[HP] Amy Lee sleepwalks through Hogwarts

Chapter 60 The out-of-control Bludger

Harry Potter took the blame for Mrs. Norris being petrified that day because they arrived earlier than everyone else. And they were not in the auditorium during the dinner, so of course everyone thought they were caught.

When this happened, Professor Snape proposed that Harry be withdrawn from the upcoming Quidditch match and that he would never play until the investigation was clear.

"Professor Snape, I think you are seeking revenge!" Professor McGonagall said clearly: "The last time your Slytherin team clashed with the Gryffindor team, Mr. Potter was not the culprit. ! Even if you come up with such a tone, the person you want to target should not be Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw!"

Professor Snape was definitely very angry. At first, he heard that the two teams had a conflict and started fighting. He couldn't help but feel that he had found a reason for Gryffindor to withdraw from the game. But what happened in the end? Flint, the captain of Slytherin, was banned from playing. It was all the fault of that guy named Field from Ravenclaw.

The Slytherin team was now leaderless. They originally wanted to take this opportunity to ban Harry as well, so that the two sides could have another tug-of-war. Unexpectedly, McGonagall actually knew the inside story...

Therefore, Harry can still participate in Quidditch matches, Flint is still banned from playing, and a newbie who has not been trained much is the temporary substitute.

Amy was still dragged by Joey to watch the game, thinking about her Wood and not to fall down and get hurt like last time.

Angela still couldn't figure out the situation, and shouted loudly from a group of people cheering for Gryffindor: "Master Malfoy! Come on!"

"What do you want from him?" Amy was not so suspicious for the first time. What did Angela like about Malfoy?

In terms of handsomeness, is he more handsome than Cedric? In terms of badness, is it worse than Fred and George? In terms of the halo of the protagonist, of course no one can compare to Harry! In terms of knowledge, he can't even compare to Angela herself. Is it just because his family is rich?

But I have to admit that Malfoy is quite popular in Slytherin House.

The situation on the field was not a stalemate at all. Even if the captain was not present, Slytherin still had the advantage in equipment. It flew extremely fast and was 60 points ahead in a short time. As the commentator, Li Jordan became so angry that he wished he could curse Slytherin every time he opened his mouth.

"Slytherin scored his m goal again, plus his m ten points!"

"Li Jordan!" Professor McGonagall called his name sternly and reminded: "All the directors are in the stands, don't say those outrageous words!"

"I'm sorry, Professor! I will praise the team that scored the goal!" Li Qiaodan admitted his mistake quickly and continued to explain: "Look, all the Slytherin players have replaced the latest model broomsticks. That thing Children are so valuable! They are so rich! Where do they get their money?... Oh, look! Although everyone flies very fast, Slytherin's seeker flies very slowly. Who knows? Why……"

I saw a financial sponsor father in the stands who came to watch his son play, his face darkened.

Although Professor McGonagall was happy to hear it, he still wanted to save face and quietly reminded: "Li Qiaodan, don't use the loudspeaker to say these words!"

As a result, the only explanation that came from the loudspeaker was Li Qiaodan's commentary when he gave a certain team an extra point. When the loudspeaker was off, no one could hear what he said. They just looked at Professor McGonagall who was very happy listening to it. .

"If you are ahead by 160 points, even if you successfully catch the Golden Snitch, you will lose the game, right?" Amy asked Joey, mainly to relieve Joey's nervousness.

Joey nodded and said, "Yes!" But his eyes never moved away from Wood.

Suddenly, a Bludger flew straight towards Harry, almost knocking him off his broom, and then flew straight into the sky.

Wood reminded him from above Harry: "Harry, be careful!"

As soon as Harry looked up, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Be careful!"

Before Wood could react to what was going on, he was hit by the Bludger that flew back. The broomstick was smashed to pieces, and he fell from the air.

"It's over!" Joey turned around and squeezed through the crowd without saying a word, hurriedly running towards the ground.

Amy followed closely and couldn't help but sigh again: Quidditch is indeed a dangerous game... Fortunately, she didn't join...

Wood, who fell to the ground, was dragged away from the field by people who had been waiting for treatment to avoid secondary injuries.

When Joey arrived, Wood could already sit up and waved to her and said, "I'm fine! It's just that the broom broke and was dropped."

But Joey still refused to feel relieved and had to take him to Madam Pomfrey's hospital for a check-up.

Suddenly I heard the person next to me mutter: "Is that Bludger crazy?"

Wood was also helpless. "As soon as the game started, it was discovered that the Bludger was abnormal. It only chased Harry and bumped around. The other one was much more normal. It was a chasing ball without any specific target. hand."

Yes, Amy saw that scene too. This crazy Bludger kept chasing Harry, so Fred and George protected Harry on the left and right, and both held bats and repeatedly hit the Bludger towards the Slytherin players. . But the Bludger would immediately change direction and continue to hit Harry.

Amy didn't quite understand the rules and thought it was normal.

"Did someone tamper with you?" Joey frowned, turned his gaze to the stands, and saw Flint, who was suspended.

Wood shook his head: "No one has that chance!"

Amy stretched out her hand and pointed it at the crazy Bludger. Her eyes were also focused. She wanted to blow up the Bludger.

But two seconds later, he put his hand down again and said, "No! I'm afraid it will just blow up their brooms!" Then he took out his wand and tried to aim it, but it was very difficult.

"Stop, Amy!" Field appeared here again without a trace, pressed down the wand raised by Amy, and said, "You will accidentally hurt other people!"

Joey quickly asked: "Is it someone from Slytherin who did it?"

"No!" Field shook his head: "Percy and I have been paying attention to them and are sure that they have no chance of doing anything."

Just in time, with a "bang" above his head, the Bludger hit Harry's right arm. Harry flew in front of Malfoy, stretched out his left hand and grabbed him by his ear, caught the Golden Snitch, and then fell off the broom...

The professors and Gryffindor students all rushed towards Harry who fell to the ground.

Flint was cursing Malfoy for being stupid and blind because the Snitch was right next to his eyes and he couldn't see.

George stood in front of Harry, trying to catch the Bludger that hit him again, but Fred blocked him further forward, and the Bludger suddenly hit Fred's stomach...

While everyone was paying attention to Harry's broken right arm, Amy stood in front of the two people who were kneeling and crawling, finally stuffing the crazy Bludger back into the box, looking at it helplessly. them.

"Isn't your own life your own life? Why do you spend all day doing pranks and fighting for others?"

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