long vine hanging in front of his eyes.

But he didn't want a small snake to fall from his head at the same time, and it was about to burrow through the collar of Dai Mubai's neck——

Tang San took a step forward and passed Oscar, his eyes flashed with purple meaning, his hands changed jade color, and two meters away, he pulled the little snake away with an understatement and gently threw it into the bushes in the distance.

Dai Mubai noticed the movement and tilted his head slightly: "Thanks, brother."

"It's a small matter," Tang San stopped, "You guys can clear the way with peace of mind, I will try my best to help you."

Originally, Chen Yi and Dai Mubai walked in the front, followed by Ning Rongrong and Oscar, one on the left and one on the right, followed by Zhao Wuji. Behind him was Xiao Wu, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing occasionally went up the tree to scout. Now there were three people opening the road, advancing in an inverted triangle shape. Zhao Wuji simply carried the two assistants behind and walked behind.

After traveling for about an hour, it was noon, and the sunlight above cast a few spots of light through the sparse forest windows. The Star Forest is really too dense. The height of the trees here is often twenty meters high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it blocks out the sky and the sun.

After finding a relatively safe place, Zhao Wuji gave the order to repair it for an hour. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and worked together to clear an open space of nearly 100 square meters, and sat down to eat some dry food.

After only resting for half an hour, Chen Yi suddenly stood up with a serious look on his face.

"Something is coming!"

In an instant, everyone turned over and stood up at the same time, and their martial spirits were activated.

Tang San and Dai Mubai tacitly blocked Ning Rongrong and Oscar, while Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were ready to attack.

Ma Hongjun did not dare to set fire in the forest, but just followed Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji and Tang San sensed it a little slower than Chen Yi. Zhao Wuji said warily: "Chen Yi, go and see what it is."

Chen Yi responded and flew up to the treetops with one step of his sword. His senses doubled and he received feedback almost at the same time.

"Cockscomb snake, about seven and a half meters long, light red wings - from 1300 to 1800, flying fast, three meters above the ground, it happened to be injured."

Listening to his detailed description, everyone below had strange expressions.

Tang San's eyes lit up as he listened: "Oscar! This third spirit ring is suitable for you! It can provide speed bonuses!"

The snake-like soul beast made a rustling sound through the woods and was approaching. He knew it was a big guy when he heard it. Zhao Wuji quickly asked: "Are you sure it's a crested phoenix?"

Chen Yi fixed his gaze on a certain direction and pulled out the sacrificial sword, "My perception is not wrong. Snakes are afraid of birds of prey. Ma Hongjun is assisting me. Tang San is restraining...here he comes!"

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