Amy hugged the charcoal ball more tightly with vigilance, stared at them, and asked: "What do you want to do?"

Ginny squeezed in from behind them and sat on the seat opposite Amy while saying, "Every other place is too full! Amy, can we sit here?"

"Uh~ This..." Amy almost agreed. However, it's okay for Ginny to sit here, but the other two people...

"Then we're not welcome!" Fred and George said this at the same time, then barged in and sat on either side of Amy.

Amy was so frightened that she shrank her arms, and had to muster the courage to shout at them: "You...go away!"

However, the voice was not loud, and because she was holding her throat unconsciously due to nervousness, and with a slight remnant of crying, it seemed a bit delicate and unintimidating.

If this doesn’t work, you can do that! So Amy immediately got up and sat down with Ginny.

Unexpectedly, the two men grabbed her hand from the left and right, and pulled it back effortlessly.

After that, Amy's face turned pale, her breathing became a little messy, her eyes looked directly at Ginny, and she prayed: "Ginny... help me..."

Ginny was not worried at all, but instead laughed: "Don't be so scared! Fred has something to say to you!" Then she looked at the person next to the window on her right.

So, this is Fred on the right? Is this George on the left?

This is the moment when Amy is most certain of their identities to this day.

Fred said: "We didn't mean it when we were in the car just now!"

"Isn't this intentional?" Amy decisively refused to believe his lies and took out all the big scorpions. Wasn't this intentional? That was all intentional, okay?

George said, "We apologize!"

"Where's your sincerity?" Amy looked around at the two people who seemed to be holding her hostage. They didn't look like they were apologizing.

Then, I saw Fred wink at George again, and George started to dig in his pocket again.

Amy felt panicked, because every time this situation occurred, what George took out must not be something good.

What he took out this time was another small box. Probably seeing that she was too timid to take it, George helped her open it again, revealing two small hairpins.

They are the kind of hairpins that are very common in the Muggle world, each with two small red cherries inlaid on them.

Amy's eyes were full of surprise. She looked at the two small hairpins again and again, and then looked at the expressions of Fred and George. She wondered again and again, would a boy choose such small jewelry as a gift?

He also has a very good eye, and Amy especially likes it.

George said: "Fred and I will each give one as a gift!"

Fred pointed to the four small cherries: "These are made of rubies we found in the pyramid!"

Ginny smiled across from her: "How was it? Not bad, right?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Amy put the charcoal ball back on her lap, stretched out her hands to carefully pick up the small box, and carefully admired the four rubies carved into cherry shapes.

Suddenly, Amy asked curiously: "Since you have discovered the ruby, why don't you sell it? It will make a lot of money, right?"

If you can really exchange a lot of money, maybe you can improve the living standard of the Weasley family.

Fred shook his head: "It is very troublesome to change the gems into Galleons!"

George also nodded: "So we unanimously decided to give it to you!"

"A Muggle was found in that town over there—"

"——The craftsmanship of making jewelry is good——"

"——So we——"

"—Give him the gem—"

"--make him a cherry--"

"——Inlaid on the hairpin!"

Ginny was still laughing: "I was still complaining that they didn't give it to me!" But the expression on her face was not jealous or complaining at all, but she looked very happy.

Amy took a closer look, and sure enough, although the cherry on top was made of ruby, the small hairpin underneath was ordinary, made of iron or copper.

Because she really liked it, Amy took out the two small hairpins and clamped them on both sides of her hair. She made the originally loose hair expose her ears and asked Ginny: "Does it look good?"

Ginny wrinkled her nose and nodded vigorously, then smiled even wider.

Fred pursed his lips and smiled: "Can you forgive us now?"

George raised his eyebrows: "For the sake of such a great gift!"

Amy felt the corner of her mouth twitch. How could she feel like she had been slapped and given a sweet date? So she asked with a skeptical attitude: "If it didn't make me cry, wouldn't I have given this gift?"

Fred quickly shook his head: "Of course not!"

George also added: "We have been preparing for a long time!"

So, Amy threw her hand away: "So, I don't forgive you. It has nothing to do with this gift! It's two different things!"

Seeing her triumphant look, Fred glanced at George and said, "Pick it for her!"

Then the two of them worked together to push Amy onto the back of the seat and take off the hairpin from her head.

Amy resisted with both hands and shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop!"

Hearing the box door being opened again, Field shouted sharply: "What are you doing?"

Fred and George stopped and sat down in disappointment. Amy was arranging her hair and said, "It's nothing!"

Field was furious for a moment. If Amy just said "They bully people again" or something, he could pick Amy up and take her away again without saying a word. But she just said "nothing", so nothing could be done.

Neville came in behind Field. He said, "Other places are too full. Can I sit here?"

Ginny nodded and leaned towards the window, letting Neville sit down.

The train had already started, and Field did not return to the prefect's carriage. Instead, he sat next to Neville, keeping his eyes on the three people opposite.

The atmosphere was so tense that neither of them spoke anymore. Even Amy felt that the atmosphere was particularly strange, and she couldn't explain why. And it’s very strange, why did Field take the first step and sit in the ordinary carriage? Is it because the prefect car is uncomfortable?

After a few minutes, Field couldn't stand it anymore and asked Neville and Ginny, "Can you switch places with Amy?"

Neville didn't have much request at first, so he nodded and wanted to stand up, but Ginny grabbed him and signaled him not to move.

"No!" Ginny said.

George asked: "Don't you have to go back to the prefect's car?"

Fred also said: "Percy has never sat in the same box with us since he became a prefect!"

Are you trying to drive him away? Field would not just leave unless he had achieved his goal.


None of the following words were heard, because a thunder suddenly struck in the sky, and then heavy rain poured down...

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