"Jin..." As soon as Amy shouted again, she heard the roar of the basilisk, then opened its big mouth full of venom, bit Amy together with the white ball of light that protected her, and then turned around and got into the dark. Painted holes.

Amy couldn't appreciate the surrounding scenery. The basilisk was moving too fast. She could only see the two rows of venomous fangs of the basilisk and the darkness outside. It seemed like we had gone down for a long time, and we had passed through bumpy caves and long pipes. By the time he was thrown to the ground, he had arrived at a palace filled with green lights everywhere. Then the basilisk spiraled up a tall statue and got into the statue's open mouth.

Waiting until the statue's mouth closed, Amy tried to open her eyes and observed everything around her carefully.

She was thrown under the feet of the huge statue. The statue looked like a skinny monkey, but its beard was very long, hanging down to the ground.

Ginny stood beside her in a daze, still holding the foul-smelling diary in her hand.

"Where is this?" Ginny looked around in horror, and saw the blood stains on her hands. Tears flowed down uncontrollably: "I...what did I do again?"

Amy stood up, and the white sphere surrounding her slowly disappeared, seemingly ineffective. It was really dangerous. If it had failed a minute earlier, she might have been swallowed by the basilisk.

She stood in front of Ginny and asked, "Was it like this before? Opening the secret room without knowing anything?"

It was rare for Ginny to see a living person here, nodding and crying at her, and still asking: "Where are we? I want to go home!"

Amy could only go over and hug her, pat her back and comfort her: "There will be a way... for sure..."

But where exactly is this place and how to get out, Amy has no idea. The basilisk caught her here and was so confident that she didn't guard her much, so it must not be that easy to get out of here.

Suddenly, Ginny thought of something again, pushed Amy away, and hurriedly opened the diary in her hand. Sure enough, a line of words had appeared on the blank page - You will not go out again!

Ginny cried again and asked, "Why? Tom, aren't we good friends?"

The line of writing disappeared, and then another line of black writing emerged - You will die here!

Ginny cried, "I don't want to die here! Let me out!" While shouting, she threw the diary to the ground.

The diary opened automatically, and another line of words emerged - and I am about to be resurrected!

Amy frowned: "Who is Tom?"

Ginny had cried until she was kneeling on the ground, as if she could no longer hear Amy's questions.

Amy had no choice but to pinch her nose and pick up the stinking diary, and saw a few words on the cover - Tom Marvolo Riddle.

So, the "Tom" in Ginny's mouth is the owner of the diary? And also talked to Ginny through the diary?

But when Ginny opened the secret room without realizing it, was she possessed?

Ginny cried, suddenly falling over and lying face down on the ground, motionless.

Amy quickly shook her a few times and called her name: "Ginny! Wake up!"

Suddenly, she saw an unusual shadow out of the corner of her eye. It was a very vague figure that seemed to have come out of the diary. It was now standing under a pillar not far from them.

Amy turned her head and saw clearly the two rows of pillars that reached no top. Each pillar was carved with a large snake coiled around the pillars, raising its head towards the dark roof of the cave.

The person standing under the pillar was like a shadow, so blurry that only the outline could be seen. It could only be judged that he was a very tall person. He seemed to be wearing a Hogwarts robe, which was of the same old style as Myrtle.

"Who?" Amy asked warily.

The shadow ignored her, but turned around and walked behind the pillar.

"A ghost?" Amy frowned slightly and was thinking, but the answer was immediately rejected by her. Ghosts are not in this state, they are more like a shadow cast by an old projector.

"Ginny! Ginny! Don't sleep here!" Amy slapped Ginny on the cheek, trying to wake her up. But Ginny's body temperature was getting lower and lower, and her breath seemed to be gone.

Amy had no choice but to sit on the ground, hold her in her arms, and keep warm with her. She also thought about taking Ginny into the "hidden space" with her, where she would be able to rest better and be safer. But what about after hiding in? When will you come out again?

No matter when they come out, they will only come back to this place. Not only will they still not be able to find their way out, but they may also miss the person who rescues them.

This place was extremely quiet, even Amy's own breathing sounded particularly heavy. Every time he moved, the "rustling" from the friction of his clothes seemed particularly harsh.

They waited here for a long, long time, it seemed like centuries. Amy also fell asleep several times, but she didn't dare to sleep for fear that the basilisk would suddenly appear again and catch them off guard. So I could only pinch my thighs desperately to wake myself up.

Amy suddenly felt that the shadow hiding behind the pillar became clearer? You can even see his beautiful facial features carved by a knife under his black hair.

"Who are you?" Amy asked tentatively.

"I am the owner of that diary!" The man walked over slowly.

Amy couldn't believe it: "Are you Tom?"

What she was even more suspicious of was why the owner of the diary appeared in this state. Is he not dead? Or... is the person in front of him not him at all?

Amy couldn't guess.

Tom stood in front of Amy, staring down at her with his nostrils, his expression extremely cold, and he opened his mouth and said: "Ginny said you were a Mudblood... Of course, she only said you were born of a Muggle. So you became the first one. The target to be attacked! But it’s strange, why can you escape the basilisk every time?”

Amy had actually guessed a long time ago that the basilisk's target was her in the first few times. Now she just shakes her head: "I don't know! It was my intuition that told me where to go, and then I dodged a bullet."

Tom's iceberg-like face showed no expression, and he still said condescendingly: "It wasn't until you looked at the basilisk before you died that I knew that the person protecting you was a unicorn! It used a certain method to kill you. The guardian spell is stored in your body to protect your life!" After a pause, he added: "Sure enough, mudbloods have no superhuman strength! They can only rely on the protection of others! You have never become The qualifications of a wizard! You should all be removed from Hogwarts according to Slytherin's wishes!"

Although Amy was listening to him, she always felt that something was not right. Tom's image became clearer and clearer, but Ginny's body temperature became lower, her breath became weaker, and her hands and feet even began to become stiff.

"You...are sucking Ginny's life?" Amy asked him loudly.

Tom's face still showed no emotion: "As the medium that brought me from the diary to reality, as the stepping stone that allowed me to jump back into the world as a sixteen-year-old body, she should be honored!"

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