Douluo's Bird of Time

Chapter 9 Martial Spirit

"Everyone in the world has a martial soul. The martial souls are divided into two categories, the weapon soul and the animal martial soul. As the name suggests, those who use equipment as their martial soul are weapon souls, and those who use animals as their martial souls are animal martial souls. Soul. I believe you already know these basic knowledge." Tang San said, "Next, I will tell you about soul masters."

"There are a very small number of people whose martial souls can be cultivated. These people are soul masters. They are the noblest profession in Douluo Continent. They can be powerful warriors or have excellent auxiliary abilities. Soul masters all have their own Martial soul power, according to the strength of the soul power, is divided into ten major titles, and each title is divided into ten levels. The first entry is called soul warrior, followed by soul master, great soul master, soul master, soul king, Soul Emperor, Soul Saint, Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo!"

Tang San didn't tell Jiuchao any more rumors about a Soul Saint coming out of Holy Soul Village before. After all, he didn't know whether it was true or not. He lowered his head and asked the child: "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Jiuchao nodded obediently. In the past, he only knew Titled Douluo, because many of them were hundred thousand year spirit beasts and they said to be careful of the strongest Titled Douluo in mankind, the one hundred thousand that allowed him to transform. Nian Soul Beast also reminded him that he must be careful not to be discovered by Titled Douluo after transforming. Now his knowledge in this area can be considered complete.

"Then let me test whether you remember it or not." Tang San smiled. The two children cuddled tightly together, chatting in low voices, occasionally mixed with laughter. They looked peaceful and happy. As time passed, the stars changed. The night is getting darker...

Three days later, after breakfast, Tang San did not let Jiuchao go out to play, but asked him to wait at home. Today, Old Jack would take them to awaken the martial arts, and Tang San didn't want Jiuchao to miss it.

"Xiao San, Xiao Jiu! Grandpa is here to pick you up." Not long after, Tang San, who was blacksmithing, and Jiu Chao, who was huddled in a corner in silence and daze, heard Old Jack's voice coming from outside the door.

Jiuchao jumped up quickly, couldn't wait to open the door and ran out, shouting sweetly: "Grandpa Jack!"

As for whether he ran so fast because he missed old Jack, or because he wanted to hide from Tang Hao who was also in the house, this is a matter of opinion.

This time bird that has lived for an unknown number of years doesn't feel guilty or embarrassed at all when calling someone else's grandfather, and it doesn't violate any rules. Old Jack touched his head and showed a kind smile, "Xiao Jiu, have you had breakfast?"

"Have eaten." Jiuchao replied.

In the house, Tang San said to Tang Hao beside him: "Dad, let's go."

Tang Hao said coldly: "Go, don't delay lunch."

Tang San and Jiuchao held hands and followed Old Jack to the Spirit Hall in the center of the village. As the most powerful force in the Douluo Continent, Wuhun Palace basically has branches in various places, but the difference is in size.

There were a total of nine children participating in the Wuhun Awakening Ceremony this year. Tang San and Jiuchao were the last ones to arrive. None of the other children liked Tang San and Jiuchao very much, and no one paid them any attention. After all, children dislike the poor and love the rich. There also exists in the world, but Tang San and Jiuchao are very indifferent to this. One of them is busy cultivating, and the other is a hundred thousand year soul beast incarnation. They can't play with these children, even those who play outside every day. Jiuchao didn't get along with the children in the village, he only needed Tang San.

In addition to the nine children and the village elder Jack, there was also a handsome young man in his twenties, wearing a white suit and a black cloak, with a black soul word the size of a fist on his chest - obviously, These are the members of the Wuhun Palace who helped them awaken their Wuhun.

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