Fortunately, Malfoy didn't let his saliva come out too quickly, otherwise he would already regret it now.

Because Lockhart suddenly said: "At this moment today, I also want to announce something to everyone! Not long ago, I received an invitation from Dumbledore to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and I also Already agreed! So, I would like to congratulate all the students studying at Hogwarts, you will get a real me! A complete me!"

Hermione was so excited that she covered her mouth with her hands and almost screamed.

Lockhart then announced loudly: "So next, I will meet with all my classmates at Hogwarts and teach you the magic of defeating vampires and zombies in person and up close!"

Hermione was screaming with excitement and jumping around in circles.

Mrs. Weasley wasn't much better. She probably couldn't dance, so she just stood there and clapped her hands, telling the young girls around her again and again: "That's great, kids! You can see it all the time in school." Him!"

Ron expressed helplessness at this. Anyway, he really didn't know how Lockhart was worth their screams.

Amy's eyes suddenly lost their luster. As she turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, she said to herself: "I'm going to fail the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam again..."

Suddenly a person appeared. He stood in front of Amy and refused to move out of the way. Instead, he said to her: "I can give you extra lessons!"

Amy heard the familiar voice, looked up, and was slightly stunned: "Field?"

Field was smiling at her as usual, "I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Because the Hogwarts letter was delivered to them one month before the start of school, they only needed to buy everything they needed before the start of school. If you don't keep in touch, no one may know what day someone else will come to Diagon Alley.

"Uh..." Amy really didn't know what to say to him, and it was impossible to avoid him.

To use the words she said to Joey, Field was really nice, but he also really stopped her from calling. If it were you, if you knew that a person would dress you up as a princess, but you would have to wear a full set of shackles prepared by him every day, just because you look better wearing the shackles, would you be willing?

"A person who truly loves you will not be willing to wear so many shackles on you!" This was Amy's answer.

There was another commotion from Lockhart's side. The women were pushing forward to get Lockhart's autograph, and the men were squeezed out. Harry also came out, looking gray and low in energy.

Amy was just about to get curious when Field dragged her out of the bookstore and told her: "Some people will be fighting here in a while. It's safer for you to go outside."

Amy was like "???" the whole time.

Will someone get into a fight in the bookstore? How did Field know? Was it his instigation? And why?

George stood watching the whole process, and whispered to Fred in a low voice, "Why doesn't he give up?"

Fred curled up his lips and smiled so evilly: "Maybe you want to be dumped again!"

So, the two wanted to watch the show through the glass.

But the commotion behind them was even bigger, because Harry and Malfoy had a quarrel, and Ginny was ridiculed for helping Harry. Later, the fathers of both parties rushed to the scene and started fighting over a disagreement.

So Fred and George stopped caring about Amy and Field and started cheering for their own side: "Dad, beat him! Beat him!"

However, what others shouted was: "Don't fight anymore! Don't fight anymore..."

Finally, the corners of Arthur's mouth turned red, and Malfoy's father had a black eye.

Amy had only been dragged out for a while when a fight started inside. She couldn't help but be extremely surprised: "Field, how did you know they were going to fight?"

"Prediction!" Field should have been proud, but there was a wry smile on his lips: "I have told you before, my divination and prophecy is the best among the students at Hogwarts!"

"Uh...oh!" Amy didn't know whether to believe what he said. If you don't believe it, how can you explain this fight that happened right in front of you? If you believe...should you also consider believing Field's words about "falling in love with your future self"?

After thinking about it, Amy decided to treat this as two different things!

Lucius Malfoy is a very handsome middle-aged man. Both father and son have blond hair, the same pale skin, and the same thin face. There was more coldness and arrogance in those eyes than Malfoy, and he always raised his chin when speaking to anyone, as if this was the only way to show that he was superior to others.

He had just finished fighting with Arthur inside, and his eyes were still dark. As soon as he saw Field when he went out, his arrogance immediately showed up again: "Look, Draco! This is not the one who eloped with the Mudblood and gave birth to a pure The child of the disgraced woman of the Blood Wizard family? Is your name... Philip? Or Buffett?"

"It's Field, sir!" Field was not offended by this. Instead, he became more polite and compared the Malfoys and his sons who came to find trouble to clowns.

Lucius instead said: "Oh! I don't care who you are!"

The smile on Field's face became wider and more mocking: "To each other, sir!"

The muscles on Lucius's cheeks trembled, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "A mixed-race family like yours that can't do anything can only use its words in front of me!" Then he said fiercely! Shaking his head, he said, "Draco, let's go!" Then he walked very fast with the wind on his feet.

Malfoy did not rush to catch up, but stood in front of Amy first, wanting to sneer: "You actually survived?"

Amy was almost speechless: "What's wrong? If you send a few letters that make faces, I won't be able to live anymore?"

Malfoy seemed stunned for a moment, glanced nervously at Lucius, and then darkened his face and warned her: "You'd better calm down! If you don't want to die, just drop out of school!"

"Oh, I'm so scared! I was scared by you!" Although Amy said this, there was no trace of disgust on her face. In the end, she rolled her eyes and said "fuck~" at him.

Malfoy was so angry that he gave her a loud "hum" and turned around to chase his father.

Field's eyes became softer when he looked at Amy, and he couldn't help but said: "I have always felt that the two of us actually get along very well!"

"..." Amy felt the same way, but she didn't dare to say it. She was too afraid of restraint, so she wanted to keep her distance from Field.

Fred came out of the bookstore, stood on the doorstep with George, and shouted to her, "Amy, why didn't you beat him?"

George then said: "We are all waiting to see!"

Amy was stunned for a moment, then spread her hands blankly: "I forgot!"

This is equivalent to losing 20 galleons...

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